Monday, October 6, 2008

Home in Old October

All things on earth point home in old October....
- Thomas Wolfe

I grew up raking leaves under this tree. The far-reaching beauty stands solidly behind my parent's house between the end of the dusty drive and, farther down, a creek. Over the weekend I visited it again. In a way it seemed as if I'd never left.

For me, today is one of those days when you have so much to say that you have nothing to say. You know, one of those days when someone will stare at you, eyes narrowed, and ask, What's on your mind? and you sigh and say, Nothing, because really, everything is on your mind, and you just don't have the time or energy to make the words to put it all out there. That's what today is.

I've been looking forward to being home all day today. If you ask me, October is for staying home. Tonight I'm going to make Cheesy Potato Soup (with crumbly bacon and chives from the garden) followed by Pumpkin Pecan bread (recipe will follow, I'm sure). Then I plan to order a cozy rug for the library while watching my new boxed set of Pushing Daisies.

Yes. Good. We'll leave it all at that. It's October and I am home and nothing's on my mind.

Happy Monday. -Brin


Vee said...

...nothing yet everything. Delight in being home and in taking good care of home and yourself. Looking forward to the recipe. You can't go wrong with that cozy rug from L.L. Bean. I have one and love it!

Anonymous said...

Hello Brin!

I LOVE your blog, and visit often.

You are such an inspiration!n I really enjoy seeing life through your eyes. You have the gift of drawing one into your world through your words.

I was wondering if you might share the recipe for your Cheesy Potato Soup as well? Potato soup is one of my FAVORITES and I have been trying to find a good recipe. So far, NO LUCK! The recipes I have tried sounded fabulous, but when I made them, they always seemed bland, or missing something.

I hope you get to stay home during the beautiful month of October. I can't wait to see Fall at Freedom House!

Anonymous said...

OOPS! I am so sorry! That was supposed to be FREEMAN House! DUH! (I wish we could edit posts!) LOL!


Georgia Peach said...

I read your blog almost everyday and enjoy it so much. I live in Atlanta and would love to live in the country in an old house but that is getting beyond us. My husband is from TX but has lived here for the last 38 years. So, I live through you and your pictures. Life is hard but you have the spirit to enjoy the important things. Fondly, Kay

Rosa said...

Welcome home.
Cheesy potatoe soup sounds great!I think I'm going be giving potatoe leek soup a try tonight using the leeks from my not so sucessful veggie garden. :)

singingsolace said...

You are absolutely delightful! Even if you posted 100 times a day, I would still want more!

Amanda said...

Yummy...that all sounds so good! Please share your potato soup recipe if you can!

Unknown said...

I have to agree with singing solace, if you posted a 100 times a day, it still wouldn't be enough, you just have a special way with words! I also agree with you on October is for being at home, the best place to be! I came up with a cheesy potatoe soup a few years back that is our favorite so I'll be anxious to see yours and the bread recipe too!

Amy said...

I have many days where nothing is everything...
enjoy October...I so love this month!

And I would LOVE to get a good cheezy potato soup recipe!! YUMMY!

Betty said...

October is a wonderful month to be home, Brin..enjoy this beautiful season!
I love pumpkin and am trying many new recipes this autumn, looking forward to your recipe too.

Anonymous said...

The soup sounds wonderful! I also enjoy the pictures you post. Have a great time staying in and enjoying life.

jill said...

I used to live in a log cabin in the country and I had one of those LL Bean rugs - a large one in the living room in front of a huge hearth and fireplace. It was a fabulous rug - wonderful under the feet. You'll love it.

I wish I were still there...sigh...

em's scrapbag said...

I loved reading your thoughts. I know how you feel. Your mind so full of all that is wonderful and no way to express it that would do it justice.

Elenka said...

I live driving distance from the real LLBeans, as a matter of fact, I could get you that rug with free shipping! Really! LOL
I have lots of stuff from Beans.
Nevertheless, it's good to be home. Enjoy.

David Marin Natividad said...

Brin.. I forget somtimes that you are in Texas. They way you describe your house, yard, and your "fall" soups and foods... it's like I picture you somewhere where they actually have a fall season. I can see you on the east coast watching your leaves turn beautiful colors of yellow and red. Being in SA Town is wonderful, but I do wish we had a real fall season. All we have is Hot.. then not so Hot.. then it might get COLD for 2 days, then it gets Hot again.. haha