Yeah. I have a list a mile long of things I'm taking today: bedding, towels, toiletries, kitchen items, work supplies, dog needs, etc. I got to thinking late Sunday that, of course, I would need my emergency sewing tackle box (pictured above). And maybe a few minor tools: hammer, screw driver, staple gun, etc. And hey. A book or two and some magazines would be nice. Ooh! That quilt I'm working on! Can't forget that. And... the little plasma TV and some DVDs and my DVD player....
Oh man. Forgot my iron. ... The paper shredder. ... The camera and camera equipment... and.... ooh!... my new...
I only learned Tuesday that I would have to go. It was a nightmare of a weekend getting ready. I stressed out all week over what to take on my new excursion. Over what I had to do to leave my home and affairs behind. And wow. It takes a lot of planning and preparation to leave one world behind and head off for another.
I suppose that's why I rejoice... and I marvel... at the arrangements already made for my trip from this life to the next. When I draw my last breath - whether it's today or a million days from now - I know: I'm already prepared. Through a saving faith in Jesus Christ, I'm ready. The plan for my next "trip" is already laid. There won't be any last minute scrambling to pack. There won't be any final hour panic attacks over unfinished business here. I won't have to worry about flashlight batteries and tire pressure and my Mr. Rescue contract. In a blink, I'll be there. In a wink, I'll be home.
We spend so much time preparing for trips and vacations. For life and the future. We waste so much time and energy on things that, in the end, we'll leave behind. Throughout this stressful last week, the one thought that keeps rushing in and out of my head was a quote I was taught as a child: All these things must come to pass. Only what's done for Christ will last.
As you're reading this today, I'm on the road somewhere between Freeman House and Albuquerque. I'm also somewhere between making a living and seeing my Savior face to face. And praise God, at least one of these trips is already taken care of and paid for.
For this is the will of my Father,
that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him
should have eternal life,
and I will raise Him up on the last day.
- John 6:40
Monday Moment is a little devotional to help kick start your week. See you again next time!
Wow! You lead such an exciting life. I'm already "packed" when it comes to that last journey. Everything anyone ever needs to know about me is in the bible my parents gave me back in 1963 ... family history ... what to do in case of. If there was ever any need to rush, that would be the only thing I would need to grab on my way out the door. God will take care of the rest.
Enjoy the next part of your journey, sweet girl. We'll be waiting to hear what you've been up to. xxoo
Bon voyage, dear friend.
Beautiful post. Travel mercies to you and your blue-eyed traveling companion. Not wanting to add more stress to your load, but... did the thought ever occur to you that..well...six months from now on the return trip Miss Millie might be "another" size?! I suppose you could always trade the jeep for a 12 passenger Dodge Ram Van...or something of that genre.
JOY and BLESSINGS to you on your new adventure...
I am so excited for you! I'll be praying...
thank you for your monday moments.
Beautiful post! Have a safe trip and a wonderful time while you are away. I know it will be an experience you will never forget. And I'm anxious to hear more about it as you and Millie head out.
You are right - when I go I'm not packing or fretting about what needs to be done. When God calls me, I'm out of here. Pronto! ~Adrienne~
God Bless You, Brin. I hope you accomplish all your hearts desires there. A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you refuse to make the turn. Each step we make takes us a little futher down life's pathway, sit back, relax, and take it all in. Treasure this moment, for this moment is your life, enjoy the journey.
Such a wonderful post (as always!!)... Prayers are going with you on this journey to keep you safe, to guide you, and for you to always see the joy.
Hugs to you!!
I am green with envy. (;)
God bless you and keep you safe on your journey.
Be sure to take each one of us along on your walks in the woods.
Thank you Shandra. I have copied your quote to remind me to make that curve.
I too am ready for that 'last trip' I'll ever take! I thank Jesus that it's all paid for.
Thank you for your 'Monday Moments'. They always encourage and inspire me.
Safe trip Brin, my prayers go with you.
Six months! What will become of your garden?
Happy Trails, Brin
God bless you, Brin - we'll be here when you get back!
God Speed Girl : )
I too wonder what will become of your garden...and the bakery? Oh I so envy the ease of picking up and going.. I will be able too again when these chilluns are grown I suppose. Till then.... you are my map and story teller. Be safe dear girl....
Safe travels
Oh, happy travels, Brin. I can't wait to hear all about this new "journey" and adventure you are on.
And the garden..... well, there is always next year. For now, go where you are led. :o)
So excited for you. Enjoy CO!! And please keep us posted on what you are up to. You don't want us having Millie withdrawals now, do you?! :o)
I don't like words like "envy" or "jelous"...I just don't...and some of these bloggers use them a lot. What an adventure woman you are! Have a wonderful 6 months and remember Brin...to think really hard about any decision you make. With housing for hurting women, while it's great that it's what you want to do, come all of those problems that we can't solve. I think it's wonderful that you want to do that...but with all we do, once we get into it...it later becomes our job. If you can work through all of the problems after the "novelty" wears off...more power to you girl! All things are possible with God's help. You seem to really know what you are doing. Your place kind of reminds me of a place called Garlands in Oak Creek, Arizona. Close to Sedona! You should look them up and read their story. They are cabins you can rent like 5 months out of the year. My husband and I go there when we need to be recharged! It's magical and they grow all their own veggies (organic of course) and offer with our stay breakfast, tea and a gorment dinner. I think this is very close to what you are wanting to do. No TV...no phone...if you are heading in that direction (not good with directions), go there and take a look. They also have a wonderful cookbook that talks a lot about how they got started, it's called Back to The Table. They too took all of the photos and when I want to give my friends a wondeful meal, I turn to this wonderful book. God's Speed and be so very careful with your dreams.
Six months, I miss you already? I thought you were going away for a restful few months, this post sounds like it's a work trip? Your in my prayers for a safe journey and I do hope you will be keeping us posted along the way! I wish I lived closer so I could tend to Freeman House for you, but all will be fine by faith! Hugs to you and Millie!
Thinking of you, Brin, as you head out on yet another adventure! Take good care.
Oh, I so enjoy reading your writings!!
Best wishes on your latest adventure!!
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