On my recent hideaway vacation at Holly Hill, I stumbled upon a hammock. Huh. Looked so peaceful. So restful. Maybe it was time to attempt it. I sneaked up to it and rehearsed my hammock-mount in my mind. I could do this. I tried easing on. Ha. I tried rolling in. Ha. Finally, I dove onto the rope. Well, whatdaya know. All this time I thought hammocks weren't strong enough... stable enough... sure enough... to easily accommodate a questioning, callow klutz like myself. I was wrong, and I'd been missing out.
Sometimes I wonder if we don't view God's grace - His unmerited favor, love, and mercy - the same way I viewed the hammock. I mean, we know it's there... God's grace. And we know its purpose is to hold us up... to cradle us as we give ourselves over to its support. We understand the concept of grace, we just don't see how it will work for us. Besides, in the face of who we know ourselves to be... in the full knowledge of our faults, our weaknesses and our habits... we look at the idea of God's grace - the "rope" strung between our feet and God's - and back away. No way that's going to work, we think. No way that barely-there stuff can hold me.
And so we hang off to the side. Don't we? We sit on blankets of our own strength (our medicines, our muscles, our money, our minds) and watch as others enjoy the benefits of God's grace. And we wait. We wait for God's grace to snap and the silly people suspended on nothing but God's goodness to fall. But... it doesn't. They don't. And the strange thing is, the more people who climb on, the farther God's grace stretches.
Point here is this: you may think you've built a reasonably solid life on your own. And you probably have. But one day you'll come face-to-face with the possibility of resting in God's grace. One day you'll have a choice between sitting where you're comfortable or resting in God's almighty hand. Maybe you'll be sick. Maybe you'll experience loss. Maybe your world will crumble around you. Or maybe you'll just feel a little hopeless. A tiny bit alone. And although the concept of the hammock... of God's grace... looks a little iffy, you might one day decide to give it a try. And know what you'll find? That God's favor... His love... and His mercy is strong enough... stable enough... and sure enough... to easily accommodate a questioning, callow klutz like yourself.
How can I be so sure? Because it's been true in my life - God's promise that His grace is enough. Wherever you are and whatever you face, He promises His grace is enough. And I'll bet you He's right.
I'll bet you a swing on a hammock.
My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness." Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become. - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Monday Moment is a devotional to help kick-start your week. See you again next Monday!
I was feeling pretty hopeless today and your post made me feel a bit better. I will try to meditate on God's grace today. Thank you, Brin.
As usual, Brin, you hit the nail on the head with your "Monday Moment"! Thanks, God's grace is one of those mysteries that need faith to help us grasp it. We have so little grace ourselves, we can't believe it can be available to us. Truly inspired!
Brin, thank you for reminding us that God's Grace is sufficient. I needed to remember that today because my heart is burdened. My daughter's best friend, Denise, has a 13 year old daughter, Kim, who is dying of cancer. Please remember that family in your prayers. Kim is at the point now where she can't walk and can barely sit. Denise is having to feed her too and she eats very little. Right now Denise is running on adrenalin trying to keep everything together. I know she's going to need that hammock and so much more Grace than I can even imagine.
Thank you again for your inspiring words.
I found your blog through a link on homesicktexan.blogspot.com. I like your writing :-). I am also a homesick texan. My name is April, expat-texan living in the country of St. Lucia. I hope you have a nice Fourth!
Brin, I just love and enjoy the way you write your Monday moments, so easy to understand and take in, thanks, your a angel, you know!
when? when? when will you write a devotional book already??! connie
Oh, thank you so much for that! The good Lord knows I needed to hear it... I've been feeling down about my business.. and someone else told me God wouldn't have given me the ability and give me the way to share it! Your awesome, keep it up! have a great 4th.
Ahhh Brin I will never look at a hammock the same way again! I will think of your "Monday moment" which was great as usual..I love how you take an ordinary object and teach a spiritual message through it!
I'm still "pumped" that I was the winner of your give away!!
You are truly blessed with a gift of expressing God's love in your "Monday Moments". Taking a simple hammock and encouraging others through it. On a lighter side. Come rest in that hammock anytime. Blessings...
Wow, girl! Great analogy! You have no idea how I needed that this week!
What a wonderful way to look at the grace of God! And I agree...when, when, when will you write a devotional book? I would buy at least 10 copies...I have a list of people I'd give copies to!
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