Today's a bit of a junk drawer post: a little of everything of no consequence. For instance: I can't wait to show you what I'm doing with one tiny wall in Freeman House. It's brought more excitement to this place in the past few days than anything has this year. Now that the weather is grumbling and angry and refusing to cooperate with tomato gardening plans, I plan to shirk all other responsibilities in favor of completing my little wall. Oh the luxury.
Oh! And I have ultra adorable pink and yellow apron toolbelts for the Freeman House Shop on Etsy, but it's too dark to photograph them. (Look for them on Friday!) ... While I'm waiting on print stuff for the bakery, I'm working on a new recipe: Bourbon Pecan Tartlets. I have sheets of pecans - grown right here at Freeman House - toasting in my little oven. (Although today would be a great day to bake bread.) ... I have this song stuck in my head. Phrases keep repeating themselves until they push through my lips and others take over. ... The garden is featuring enormous, ruffly squash blossoms this week. Does anyone have an old recipe for frying squash blossoms? ... I have a new knitting craze. Will have to pull that out and show you later. ... Oh. And you know that thing about people and their pets looking alike? The other night a new... er... "friend"... said, "Wow. You should see the two of you," and dashed off to get a camera. When I saw his pictures of Millie and me, I was shocked:

And a lovely picture it is. Millie is just as adorable as her "mother."
God Bless & Love,
what a lucky puppy to look like you and be yours!!! your gorgeous Brin. ;> connie
Beautiful gals you and Millie! You do, indeed, look a bit alike.
Will be looking for the pecan tartlets and whatever else you wish to share. I'm wondering about the wall, too.
A new, er...friend? Can't wait to hear 'bout that....
I love rainy stormy days. Its the perfect time for "nesting." Can't wait to see the results of your new wall.
And, that is an adorable picture of you and Millie. Like mother like daughter! :)
That's funny! As soon as I saw Millie's first picture I thought you both looked alike but I was afraid I would offend you if I had said that. Both of you are as cute as a button. Cathleen
Darling picture of the pup and her mistress. Oh goodness, I love a stormy day to bake and to cocoon in the nest. . enjoy!!
We're living in the mist on the farm today and hoping that it lifts enough to venture out to the garden store.
Yes, I see the resemblance! You're both stinkin' cute:>) Now Brin, why do you tease us with talk of surprises and walls and such? I can't wait to see your surprises. Have fun on your rainy day.
Yes, you both are cute as buttons..... but if you tell me that you both have the same puppy breath, I'm going to have to be concerned.
P.S. Love you blog. ;)
So that's what it's called, junk drawer blogging, I love it!! I can't wait to hear and see the wall, with a new house in our future, I"m looking for new ideas! And you two are beautiful, nothing comes close to the love of a dog, and this pup is indeed one lucky doggie! Hugs to both of you!!
Very cute puppy, cute Momma too! I ended looking more like my husband than my dogs. My husband and I look like brother and sister sometimes...and my dogs have completely different coloring!
What a fun 'junk drawer post! Baking, knitting, gardening, 'the wall' and such..what bliss!
Cute pic of the 2 of you!
Too cute!
Love the "junk drawer" idea for a blog post. Here's to sunny weather heading out your way!
Wait...wait!! Where's the wall? I want to see the wall!
Hey... "a new... er... friend"? Don't think we missed that! And you in blusher, too.
Millie is a doll. And I guess looking like my pet isnt too bad.... Mabel does have some great eyelashes. :)
Brin, I love that picture. My husband has a westie and he has silver grey hair. They, too, resemble one another...
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