The scarf from
the other day, finished. I thought of it this morning because it actually, truly feels like fall today. I just turned off the ceiling fans and am considering putting on a sweater. Imagine that... cool weather in Texas in September. Unbelievable.
See the shirt behind the scarfed mannequin? I have to tell you this story. Last week, I had the pleasure of joining a friend and Leigh McLeroy for dinner. As in, I rode with them to this white-cloth Mexican restaurant, we ate, and while our friend ran an errand, Leigh and I went to the bookstore and did that, "Have you read this? What did you think of ...?" thing that girls do in a bookstore. I had to blink a few times just to be sure: was I
really there talking books with the author of
A Beautiful Ache and
The Sacred Ordinary? Yep. Unbelievable.
But back to the restaurant. I ordered chicken something with rice and beans. It came and I ate carefully, trying to avoid the water spills or roll flingings I am famous for. (Scott - remember the time my buttered roll flew from my plate and hit Senator Sam Nunn in the back of the head?) Oh yes. I was carefully eating and thankful they don't serve rolls at Mexican restaurants when suddenly a forkful of refried beans dropped, in slow motion, on my
beautiful new shirt. There was no getting around it gracefully: in front of my favorite writer
I had dropped a glob of beans on my bust.But it gets worse. I was in a bad way, also, that day, and so when the car stopped at Target so our friend could run in to look at bicycles, I knew the following: that I really needed some Kotex and that our little grocery store would be closed by the time I got home. I
had to get it then. Had to. So I slipped the neon green package in my little carry-around basket and plopped a big book on top and was relieved to have it done. Of course, at the checkout I had to explain that yes, I had beans on my pretty shirt and yes, I was having to buy some bathroom things. Sorry, Leigh. I had to laugh and welcome her to my messy, thrilling life. What else could I do?
But I digress. Fall. Aren't you glad it's almost here? (I'm ready for the cooler weather and the sweaters it mandates, if for no other reason than they're great for covering up bean stains.) Yes, autumn. Soon I'll be planting garlic and lettuces. Harvesting pumpkins and green tomatoes. (Excuse the gardening talk. This is, I'm told,
an "art and gardening" blog.)
Speaking of. Here's a quick word about the weekend blogging that took place on my site: I am deeply touched by those rushed to my defense... or at least the defense of folks who enjoy the right to say whatever they wish on their respective blog(s). (Isn't that freedom what makes blogs so pleasing? That we all have different ideas, opinions, projects, and causes?) To those who disapproved of my mention of politics and "religion" on this site, I can only assert that I make no apologies for my political position, faith, or my decision to frankly discuss the issues and beliefs I hold dear. I am appalled by the readers who tried to put me or this blog in a box of their own expectations. I am disappointed by the insinuations that women who create and garden can't also be women who advocate and campaign. What an infuriating, one-dimensional view of a woman's capabilities and rights!
(Also, it was interesting to note that some of those who chose to comment did so anonymously without signing their name. How awful to have opinions but not be bold enough to put your name to them! Therefore, for the purpose of fair and open discussions, I have disabled anonymous commenting on this forum. It saddens me because some of my favorite commenters: my Aunt Mindy "Auntie M" and friends Sara, Amber, and Grace, all commented anonymously.)
Whew. Okay. So now you're up to date: the weather's cool, the scarf is done, the bean stain's off my shirt, I've responded to both my clan and my critics, and I explained the changes to my comment forum. Anything else?
Oh yeah. Sarah Palin. I cried and clapped during her speech last night. Wasn't she... and her message... wonderful?
*We now return to our regularly scheduled art and gardening blog.*