Yet not one of them will fall to the ground
apart from the will of your Father...
So don't be afraid;
you are worth more than many sparrows.
-Matthew 10: 29, 31
There are days I feel very small. Insignificant. You know too, right? Those moments when overwhelming hurts or ever-present troubles pile in front of you like Everest. When sorrows and fallen hopes bear down on you like clouds. When heavy prayers - instead of soaring upward - seem to fall to our feet like stones.
There are other days when my life feels like an exercise in futility. A flesh and blood example of chasing after the wind. A smart man I know says every person needs one of two things: to belong or to matter. Some days, we are sure we're neither: we don't belong and we don't matter. Not really. We get up. We work. We try to be happy or fight off the realization we're not. We go to bed. The next day, we do it all again. Sure, places and people and purchases break up the monotony... occasionally. But most days, we feel small. Insignificant. We're a lonely sparrow under a boundless sky.

I love the illustration Jesus gave His disciples in Matthew 10. While preparing the men to head out on their journeys, Jesus is coaching them on how to deal with trouble. How to handle rejection. And in the middle of it all, comes this: the sparrow story. Look, Jesus seems to say. You can run down to the market and buy two sparrows for a penny. To us, they're cheap eats. Chump change. They're nothing. But to your heavenly Father, they are priceless. Not one falls to the ground without His knowledge, planning, or care. So don't worry. Don't. Stop. Because if God pays this much attention to the sparrow, how much more is He paying to you? If God invests this much time and care in a sparrow, how much more does He invest in watching and caring for you?
Life gets away from us sometimes, doesn't it? And after it trails our feelings. Do I matter? Does He care? Is any of this worth it? we wonder. And to that, Jesus has already answered you: yes, yes, and yes. Your silent prayers are heard. Your desperate hopes are noted. And your life... the life you're living this very moment... isn't going unnoticed. He knows you. He sees you. He hears you.
He is, after all, the One who watches the boundless sky and counts each lonely sparrow. And you... well... you are worth all the sparrows in all the skies under His watchful eye.
“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear, And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears; Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see; His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. -Civilla D. Martin, 1905
Monday Moment is a little devotional to help kick-start your week. See you again next Monday!
Thank you Brin...I was pondering the very same bird recently...the sparrow. Yes so insignificant and yet God sees all, hears all and we do count! Everyone of us...
I will ponder this Monday Moment you shared and in the midst of some stressful times I will remember that I am somebody God sees and knows..His book says so!
God be with you...
PS...I love your new blog look! Oh and I love your house..that porch is calling me, to sit and have a tall cool drink and gaze at God's creation and chat with you of course!
Wonderful Devotional! I had a sweat shirt that had a birdhouse on it and the saying..."His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me"... I wore it a lot when I had to go to the doctor. It gave me peace and I think it helped the other patients too! I make sure I visit this blog every Monday.
I love what Scripture tells us about the sparrow - and are we not worth MUCH more? I minister in Care Centers, Assisted Living facilities and retirement living centers and I love to share the gentle story of the sparrow and how much God cares for us. Then I end by singing one of my favorite songs "His Eye is on the Sparrow". Thanks for sharing this with us today. I needed to be reminded.
Beautiful. Thank you for your lovely devotionals.
made me cry. thanks for this. connie
Beautiful. Thank you.
Ahh, again. Just what I needed to hear! Thank you so much for taking the time to write for us each Monday. Take care.
thank you Brin, I really need this right now, as I'm a master a putting myself down. I'll try and remember these words when I get this feeling of being totally useless and worthless again (one is really capable of putting oneself really really down; not good, not good at all)
Another great Monday moment, I wish your blog was made into a book so I could read it over and over!
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