This morning Millie and I were up early and out at the garden, digging and measuring and patting plump cloves of Czech and Russian garlic into the cool soil. If I counted right and all of it makes, I should have 35 bulbs of garlic to put up next summer. That's alot of garlic bread. That's alot of Chump Chicken.

Since it's completely organic, too, I might rush some of it to the farmer's market when the time comes. It's so rewarding to pass along locally grown, organic produce. We'll see.

Wishing you a weekend that's cozy... and not one bit creepy. -Brin
Hey, I've got one of those disembodied rake heads around somewhere--why didn't I think of that?
P.S.: I planted 35 cloves of garlic about 3 weeks ago--so far 21 of them have sprouted (yes I am a sprout-counting nerd.)
Brin..I use my 'handle less' rake for the same thing..hanging up my garden tools!
Hope all your planted garlic sprouts!
There you go girl, gardening is good therapy! I'm so looking forward to spring to start planning and planting at this new place, I have 2 acres to play with and garlic will be in there! Please stop teasing us with that chocolate bread pudding, either share the recipe or get that cookbook out soon! Enjoy your Halloween!
Happy Halloween to you, too!
Hmmm, I never clean my garden tools. Didn't know I was supposed to!!
Happy and safe Halloween, dear girl. Are you having any treats for Millie? xxoo
Personally, I'm interested in the recipe for "Chump Chicken" -- is that an original??
I can't think of anything better to plant on Halloween than garlic. After all, you know what they say about garlic, and vampires and the like...
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