I'm here. Those snow-capped mountains? My new home away from home. (I took this photo about two o'clock this afternoon. You can click on it to get the full effect.) My cabin is just below the snow line on this hospitable hump. I'm told it snowed here Wednesday and again on Sunday, but there isn't any snow on the ground in my immediate area. I can see it, though. It's close. Thrills me to death.
Can't wait to show you the special place Millie claimed down by the river. We both already adore it here.
Thanks for the thoughts, prayers, comments, and the checking in. We'll dish soon. -Brin
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome,
dangerous, leading to the most amazing view.
May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.
-Edward Abbey
Ahh Brin so glad that you arrived safe and sound..magnificent view!
Waiting to hear more from your new home..
I'm adding you to my prayer list.
May you find beauty, peace, creativity, and communion with Him. :)
Glad you and Millie had a safe trip. Can't wait to see her special place and more of your new home-away-from-home. ~Adrienne~
Did someone say Garland's in Oak Creek Canyon? Oh my goodness, that place is heaven on earth! The food to die for! Healthy and delicious. The name of the cookbook is Sharing the Table at Garlands!!! #1 for sure. This is such a wonderful place. You have to cross the creek to get to it and once you do, it's like magic! Wild flowers everywhere. Paths that take you to quite places where you can pray or read. You have to put your name on a waiting list just to stay there. The reason the cookbook is called Sharing the Table is because at dinner, that is what you do. I remember one dreadful year I went there to get away and get my thoughts and life in order and to my surprise, that evening I was to shared the table with a Christian x-coworker of mine that I had not seen in years. He was there for the same reason, only his little daughter was dying of cancer and I was angry at God because my life had not turned out like I thought it should have. But that evening, that wonderful magical evening, my friend lead me in a heartfelt prayer and I fell in love with my Lord all over again. I found that I left him, he never left me. We shared our meal and stories and when I left I knew what I needed to do. I also knew that everything is in God's hands, even this surpise meeting with my x-coworker. He was there to find peace and to help me see things through someone else's eye. I could see clearly! Yes, Brin, look at this place. This is what I think you are looking for.
Oh my word, soooooo gorgeous! I am THRILLED for you, Brin. I just know you are going to have a wonderful adventure, with Millie by your side. :o)
Can't wait to see more photos. It is just breathtaking.
God bless as you experience life in new surroundings. It looks like a match made in heaven. :O)
Glad you guys made it safe and sound! Can't wait to see and hear more.
So glad you both made it safe and sound. Can you send some of that cool air and snow here? We didn't really have much of a winter and I'm already wilting with the heat.
Gorgeous! Enjoy your stay and have lots of adventures!
We are eagerly awaiting stories and photos!
Wonderful to know that you've arrived safely and what a view! Enjoy every minute...
What a wonderful view! May it bring peace, restoration and joy to your heart, mind and soul.
Although we all love to hear from you with words and pictures, don't feel pressured by us, take all the time you need to work, enjoy the space and God's beauty in creation.
Wow. What a humbling landscape. Happy to here you
are getting settled in.
So pleased you're both safe. What an adventure you are embarking on. The excitement, the thrills you'll experience.
Sending you blessings for peace and serenity,
Did you say you were in Colorado? I live in Colorado and feel all giddy that you're in the same state as me. Don't worry...I'm not a stalker and I won't come track you down. Enjoy!!
WOW! All I can say is WOW!
I just found your blog over the weekend...I can't even remember the trail of blogs that led me here. But oh.my.gosh. I LOVE IT! You have SUCH a way with words, I have spent the last few days trying to "catch up" on all your past entries. They are incredible. You are a wise, old soul. (That was a compliment, normally being called "old" anything doesn't sound too flattering, but I meant it as the highest compliment)
Thank you for writing with such grace and transparency...it's awesome.
Can't wait to hear more about the big adventure.
Nice to meet you!
What a beautiful view! I'm so glad that you and Millie made it safely to your new home. I wish you two many happy days!
Wonderful. We were worried that you would get stuck in the horrible weather in our part of the state. Glad you're safe. Have a great time. Can't wait to see what comes out of it!
Glad you are safe and sound and looks like you are settling in.
Will wait to read more of your adventures.
We don't know each other, but I stumbled on to your blog last week. Love the blog, and the pics. I am so sorry to hear about your troubles!
Good for you Brin, taking charge of your life. Millie is just a doll, and I am sure will help keep you safe and warm on those cold nights.
Best of luck with the writing too:)
Hi there, I've desicovered your blog and it has become a favorite of mine... do you mind if I post your link as a fave on my blog?
It takes real talent to capture reality in a picture....it's so beautiful there, peaceful, calm :)
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