One of the only non-work/non-puppy related things I did yesterday was take four seconds to sit down and read Alicia's blog. There are a handful of blogs I check in on once a week (or so), but Alicia's is the only one I read almost every day. I find her fascinating and funny and freakishly talented. I'm a fan.
Anyhow, yesterday she mentioned bikes. I lay awake last night, between 4,398 puppy potty trips (in the rain), and dreamed about getting a bike like one on David Hembrow's site. Just like it. I could bike all your packages to the post office. I could take Millie on rides. I could deliver flowers and Cheddar Dill Scones to friends and neighbors. I could be that girl in the movies with silky hair and a pretty skirt and Italian sandals who bikes around with English novels in her bike basket.
More likely, I'd be the girl with a ponytail, frayed-cuff jeans, and puppy-chewed flip flops who bikes around with cans of dog food in her bike basket. And then has a wreck in the town square and dents every can and bends the bike frame and busts her nose. But still. One can dream.
It cost me $82 to fill up my Jeep yesterday. I'm getting a bike.

...everyone would exclaim...
... oh heck. Here's the little big news: I'm starting a bakery.

I'm open for business June 2. And yes, I'll ship domestically here in the United States, so everyone who wants a taste of truly fresh, country-baked goodies can get their fill. The business is named after my Great Grandparents - Jack's parents - and is strongly rooted in family recipes and favorites. I've gone to great lengths to source out fresh, local ingredients: brown speckled farm eggs... quality vanilla beans... locally made molasses and brown sugar, etc. I'm really excited about this. It's such a step back from the 1-800-Cookie services and pre-packaged disappointments. This is sure enough baking... the way it used to be done, before companies mass-produced and cut corners and went preservative happy. This is honest food. Life is short... let's make it sweet, huh?
So you see why I need a bike. For deliveries. And how cool is it that I just "happened" upon a Chocolate Lab puppy a month before henrybella's launches? She's the ultimate mascot. I'll tell you: this leap of faith thing might not have been so crazy after all.... ?
Have a wonderful weekend. Take time to enjoy it. -Brin and Millie
Hi Brin,
I just have to tell you that you and your blog inspire me to be more creative. I'm going to use this rainy weekend to sew, relax and take time for myself. All with my yellow lab curled up at my feet! I truly love your blog.
Good luck with HenryBella's...I'm sure it will be amazing!!
same here Brin.. you are an inspiration in so many areas... best of luck on your new venture... I will for sure be a customer. I did mention your garden inspiration today on my post.... did not use your pictures... used my pitiful ones... but I had to proclaim what an inspiration some fellow bloggers are !
congrats! you will be a great success. good for you for keeping it simple, organic and true to you. Best wishes!
You are the Blog that I have to read everyday!!! Are you opening a store-front bakery?? If so I see a field trip in my future, if not I'll be ordering for an overnight shipment, ASAP!!!!! And speaking of bikes, I have the vintage wicker basket and I've told Everyone that I want a bike (with nice tall handles) for Mothers Day......looking forward to when I recieve it :)
Your new companion is too cute for words....be careful we now have 3 of those companions, but they are so worth the effort!!!
Denise in League City
....waiting patiently for HenryBella's!!!!
LOVE that name!!!!
Oh my...what wonderful news!! I wish you all the best, I just know you'll be so successful. I can taste the goodies now. Mmmmm!! Blessings, Heather (Ontario Canada)
Great news!! Congrats are in order!! I've always wanted a little bakery! How sweet it will be! I'm glad you will be doing mail order...I'll need to place an order for sure.
Congratulations Brin!
Congrats Brin!! Sooo excited for you!
Oh and btw, after Alicia, you are the next blog I check! You and Alicia are my inspiration!
Yes, I am your biggest fan! Blessings on your new adventure at HenryBella's! I'll be cheering you on from the blogging bleachers!
You inspire us all to live out our dreams.
Thanks girlfriend!
What fun Brin!
I grew up working in my grandparents little hometown bakery and restaurant. It is in my blood. Baking comes naturally to me and sounds like it does to you too. I've tried many of your recipes and they are the real thing.
Have fun pedaling your wares with Millie.That bike is beautiful. Have you ordered it yet? Congratulations and thanks for sharing your exciting news.
And you are my everyday read...ahead of all others.
Congratulations Brin on your new business venture..a bakery! I have a feeling you'll do well, probably way beyond your expectations!!Neat bike...I still have my '40 year old bike' which my g'daughter proudly rides now. It still is in it's original turquoise color. She has added a new basket.
Congratulations!!! ...now, if only you could do overnight deliveries to Europe, my day would be made. How would you feel if a UPS guy shows up to collect an order?
:-) from Denmark
A bakery, how exciting! If your baked goods are as yummy as your skillet cookie recipe is, I'm certain you will be a huge success!
Congratulations!! God bless you and HenryBella's!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Can't wait to place an order to have some yummy Texas deliciousness on my front porch in Atlanta!
Yeaaaa! I am literally bouncing up and down in my seat and clapping my hands! Way to go Brin! And I love the name, HenryBella. Its fantastic.
And this needs to be your logo..."Life is short, let's make it sweet."
Congrats! And kisses to Millie.
Oh congratulations!!! That IS wonderful news! I'll definitely be ordering some treats this summer!
Congratulations Brin! Wishing you & HenryBella Bakery tons of success.
Those puppy eyes of Millie's are the best puppy eyes I have ever seen. They are so heart-breaking in the best way! So sad and precious! I have to look away before I cry from the cuteness.
The bakery is such a wonderful (ad)venture. From what I've seen on your blog you seem perfectly cut out for that!
My cousin, Bettyjane, had a three wheeled bike she used to call, "Big Red." Small basket on the front ... big one on the back and she rode it all over town in Orlando, Fla.
And, what a big surprise ... a bakery. Good for you! Please make sure the link is on your website, because I think everything will go as fast as the aprons did. Slurp! Oh, excuse me. :) xxoo
Wishing you the very, very best with your delicious, exciting endeavor. Now my mouth is watering...
I'm sure with faith and hard work your business will be a sweet success.
I've been dreaming of opening a tea shop and bakery here in the small town I live in.
I can't wait to follow your adventure via your blog.
Congrats Brin, if anyone can make a go of a old fashioned bakery, it's you! I know you will be a huge hit and I love the bike idea, it fits you so! Your our Martha/Rachel/MaryJane all rolled into one sweet soul!
Congratulations, Brin! That is fantabulous news! I can't wait to order!
Hey, how old is Millie?
Oh congratulations! For some reason, I am so excited for you and for what the Lord is doing with your life! It seems strange to me as I don't really know you from Adam...although I kind of do because Adam is my husband, so I would hope that I would know how to tell you two apart...but I LOVE it when people take huge leaps of faith, because then I can sit back and watch the Hand of the Lord work and it just builds up my faith, too. So thank you for sharing and thank you for leaping!
That's such exciting news! Can't wait to mail-order some great baking!
You just made me gain 10 pounds thinking about the baked goods that could be shipped to my door. Drool. Way to go, Brin.
Congratulations Brin on your latest endeavour. I have no doubt you will be successful-- your luscious, mouthwatering culinary pictures are testament to that. If you ever decide to ship to Canada, sign me up a.s.a.p.!!! Best Wishes, Lisa
I biked to work today. It was wonderful. I actually enjoyed the commute.
I am DYING to have a bike, just like the ones you pictured. And I took, imagine myself in an adorable retro dress, cute shoes, and library books in my basket! Bikes are so cool. And I think it is AWESOME that you are starting a bakery. I am sure it will be absolutely fabulous!
Like Emily, I truely love your blog. I say that with my old blond lab curled at my feet. Congratulations on Henrybella's. Oh, how super fabulous!!!
How exciting! A bakery is exactly what I would want to do. And a bike?! Perfect. I think you are living my other life. The life I would like if I didn't get married and become a mommy. I could still get a bike, though. Even mommies need some time to escape, to pedal back to girlhood, with some books in her basket, and a ribbon in her hair. Right?
Huge Congrats on the bakery....
And keep inspiring all of us!! Your creativity and heart are such a blessing!!
Congrats to you...on Millie AND the bakery! It sounds divine!
Hopefully there will be delivery to Calif? With my mom having cancer and so many hospital visits and chemo trips...I am so pooped...what I wouldnt give to be able to order a homemade delight!!!!!!!...oh the thoughts.....oh the tastes....is it June yet!!!!!!!
Congrats and go for it all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geneen from calif.
WooHoo! That, is really great news. I wish you all the luck in the world with the bakery. It will be hard work.. but oh, so enjoyable! I am eager for you to get started! If anyone can do it.. You and Millie are the ones.
Good Luck : )
Hip Hip Hooray for having courage to step out in a new direction. You will surely find success!
Firstly let me start of by saying I have sat here and read pretty much every one of your entries and I am.. speechess. You have given me hope. And your everything I hope to be someday.. Thank you, thank you for your heartfelt writing. I'm 19 and for the last year I have felt like my dreams were too distant and out of reach but now I don't believe so anymore. I couldn't help but choke up when you found those letters that fate put just in your placing and when you did that one entry about your grandfather.. and the haunted hotel omg lol. I will rest in peace tonight knowing in my heart that people like you do exsist. -Becky
CONGRATULATIONS BRIN!!!! I am so excited for you! HenryBella's is sure to be a great success!
And Millie is just so sweet!
Congratulations on your new business!!!! I love your blog.
Congratulations, Brin! I'm so happy for you. What an exciting time for you. By the way, I'm not sure I've commented before but I do love your blog. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us all.
Wow! How exciting for you! I also check yours and Alicia's blog daily. You are both an amazing inspiration! I hope you don't mind, but I put a link to your blog on mine and wrote a short entry about how much I enjoy reading yours.
PS Crate training is the only way to go with your pup. It worked brilliantly for mine.
cant wait for the grand opening. let us know if you are going to have a store front or mail orders. either way you will be hearing from me.
Like all your other friends and fans of your lovely blog, I'm so excited about Henrybella's. I remember you mentioning your desire to open a storefront bakery nearby, soon after you moved to Freeman House.
Congratulations on living your dream ... and you're opening on my birthday!
Can't wait to place an order.
How exciting! I am absolutely thrilled for you, Brin. Praying much success and FUN in the succeeding!
congratulations on henrybella's!! that is awesome.
p.s. I have 2 blogs that I always check on everyday -- Posie, and yours.
Well, Brin......
There you go living my dreams, again! Be sure to include all the details and LOTS of pictures. It makes living vicariously SOOOOO much easier!
You should listen to Nat King Cole's "Driving my Baby back Home" while you're biking your precious Millie around!
Many Blessings,
Congratulations! Wishing you the best of luck in your new venture.
yay for you! Best of luck on this endeavor! Can't wait to hear more info on your bakery.
Brin-I found your blog through my friend kattzcottage and LOVE it! You are so creative. That pic of your house is soooo charming! You make life sound so fun!
Congrats on the bakery! Can't wait to see what you're going to offer.-Brandy
I have a pink cruiser with a straw basket and old-fashioned bike bell just for the same reasons you want one. It is my favorite thing!!! I like to pretend that I am European riding my cruiser in skirts down to town and the market. And yes, I carry my bible, my journal, cottage magazines, scones, even china tea cups with a thermos of tea, roses, you name it~all things romantic. For I like to live life beautifully. So, I highly recommend getting yourself a bike, you will fall in love with all that it is.
Your new best friend Millie is the cutest puppy ever! Chocolate labs are just that, they melt in your mouth like sweet chocolate. I just got a puppy too...and she has stolen my heart! But she is a tiny pup, maltese, that fits in my bike basket. Her name is Bella and she is the joy in our cottage. What adventures await us! At Petsmart they have the cutest vintage rinestone collars...Bella has a robins egg blue one with a matching leash. They have lime green and pink too. I thought you might like one for Millie.
Congratulations Brin! A puppy, a bike and a bakery, HenryBella's, what a wonderful tribute to your Great-Grandfather :). I know you will be sucessful! June 2 will be here soon!
Kathi :)
Congratulations! That's so exciting, Brin. Glad you have the opportunity to combine your passions with your career. That is a blessing indeed!
COngrats! What a wonderful new venture!!!
kari & kijsa
Congratulations on your wonderful news, what a great adventure! If I ever get chance to visit the US again I'll be placing an order to be delivered to where ever I'm staying to taste some of your HenryBella goodness.
I'm so excited for you and your new adventure! Just don't get too busy to keep us updated!
YIPPEEE!! I am soooo excited that Henrybellas is a dream come true!!! You are my favorite baker in the whole world! How in the world will you reproduce yourself when this business becomes bigger than you????? I will always be your biggest fan! Love you girl!
kimberly from BROWNWOOD! ;)
Hi Brin! Congrats on your bakery! Is there a way to pre-order your goodies? I'd love to place mine ASAP :)
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