Friday, October 17, 2008

The Haunted Haunt

All houses are haunted. All persons are haunted.
Throngs of spirits follow us everywhere.
We are never alone.
-Barney Sarecky

Yikes. But I believe that. I believe that we are people who live out our lives in the midst of a spiritual realm. Not to sound crazy or anything, but I believe in angels. I believe in demons. I believe in things I can't see, hear or touch. And I believe that, regardless of our faith or eternal destination, these beings... these spirits, whatever... interact with us far more than we realize. I don't believe my house - or my person - is haunted, but I do believe that I'm not always alone here. It doesn't scare me, though. I know Whose side I'm on. I know Who wins in the end.

So the scary house night is tomorrow. And seriously? I was worried that this place wouldn't be scary enough? Decorating has yet to begin, really, and I'm already satisfied folks will get their $3 worth of fright. Today I threw a black cape over a dress form in one of the rooms that has yet to see renovation and then, an hour later, caught it out of the corner of my eye. Think I jumped three feet. Scared me to death. And I know it's there. And it's not even dark yet.

This is the library. A view into it, anyway. The library will feature my red velvet couch, black lights, candles, and a "dead" girl. Rumor is (although there's no truth in it whatsoever), is that a young girl fell from one of the second story windows of Freeman House and, well, died. It's not true, but it's a plausible story - especially when you note how low-to-the-ground the windows sit. Anyhow, my tiny high school friend Emily is going to be the "dead" girl, only when people pass by her wake in the library, she'll suddenly sit up to reveal a half-bloody face while hissing "the wagesss of ssssin is deathhhhh...".

Yeesh. It helps that there are bloody hand prints on the window outside where the little girl supposedly (but never did, I assure you) fell. You can't tell here, but they're red and look very realistic.

(By the way, the same girl, the first of many people to tell tour-goers that "the wages of sin is death", will later open a door, clean, white-robed, and carrying a glowing candle, to lead people out of a dark, stifling room, proclaiming all the while that "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" - Romans 6:23. Some of us Christians have a bizarre take on these things, I'll give you that.)

So. There will be a total of five rooms and a long hall that make up the tour tomorrow. Each will be creepy and unexpected in its own right.

There are so many costumes. I got home from work today and laid them out, trying to make sure I've put the right people in the right ones. And then it dawned on me: I don't have a costume. I picked up the mirror and looked at myself.

Maybe I'll just be me - the quiet-hearted, ruffled-shirt-wearing girl who haunts Freeman House already. I think I'll just white out my face and wear 1880s-type clothing and stare at the kids with my big, dark eyes and shakily whisper that I live here and, would they like to stay here with me, too?

That would do it. That would be creepy enough.

Maybe now's not the time to mention that I've applied to be a foster parent to a little girl. Good thing I'm getting all this spooky stuff out of the way tomorrow, huh? Wish us luck.... -Brin


Life is 5 Minutes Long said...

Good luck with the foster parenting. I also know you'll have loads of fun withthe scarry house. You bring light to my day. Jenn

Adrienne said...

Oh Brin, I think you would be a fantastic foster mom. What a great way to share who you are with someone who really needs you. I'll be praying and watching to see what happens. ~Adrienne~

Polly said...

Wouldn't it be interesting if the ghosts that actually hang around Freeman House decided to make an appearance?

Kathleen Grace said...

Best wishes on being a foster mom Brin, I can assure you it may not be easy but you will have the opportunity to make a rel impact on a little girls life! My parents took foster kids when I was growing up and I always thought it was pretty cool. I would be too creeped out to sleep in Freeman house all decked out like that! Yeesh, I am one of those adults who just got over being afraid of the dark (well, mostly) a couple years ago. I make sure there is no creepy stuff around though! Have fun with your haunted house!

paisley penguin said...

Wow, from the photos Freeman House looks great! I'm certain that dress form would freak me out if I forgot it was there. Good luck with your tour and foster parenting!

Jen said...

I'm so excited for you to start fostering. If you remember, I took on two foster girls as a single woman, and ended up adopting them. Whatever God has in store for you will be wonderful, and you will be blessed.
Meanwhile, have fun scaring your visitors!

Harbor Hon said...

I think the black caped form is going to be very spooky. Loved the cobwebs near the library and the story about the dead girl is awesome. Like how the bloody handprints look in that print you took.

Good luck on being a foster parent. I think any girl would blossom in your good company. You are such a treasure. xxoo

Linda Z said...

I'm freaked out all the way in California! :) Can't wait to hear more about the foster situation... how exciting!

Jenny said...

Prayers for a successful time to foster the little lady. Many prayers!

And I think the house pretty much meets the "scare" criteria necessary to scare the pants off of folks. The dress form did the deal for me. Well done!

kali said...

I am so happy for you! I know you will be a wonderful mom. I will be praying for you!
God has this way...not always what we imagined...but always far better than we could have ever imagined... :o)
Thanks for making it over to my blog!!! I was COMPLETELY shocked!! I called my mom, guess what? guess what?!!?! BRIN commented on my blog!!!! (I share with her, she asks for updates, its pretty funny)She was as excited as I was. Your words were so special to me, thank you.
Wish I was there to help you with your scary adventure!

Betty said...

Wow a foster parent to a little will be a wonderful Mom, Brin!
Oh my I'd jump see that dress form draped in a black cape!

Kim said...

You'll be a great foster parent. Our church just started a foster program and several families are going through the training. Good luck and good luck with the house haunting. I too love being on the winning side.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Wonderful! I wish I lived closer to stop by for a scare! You are beautiful as always and your house should be full!

MN Kathi :)

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I hope the haunted house is lots of fun and a great outreach as well. And good luck on the foster parenting ... what an amazing opportunity to impact a life.

Just A Girl said...

It sounds like a great lesson about our choices.
I'll be praying for all of you.

happyhoma said...

fostering... what a great way to change the world!

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 (NIV)

traci said...

hope last night went well. good luck with the foster parenting. what a wonderful thing for you to do!!

Unknown said...

Oh Brin, I'm praying for you and a foster daughter to find each other soon, you'd be a wonderful Mother! And that last photo of you, the first thing that came to mind was you can be Mrs. Freeman for Halloween, a younger version of course but what a liking to a 1880's young lady in waiting.....have fun, can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I think your haunted night will be magnificent. A foster-child...that's a great thing. It takes a special person to be able to take a child in for a time and pour your love all over him or her.

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Excellent Brin. I've always, as a Christian, struggled with Halloween. We celebrate "God's Fall Harvest" in our home because I told our girls I didn't care for the glorifying of gore, death, devils, etc. But you merged the two absolutely perfectly and explained the plan of salvation too!!!

Excellent, absolutely excellent!!!



Rox said...

Woohoo! A foster Mom? I think that is just wonderful! Good Luck. You will be in my prayers. Please keep us posted....
I am so glad that the "Spooky" Freeman house was a success.


GirlonTour said...

What a fantastic idea. I wish I could come all the way to Freeman House to experience the 'spooky house'. I have a bit of a morbid fascination for these things!

Anonymous said...

I am right there with you in believing we are not alone!

You would be a GREAT foster parent!