Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.
-Sam Keen

I gathered what was left of the Freeman House tomato garden and brought it here to ripen in a sunny window. Suppose I could have made
Chow Chow, but to be honest, it's too hot and I'm too lethargic. With the temperature reading 106 degrees outside, I'm keeping out of the kitchen and near the air conditioner. Later, perhaps when the sun goes down, I'll make salsa or tomato sauce and can it for the colder months.

Ready for a laugh at my expense? This'll give you a good one. Remember how I explained awhile back that Millie was pregnant? Yeah. She's not. As a new dog owner, I became desperately concerned when my girl stopped eating, began bleeding, and demonstrated three other signs of dog pregnancy. Finally, I consulted the vet. Millie was just in heat, but I was too new at this to recognize the signs. I can't tell you the relief I felt at my own stupidity... and at the realization that Millie won't be having puppies!
(Insert your favorite dumb girl/dog joke here.)
I have one load of things remaining at Freeman House. After it's hauled away, I'll say goodbye to the house forever. As devastated as I am, I do have a deep satisfaction in knowing that the place has been saved from condemnation and the wrecking ball. I'm excited about the house's future and the new owner's renovation plans. Freeman House was my scourge and my salvation, and I'll always be grateful for my time there.
The past two weeks have been anything but lazy, what with my Grandad's death and this monster-big move. But I'm sorry to say that my blogging, as well as my Etsy order getting-out, has been shamefully delayed. My apologies to each of you affected, and deepest thanks for your patience. -Brin