Bad things do happen; how I respond
defines my character and the quality of my life.
I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness,
immobilized by the gravity of my loss,
or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure
the most precious gift I have - life itself.
-Walter Anderson

Freeman House is no longer mine. I handed the keys to the new owner Wednesday and left quietly through the kitchen door. I've never cried so hard in my life. My eyes are still puffy.
But it's only a house, right? Four walls, a roof and a floor. I can't take it with me. And how I respond to this does define my character and the quality of my life. So I'm choosing to rise above and treasure the precious gift I still possess: life. Possibility. Faith. The hope of things to come.
There's always the hope of things to come. That, to me, is one of the most precious gifts....
(Some great reading I've relied on when facing loss, sadness, or general down-and-out blues? Rising Above, Let the Journey Begin: God's Roadmap for New Beginnings, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, and Soul Catcher: A Journal to Help You Become Who You Really Are. I hope, if you're working through something, that these books and journals help you as much as they've helped me.)
Thinking of you.
i'm so sorry you had to let your house go. it is just a house though; a home is what you make it yourself - it can be "anywhere you lay your hat".
i hope things start looking up for you soon xx
Oh, Brin, I'm so sorry about this day. I've really enjoyed the stories about Freeman House. Mrs. Freeman, I'm sure, is really sad today, as well.
Looking forward to new stories wherever you end up. You are such a fabulous writer.
The very best of luck in all you do.
I am mourning your loss with you. You will make a home where ever you go and it will be wonderful because you have touched it. We recently moved from our house of 20 yrs and I dreaded leaving it because of the memories. I realized after taking the final walk through and after moving to our new home that the memories follow, they do not stay in the house. In my case, I am loving my new place more than the last and I never thought that possible. I am sure you will look back someday with wonderful Freeman House memories and be amazed at where God has taken you since. I pray that you find peace. I would also love to have you continue to share your life with us wherever home may be!
oh, this brings a tear to my eye! That would be so devastating. But you are so right, and this experience will show others (and possibly yourself) what you are made of, and Who is taking care of you.
Freeman House was graced to have you as a caretaker. I hope you find peace and much happiness in a brand new journey!
Your spirit is awesome! A tear fell for you while reading this post, but I know you will come away from this yet a stronger woman! Blessings will follow! hugs!
He has such wonderful things in store for you that your cup will soon be overflowing. Unimagineable things are on their way. And you will flourish in them.
Let us know how Millie is doing.
I'm so sorry Brin, I applaud your attitude in this. God has great things in store for you. I can look back on some of the big disappointments and painful moments in my life and see that God had a better plan than i could have dreamed of. It never seems so at the time but it's true. I still keep you in my prayers. Onward and upward my dear. You can do this:>)
I am sorry that you had to leave before you were ready to.
I hope that you realize how important you were in the life of that house. You gave it time and attention allowing it to go on. And that is good.
When do the puppies come?
Sorry to hear this. We have to believe that bad things happen for a reason. God has a plan for us.
Dh's unemployment was a shock...first time in 23 yrs of marriage. But he's got his first summer off since probably high school.
Have to think of the good in things.
Take care of yourself.
You let the house heal you and now you have been sent out on a wing and a prayer... as free as the name of the house suggests. Free man. Fly swiftly little one.
Aww I feel so sad for you but love your attitude about having hope to look ahead..
I am heartbroken for you over your loss of Freeman House but at the same time I am encouraged by you and your outlook!
Can't hardly imagine you without dear Freeman House. But I also know His ways are better and His thoughts higher. Keep marching on through your valley and may it lead you to a vista you never dreamed of.
I'm going to shed a tear for the loss, too. Right now. God bless you and, Brin, always continue to trust that what He has for you is so much more than anything you could've planned for yourself or what we, your faithful readers, could've planned. And oh the plans!
A sad day for sure ... you will be in my thoughts as I also contemplate giving up my old brick house for financial reasons. How is the dear sweet chocolate dog - she must be a great comfort to you as you embark on this new adventure.
I'm so sorry about Freeman House, but am hopeful to see what comes next for you.
I'm so sorry, Brin. I know you loved Freeman House and we all grew to love her with you. But you will land on your feet, better than before. Looking forward to seeing where life takes you next!
Brin, My heart aches with you. I will pray that God will comfort you and bring small things along the way to delight your heart and to encourage you as he lays the plans he has before you.
Yes, it is just a house and you can make any house a real home; however, that certainly doesn't make it easier ... especially when you have put so much of yourself into Freeman House. I just took another look back at all you have done ... I'm so glad you kept your blog ... it's wonderful to see the past in your life, the present and the future! God bless!
I want you to know that the quote with which you began is going up on my desk--right now. Thank you for sharing something that I badly needed. As I know is true of you, these bad days will pass for me, as well. Losing dreams is hard but I have found, as you probably have, that Isak Dinesen was right when she said "all sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or write a story about them." My blogging has helped me through so much; I hope it has been a help for you. C
So sad to read about the loss of Freeman House but as you say you have hope in a new beginning and a new direction. I'm sure God has so many wonderful adventures in store for you. You have so many gifts and talents. Have you thought of writing a book because your style of writing is so beautiful and it makes everything you say come alive in your mind and emotions. That in it self is a wonderful gift.A New Beginning
It may look like all hope is gone, and there is no one that you can depend on. It may appear that you are all alone in the wilderness. But know that sometimes God has to put you aside in order for him to work on you, and you alone.
The seed that he has planted in you has to be cultivated and developed to full term. Though it seems that it's taking way to long, and your patience runs short, God has his hand on you, and he knows exactly the time and the season for your new beginning. Be encouraged this day, and know that God loves you....he really does.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me, and I will listen to you, and you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11
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