Just working on Freeman House today before I head out of town to celebrate the Fourth. I'm trying to get my mind off polka-dot bathing suits and picnic baskets and fireworks and get excited about finishing up this room. You know, kinda like those girls on
Extreme Makeover who are always excited about completing their projects. But the
truth is I have tedious trim painting to tackle in the sitting room off the
Irvin Room and I'd rather wax my underarms than paint trim.

Just saying. But hey... the holiday
is almost here! And this
will be a lovely space once it's painted and sanded and decorated. My little garden sitting room....

I just have to hang in there today....
I actually like painting trim, so too bad I don't live close enough to help.
Whew, having trouble getting motivated myself today though.... rather play than work.
i know you must get frustrated at times with the work but i wanted you to know that i envy your life. its so charmed and even your "messes" look heavenly. i think in my next life i want YOUR LIFE!! connie
Hey Brin, I am painting trim too, repainting the living room where the trim has never been painted so it needs a couple coats of primer and probably a couple more of semi-gloss. Ugh, just have to keep in mind how wonderful a fresh coat (or four) of paint can be when it's all done.
oh no [insert melodramatic shudder]not trim painting! trim painting is one of those have to wait until it all gets done jobs to make it seem like its worth the time & aggravation...and sometimes you really can't even tell a difference then unless you have a paint stick or chip with the old trim paint colour on it to hold up against the new trim colour...
I expect there is a life lesson in there somewhere :)
Well, it' already adorable, so it will only be more adorable when you finish painting that trim. I hate trim painting too, so I feel your pain. I had to paint every inside door in our house after we moved in & that was bad enough. I did 2 or 3 a day & whipped it out.
Southern Hospitality
I see that I am not the only person who wants to live your life. LOL! I love the garden room! I love that door too -- *sigh*
Freeman House just keeps getting better and better, a garden sitting room too! Painting trim isn't so bad if you can take it down first! lol Hey, did you ever plant the seeds I sent you? Have a safe and happy holiday! Hugs!!
I'm just going to have to buy myself a plane ticket and come meet and visit with you! Your idea for a garden room sounds wonderful - very relaxing!
Hmmm..polka dot bathing suit?..you have one of those?
I too like painting trim..I'd do that rather than walls any day! And it sure does teach patience..
I feel your pain! Painting trim is definitely one of my least favorite things to do. Only a garden room could maybe entice me to get it done. Did it work for you?
Have a great 4th excursion.
The Irvin room is beautiful! What a treasure you found when you found the postcards. *grin* I love the frames over your bed and I giggled when I read about the ladder on the bed... sounds like something I would do. It's a wonder you didn't end up in the emergency room!
I just love it. What a great room.
There is something to be said of the process...I tend to want to rush on through and not experience and learn through the muck and muddle...but it seems like it might be pure and lovely anticipation--this Freeman House of yours. So glad you found me, so that I could find you! I can't wait to see the progress!!
I too like painting trim...Here's how I do it! I get a really good pad for my butt and knees, a good glass of wine...put on some nice music and I'm ready to go!
Kind of off the subject. My neighbors are in Turkey (ring a bell) for 2 weeks and left me in charge of taking care of their place. They have 1 lemon tree and last night it was windy and this a.m. when I went to water their plants I found tons of lemons on the ground. I picked them up and brought them home and washed them. I spent 1 hours grating the rind off and put that in the freezer to use in salads, crusts, whatever...then I juiced them. Made lem-o-laid (as my granddaughter calls it), filled all my ice cube trays...and I still have about 1 gallon left. What should I do with it? Any ideas? I don't want it to go to waste and I spent so much time on it this a.m. and now I'n late for work and here I am blogging...help.
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