Off on break, folks. The trouble with a messy, thrilling life is that it is
messy and it is
thrilling. And it never stops... only pauses as people get on and off the ride. (Laughing)
Will explain later and be back as I can.
(And for those who are wondering, yes. This is their new china.)
I'm praying for you, Brin. Having been on my own adventure in adjustment for several years, I know how messy it can get. No matter what, though, God is in control. He always makes something beautiful out of the broken pieces. Always keep your eyes on Him rather than your circumstances. {{hugs}}
Hi, Brin! I tried to write you, yesterday, but it didn't post.... so I created an account and even a blog(?!?!?????) hoping that it would post this time?? We just love Jefferson, Tx (have been visiting there for 22 years, since we were teenagers!) We honeymooned there (at Stillwater Inn) and have stayed at a couple of the other B&B's, as well! Such a charming town, you live near!!! We used to visit several times a year, with our children (when we lived in the northwestern portion of Louisiana!)
We just visited in December but I don't recall seeing Henrybella's. Where is your bakery located? I just love bakeries and would enjoy visiting yours! We practically live at the General Store when we visit, are you near there? I told my husband that we need to visit, again, soon (maybe this week!) and the children are so excited! We'll look for Henrybella's then!
I understand that you're busy, so please don't feel a rush to answer this post -- just when you can! Thanks, so much! You're just such a precious person!
Many Blessings,
Good Gracious Brin!!! Jail is no fun for anyone involved, friends and loved ones definitely included. Take your time with the decisions, sounds like it could be complicated. Hang in there!!!
goodness, this *is* messy ... and i'm not thrilled you are having to deal with it. however, it's cause for me (and others) to pray on your behalf (and on behalf of those in jail) for God's best to come out of things.
Love the china cup...such a warm color!
Hope all goes well in your job, Brin...am praying for you. God is in control!
Oh yikes! I hope all is well in the end. More prayers on your behalf.
Stay safe sweet Brin, your in prayers! I love that china, so warm and cozy for this time of the year! Hugs!!
Whatever it is...I confess my confusion since this post has been edited...I think...%} it'll all work out. (Romans 8:28)
I read last Monday's Moment, which was like balm. Now I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe...there'll be another Monday's Moment today.
You are the perfect picture of what I hopr to be in seven years! I enjoy reading your blogs so much. I feel as though (if I'm this lucky) I am reading a journal into my future life.
Your blog has blessed me so, in a very difficult time. I admire you and you inspire to dream the dreams I had tucked away...
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
For those reading and confused, my professional situation went CRAZY Friday. Firings, assaults, jail... it's all been happening. But not to worry. I'm fine and as removed from the all these nasty situations as I can be. Just really busy as I ride it all out and watch as the chips fall where they may.
Thanks for understanding.
Hi, again, Brin!
Thanks, so very much, for getting back with me! I'm sorry to hear that HB's isn't around anymore... I guess we'll wait until it warms up some to visit Jefferson -- I was so excited about visiting your bakery that I was willing to brave the cold! Guess we'll just stay home and enjoy the fireplace!
Oh, and I agree about Boston! So beautiful, so charming. It's been years since we visited and "visited" may be overstating it!
Another great town to visit is Natchitoches. It's here, in Louisiana. I think you'd love it, too! The best time to visit is Christmas, but you can't go wrong any time of the year to visit!
Thanks for the advice about the "Ghost tours"; I've been wanting to do that but our 8 year old is a little "spooked" (no pun intended)at the sound of it. I'm glad to hear that it's not scary.
We haven't been in Auntie Skinners since our honeymoon (20 years ago!) They are usually full of bikers -- not that we have anything against them -- but the biker 'babes' look at me mean!!! I'm not the "Are you looking at me?"/let's throw down kind of girl so we steer clear! But the restaurant (I wish I could remember the name of it!) across & at the end of street from the Gen.store has the BEST chicken fried steaks! YUM! Portions were huge, so take a couple of friends or your "doggie bag!"
Thank you, again1
Oh dear! Sounds stressful! Thanks for clarifying. Phew that you are okay and "far removed."
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