It makes sense, of course, but I'm more than a little disappointed. I've been praying for days... for the past several days... for God to come through in a BIG way. Not that I deserve it. Not that I have it coming. Not that there aren't more pressing needs or more important prayers or more worthy recipients. It just seems like there have been a lot of tough breaks and hard knocks and bitter disappointments the past two years. I suppose I'm just asking because I have no where else to turn and I have no one else to depend on. So I read Ephesians 3:20 and pray to "Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine", and I wait. I ask, then I wait expectantly for Him to answer. And please, Lord, answer big. You're a big God.
What do you suppose our prayers are to God, anyway? I'm thinking they're easy. I'm thinking we don't give Him enough credit for being mighty. I'm thinking if He could say "Let there be light", and light instantly came shooting out of His mouth traveling 186,282.397 miles per second, He can manage even our most difficult requests. Don't you? The impossible to us is more than possible to Him.
Yep, I'm setting my sights and hanging my hopes on a roof raising. And even immeasurably more than that. God's big. He can take it. And I'm betting He can hand our biggest prayers - stamped "HEARD AND GRANTED" - right over....
Brin- May I give you some hope. Satin would not leave us alone unless we were doing something right in God's eyes. He never attacks those that are slumbering. I know, I am living a long rough journey with God's blessings showing like light in between. Be hopeful and faithful. I know you are.. To those of us who are blessed by your journey thank you. Jenn
I was Just thinking about how grateful I was that we applied for our home improvement loan in June.
Two bathrooms that leak and harbour mold can't wait!
That said, If you had told me even six months ago that even one one the many blessings we've experienced in the last few months would be coming my way. . .
Well, I would have snorted in disbelief and walked away.
Yet here we are, richly blessed!
God really can do anything.
He just doesn't always do it in the time or ways we might expect!
I've been praying for you for the last several days.
I'll add your roof to the list. :D
Brin, I know just how you feel this week. Take heart, God has a plan and it will be perfect just for you.
You are right Brin.
It is because of the current economic situation. Our adjustable rate mortgage went way up, and when
we went to refinance, we got DENIED
too, because we had made one late payment when my husband lost his job. The woman at the bank couldn't believe it---was very apologetic--but there was no help for it. There are days when I would like to get rid of this house
where we have lived for 15 years, but we wouldn't be able to sell
in this market. So we muddle on, month after month, and manage somehow, like a lot of people in this country right now. I'm sorry for your disappointment.Things will get better.You will get your roof somehow,even if you have to wait for a little bit. Life seems to go in cycles. A couple of years on the downswing and then back up---you are due to be on the upswing
where all good things will happen for you. Keep the faith.
AMEN SISTER! This is just what we discussed tonight at my Beth Moore "Believing God" Bible study. Believe Him to do BIG things. You are so right, we don't give Him enough credit. He is GOD and He can do WAYYY more than we could imagine just like Ephesians 3:20 says! Believe Him!!
Thank you for this post! I kind of needed to hear again that our God is a mighty God and that he hears every prayer. Thanks for reminding me! And I do hope you get your loan.
So very true, you always bring the book to life in a special way that I for one just love reading! Brin, I know you will find a way to get your roof, have you thought about applying to the home improvement shows on HGTV or DIY? There should also be something for historic homes to turn to for help? I'll be praying for you, but I know you will find a way! Keep the faith and keep sharing it too!
Yup, the irony of it all...
God loves you extravagantly, Brin. I know that He'll come through.
(Here, we're trying to keep TWO homes going...his and mine...neither is worth what they once were and so selling isn't an option right now. BUT, trying to pay two mortgages...ackkkk!)
Keep praying big!
I will be praying for you. God is big and can do anything. A roof is not a small thing.
a beautiful post and one that I can relate to in so many ways......thank you for a lovely visit!
Pardon me, but is there a chance your roof could be patched for now? Small steps can sometimes make things easier. No pans or buckets would be nice until things look up. Just a thought.
Keep your faith. God hears always and is faithful...even when we don't like the answers. I'll say a pray for you and your roof situation.
Girl your so kewl
Sometimes God really does work in the most mysterious ways. And there really is a window most of the time, albeit, you have to look sideways to see it most of the time, hah. I've noticed this quirky little secret, in order to have God answer, you must ask and then the wheels really start turning in some way or another. The whole time I was reading your post I kept thinking "put a donation tab on your blog, Brin! That's the window!" and you did! Excellent idea! :) Our whole house needed remodeling desperately too with leaking windows that harbored mold, bathroom ceiling exhaust that leaked and trapped water into the ceiling, good god. Houses can be so much trouble! Lol. Even when you love them! Anyway, my own loan was denied months ago due to medical bills, so God showed up through my family that swooped in and loaned me the money as well as helping me out with the medical burden.
You give us all so much through your little blog, it's worth a little $ imo since we get to enjoy it's loveliness for free :).
Brin, you'll get that roof, I'm sure of it! God is good...I mean great!!!
Your posts always seem to be geared to something I need to hear just when I need to hear it!
Good things come to those who wait. I know good things are coming your way. Keep the faith sweet girl!
Obstacles and Hindrances are 'Mountains' and we are instructed to 'speak' to those things...not go around or over or through...Speak...and Command what you see as a Mountain to gather itself up by it's roots and cast itself into the sea and forbid it in Yeshau HaMassiah (Christ Jesus) Name to rise up no more.
The 'GOD Zone' is is the impossible for people zone...As scripture states clearly that that it is not by our strength or might BUT By GODs Spirit that ALL things are done.HE changes the courses of peoples minds as easily as He changes the courses of the rivers of the land.
We are told to never lean unto our own understanding on anything...why? Because our understanding is finite...based on our experiences or other peoples 'advice'. Abba Yahweh (Father GOD) is Infinite, His ways are Higher and His thoughts are Higher and they are always GOOD toward us continuously.
It does not matter what the world is doing..it grows worse and worse but dear little sister...we are IN this world (it's our watch or time) but we are not OF this world...get your Bible and read all these things for yourself and ask HIM to guide you in all Truth and learn His Word...Speak His Word and Pray His Word...HE and His Word are one and the same.
You are not alone.I Pray Blessings and Favor rest upon you and encircle you in Abba Yahwehs Grace.
Obstacles and Hindrances are 'Mountains' and we are instructed to 'speak' to those things...not go around or over or through...Speak...and Command what you see as a Mountain to gather itself up by it's roots and cast itself into the sea and forbid it in Yeshau HaMassiah (Christ Jesus) Name to rise up no more.
The 'GOD Zone' is is the impossible for people zone...As scripture states clearly that that it is not by our strength or might BUT By GODs Spirit that ALL things are done.HE changes the courses of peoples minds as easily as He changes the courses of the rivers of the land.
We are told to never lean unto our own understanding on anything...why? Because our understanding is finite...based on our experiences or other peoples 'advice'. Abba Yahweh (Father GOD) is Infinite, His ways are Higher and His thoughts are Higher and they are always GOOD toward us continuously.
It does not matter what the world is doing..it grows worse and worse but dear little sister...we are IN this world (it's our watch or time) but we are not OF this world...get your Bible and read all these things for yourself and ask HIM to guide you in all Truth and learn His Word...Speak His Word and Pray His Word...HE and His Word are one and the same.
You are not alone.I Pray Blessings and Favor rest upon you and encircle you in Abba Yahwehs Grace.
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