There are some days, you understand - days when Old Man Winter shakes an icy, gnarled finger at you - that you simply must shake a finger back. Today is such a day.
Start by digging deep, deep down in the freezer for the
strawberries you lovingly grew, picked, and hulled back in June. Plop them into the prettiest old bowl you have and let them thaw. Gently crush with a fork until you have one cup of mushed strawberries. Tip into a saucepan and cook, over medium heat, until just boiling. Cook one minute more, then remove from heat and cool.

Now assemble the following: 1 3/4 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda, one teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon baking powder. (
Not bacon powder.) Dump the lot of it into a sifter, if you wish, and sift. Close your eyes and rest against your warm counter top and listen to the old sifter scrape powdery heaps into your pretty old bowl. Decide you're happy.
Take your happiness and find 1/3 cup butter (softened) and 3/4 cup sugar and beat until fluffy. To that, add 2 eggs (room temperature) and 1/3 cup (minus 1 teaspoon) of water. Fill the teaspoon - the one you just dumped the water out of - with vanilla extract. Mix it all in with the butter and sugar.

Lovely. Now add your butter mixture to the pile of dry ingredients and mix. Over it, pour the cooled, crushed summer strawberries and a 1/3 cup pecans or walnuts. (Toast them if you wish, or leave them out altogether - your preference.) Now combine it all thoroughly, spoon into a greased baking dish, and bake at 350 F for one hour.

Poor Old Man Winter. He stands no chance against fresh, buttered Strawberry Sugar Bread. Especially when it's accompanied by a steaming cup of tea in a warm kitchen....
Hoping happiness and warmth find and hold you this weekend. -Brin
I'm behind on reading your blog - so I'll be catching up this weekend, while I'm enjoying this bread. With some tea. Sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing! Think it'll be OK to make with raspberries instead? Blessings, P.
This sounds delicious! I'll have to make this sometime soon. Thank you so much for sharing!!
P.S. Did you mention the amount of strawberries to use? I may have missed it.
Merci beacoup~
P.S.S. J'adore votre blog!!!!
Cindy - Did I? Oh dear. It's one cup of mushed strawberries. You'll need more if you want to slice some for garnish.
Thanks for catching that! Brin
Oh. I should note that this bread is perfect with butter, a smear of cream cheese, or a dusting of powdered sugar over top. Yum!
Oh, that sounds scrumptious! I'll definitely try that next summer when I take the kiddos berry picking!
Thank you!
Thanks for the link to "Bacon Powder"... I didn't realize how funny (the Bacon Powder Post) was until I actually snorted I was laughing so hard.
O my another recipe to try...and try it I will. I just know that it will go well with a cup of coffee. I will be changing it up a bit to be more 'cholesterol free'..I have found that most recipes adapt quite well.
Thanks for sharing, Brin!
I've got some strawberries in the freezer & this strawberry sugar bread looks delicious... STILL laughing when I think of the bacon powder :-}
Have a great weekend Brin.
I'll share some freshly baked tea cakes for some of your strawberry sugar bread!!! It looks and sounds so very delicious!
Looks and sounds lovely Brin! Thank you!
-14, baby it's cold outside...what a perfect day to make strawberry sugar bread! Thank you for sharing the recipe Brin, I can't wait to dig into my cherished strawberries and the smell that will fill the house.
Bacon powder, one of my favorite stories. I can never look at a can of baking powder without breaking into laughter and think of you. The one touch you forgot to add was "bless her heart" When I lived in Nashville for a time I learned in the south you can say anything about anyone as long as you follow it up by saying "bless her/his heart" LOL :).
Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy your time at home....I'm off to bake now.
Kathi :)
I'm having trouble posting this due to the temp outside, I hope it doesn't post more than once.....
Looks yummy! Wish I lived close enough to stop by and chat over a bit of Strawberry Sugar Bread and a cuppa tea. ~Adrienne~
What a great way to bake a cake. With happiness as one of the ingredients. I love that.
My 11 year old daughter is busy in the kitchen baking a cake right now.
I've just landed at your blog from... hmmm, I've forgotten, since I've been reading for awhile. Great posts! I'll definitely be back to see how your little house is coming along.
Another keeper Brin! I'll be trying this one soon too! I'm so happy for you, to be home and baking again! I love your new header, it's perfect!!
Sounds yummy, Brin. What is the equivalent to the dog days of summer for winter?
Oh if only my stove was working!
I too have strawberries I picked at a u-pick farm this summer but they will have to wait until the repair man comes on Tuesday. It's good to have something to look forward to.:)
p.s. hope you don't mind me signing in as anonymous but when I try to use my blogger account it never works and I can't figure out how to fix it!
Yum!!! Can't wait to try this!
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