Recapture the splendor of a time
when the pace of life was less hurried,
and simple touches enchanted our days,
from dawn to the cozy nest of night.
-Victoria Magazine Publications, 2007

Today is a big day at Freeman House, you know. For those of you new to this blog, today is Queens of the Strawberries Day. It's also Victoria Magazine giveaway day. How fun! My shorts and headband and I are ready to have a blast!
Just so we're all together, I'll remind you that three weeks ago I invited everyone to enter for a free subscription to Victoria Magazine. Many entered, and many others wrote in saying they already had a subscription but wanted to reaffirm how divine this publication is. They were right. Anyway, looking over the comments this morning I wished I could pull an Oprah and give everyone who commented a subscription. Hmmm. Hang on while I call and check my bank balance....
... okay. Can't pull an Oprah. Darn. But I can give away two subscriptions! So without further ado, the winners of the Messy, Thrilling Life Victoria Magazine Giveaway are:
Betty R
Congratulations, girls! (If you wouldn't mind, please send me a comment with your full name and mailing address so I can get your subscription lined up! Of course, I won't publish them.) And gosh, many thanks to all who commented!
Also, thanks to all of you precious people for reading and commenting and supporting me. I'm such a blessed recipient of some of the most kind, thoughtful, and delightful email, comments, and phone calls in the world. You enrich my life more than I can say. And while I can't give you all magazines, I can and do pray for each of you every day. Whether we know each other or not. If you're reading this, God's hearing about you every day, and is continually being asked to save, protect, and delight you...
What a day! Strawberries are calling so I must be off. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you all again Monday... -Brin
I really must check in more often! I missed the whole dang give-away. That'll teach me.
---loved the game night post---
Am I really the lucky winner?? Ahhhh, I am so happy...but where do I send my address to? Am I missing your email address somewhere??
Woo-hoo I am dancing around my house singing "I won, I won"
I know silly me! Can you tell I haven't won anything in a very long time??
Thank you so much Brin!!
Congrats girls, I know you will enjoy the magazine, I"m adding it to my Christmas list! Thanks Brin for just being you, we all enjoy you more than you will ever know! Hugs!!
I know they will enjoy their subscriptions!
oh yeah, I got my subscription card in the mail asap! I'm so glad it's back. That is so nice of you to share like that. Hope you have a great weekend.
Hurray to the winners! I can't wait until it's back on the stands!
I awarded you a "Rockin' Girl Blogger" award on my blog :)
Well, I think I missed that sign-up for the giveaway. Those 2 girls are really blessed to get this sweet present from you, Brin!
Congratulations ~WOW!! How exciting!!
I can't believe it! Me?!?! What a wonderful blessing...
sometimes it's the little things that serve as a reminder that God is thinking about us, and that's what I see this as. It's been a really rough couple of weeks, so it's like a little hug from the Father, something just for me (wow!).
Thanks so much for your kindness and generosity.
Congrats, girls! I'm going to order a subscription for myself. I loved it the first time around and I bet it will be even better now!
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