Ever since Saturday's cobbler, the only thing I've wanted is peaches. (Sure, my dinner companion and I pretended to eat Mexican food last night, but really, secretly, we were dreaming those fajitas were peaches.) Fresh, grilled, baked, roasted - I don't care. Give this girl a peach.
So all-consuming was my craving for juicy peaches that I left work a tad early yesterday (I started a new oil and gas client on Monday. Did I tell you?) and ran by the local peach orchard. My timing was a little off, but the kind peach folks didn't care. There were baskets and bags and boxes of the beautiful, fuzzy fruits on top of and beneath every table and surface imaginable. I kept turning in a circle, squinting, thinking, this can't be real... this can't be real. It was. My blue dress and I were in heaven - gastronomic and sensory heaven.
I'm such a simple-minded simpleton. Drop me by a country peach orchard on a sunny, breezy summer day and I'm about as happy as a girl could ever be. Throw in some sweet tea, roll down the car windows and crank up Patty Griffin on the radio, and it's a downright splendid day. Yeah. Huh, it was the perfect summer weekday: coffee, dress, work, orchard, dinner date, sweet iced tea, ceiling fan, bed. They don't come any better than that.
Okay, so maybe I question Picasso and say the peaches were just a detail. But a happy one nonetheless. Now I just need to decide what to do with all this... the happiness and the peaches.
How about a bowl of homemade vanilla bean ice cream with carmelized peaches on the top??
Thanks for the trip into peach happiness - we are about a month away from peaches up here in WA.
Have you ever had Parker County peaches - Wetherford TX is the county seat, and they have an old farmers market there, and they are some kind of good!
Peaches in stir-fry is yummy. I am glad you could satisfy your peach cravings..we get all ours imported here and they sure aren't very good yet.
Right now I am craving a juicy ripe peach...will you share, Brin??
Days like that are gifts to be treasured!! NOW I am hungry for peaches. BTW, I just love your blog and look forward to it everyday!!
your delight in every day life is such an inspiration to me, if your blog went away i think there would be a hole in my life!! connie
Porter, Ok a small town near where we live had their Peach Festival last weekend. We go each year and buy the wonderful peaches. I love them for breakfast with sugar and milk. YUM!!
Brin, I've recently discovered your blog, and it is truly a delight! I, too, have had a desire for all things peach lately, and hope to satisfy that craving with a big, juicy, homemade peach pie soon! I made two last year during peach season, and my husband and I literally devoured one of them before it had the chance to cool. Yes, we devoured an entire pie in a matter of minutes. I'm not proud of that, but...oh...what sweet (albeit short-lived) bliss! I love everything about your blog...your posts, your pics, and your sweet spirit. I'll be visiting often! God bless you. :)
I feel just like Connie! My days are fulfilled after reading your blog! Thanks for the kind comment on my Herbal Farmstead blog, I just posted a new article there, I've been super busy with the house on the market and summer time chores, but it's up. I want to thank you for the gift too, your too kind and the sweetest person on earth, I'll treasure the book! Thank you!!
Yummmmm....peaches! I love them too & can't get enough of them. Hey, thanks for the note on the Beautiful Ache book. Sounds like a good one. I can relate to that interview so much, as I'm sure a lot of us can.
It sounds like a perfect day, except maybe the work part. I can't believe I haven't had a peach yet this summer. I must get to the peach stand. I won't buy the rocks at the grocery store. I can almost smell the ones in your pictures.
Ohh I love peaches! The perfect shades! the juicy flesh..and the smell! oh, nothing says summer like peaches! I'm thinking jelly ofcourse, and how about peach chutney? Oh, I miss my homeland Georgia now!lol!
there's nothing like fruit fresh from the tree. my favorite way to eat fresh peaches is on top of a hot belgium waffles (no syrup), with a cup of coffee. or, try a peach crumble. whichever way, peaches are mmmm, yummy:)
I think peach enchiladas would've been wonderful last night -- yum! :-) Lisa
Popping in to say HI to the "Peach Girl!"
Simplicity can bring such joy...glad you found some, bask in it and enjoy the beauty of God!
Peach sorbet might me yummy to try?
I am a purist and like to just sit in the hammock with a juicy peach and a nice book!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
that is what you can do with the bundle of juicy goodness. i love peach juice also- my juicer is calling for them.... :)
I'm so glad you know about Patty Griffin! We really like her.
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