Very little is needed to make a happy life.
-Chinese Proverb

I've had a lot of work and family adjustments this week. Tomorrow I'm off and hoping to sleep a little late and then resume working on Freeman House. It's a luxury to do both those things. Tonight I'm going to take in fall feelings and watch a movie and drink hot tea and cuddle with the puppy.
Simple things = happy life. Little can go so far.
Please, Brin, tell me....what is fall like in Texas?? I imagine it still being 'summer' warm at this time of year, still flowers, no chance of frost. I'm in New England and I KNOW what fall is here, but I can't imagine that it feels like fall in Texas. Does it?? Or is it fall because it's Sept/Oct.? Are the leaves changing color and is it chilly in the afternoon and evening? Are the flowers done blooming? Are you wearing sweaters?
I'm beginning to think Fall is different for different folks living in different places. Interesting.
Fall in Texas... hmmm. It's definitely not like the NE, I can tell you that. Flowers are still blooming, the temperature is still near 85 F day/ 65 F night. The leaves in east Texas are beautiful when they change, but it's usually November before we get the foliage that Vermont gets about now. (Along Highway 11... which runs parallel to my street... the leaves are just starting to lose their green.)
In short, "fall" is here because it's *not* 100+ degrees, the tomatoes have died off, and the days are quickly getting shorter. (And because you can get hot chocolate now at the high school football games!) But no, our temperatures don't get chilly until winter.
You're a dear for asking! Hope that answers your question....
Reminds me of the song by Kittie J. Suffield.
"Little Is Much When God Is In It"
1. In the harvest field now ripened,
There's a work for all to do.
Hark, the voice of God is calling,
To the harvest calling you.
Little is much when God is in it.
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There's a crown and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus' name.
2. Does the place you're called to labor
Seem so small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He'll not forget His own.
3. When the conflict here is ended
And our race on earth is run,
He will say, if we are faithful,
"Welcome home, my child, well done."
AMEN to simple things! And Autumn in Texas! You are so is pure bliss just because it is NOT 100 degrees anymore. Our trees don't change around here until November either..but I look...and pray for it. I love fall and all its glory!
Definitely feels like fall today in NC. Nor'easter has lowered our temps and brought rain and wind. I'm ready to see the sun again...
Enjoyed your post!
I truly understand.
Sometimes litte is BIG. Like little acts of kindness on a day when everything goes wrong. Or little dog kisses when you're not feeling so hot. Or even little raindrops gently kissing your head. Little can be very, very big.
We had a little hint of fall in the air today, and it was glorious. There are little pops of fall color, ever so slight, dotting the grapevines trailing a fence nearby. Welcome hints of fall in Florida.
So I know exactly what you mean.
Thanks, Brin!
So true Brin!! So true!
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