Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Results Show

It went well, the Spook House did. Shockingly well. People came, screamed and ran out the kitchen door before congregating in front of the house, exclaiming "Oh my gosh! When that guy jumped out with that saw!..." and, "That dead girl on the couch grabbed my ankle!" It was priceless.

I decorated sparingly in the rooms of the house that were used on the tour. Using a lot of spider webs, black lights and other assorted props, I tried to make the house look as if we had just wandered in a boarded-up, abandoned old place. Worked like a creepy charm. I set pictures askew and threw sheets over furniture. But the best "props" were the 13 people dressed in assorted costumes. If the house was the stage, these folks were definitely the stars. They lurked in dark corners and hid behind furniture, along halls and in overhead spaces. In the second room of the tour, they formed a tunnel through which everyone had to walk. Some stood, staring at you from behind blood and black eyes. Others moaned or screamed or hissed. Others brushed their fingers, ever so slightly, against your arm or hair as you (tried to) hurry past.

They were delightfully scary here, I thought, as they waited for me to come upon them in the dark, gloomy house.

All told, over 125 people came through last night and heard Romans 6:23, got a tract, and got their wits scared out of them. It cost me some money and time I didn't think I had, but it was worth it. One lady told me, "I'll never think of that - the wages of sin is death - the same way again." Good. Glad it made you think.

So, now that this is over, we now return to our regularly-scheduled lovely fall blog. Thanks for hanging in as we went creepy for a week. But isn't that one reason you all continue to show up: you never know what I'll be doing next?

Gotta go take down all those darn spider webs now. [Grin]


Harbor Hon said...

Sounds like a hauntingly good time was had by all. Wish I could have taken the tour myself as I love spooky stuff. You are a marvel in your willingness to share with others. xxoo

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

It sounds and looks like you had a great time. You made such an impact on those young people. Sharing the love of Jesus and giving them some fun too was great. I always enjoy your posts and this was so neat. I wish I could have visited and brought my granddaughter.

Chanda said...

I'm so glad it turned out to be a fun evening for all involved. It takes a lot of work to put on a production such as this, but all worth it in the end. Glad you ended the evening with a lesson and a blessing. Happy Halloween.

Running with a sharp pencil said...

Hi Brinn! I just got home from the Blissfully Domestic Blogging Conference in Nashville, TN--They will have another one in February--and it was free- food, speakers, we only paid for our lodging. I know you eschew crass commercialism, BUT have you considered contacting roofing companies about donating to your roofing project in exchange for a little promotion of their product and services? After all you are restoring a historical home to its original splendor and glory and that's a worthwhile to the entire community!

Running with a sharp pencil said...

Brin, I just left the Blissfully Domestic Blogging Conference in Nashville- It was free (we paid for our own lodging), but the conference & food was free! Great speakers too! They will be having another one in February. Anyway, have you considered approaching roofing companies about donating a roof and letting you plug their product on your blog? I know that you don't like crass commercialism, but you are restoring a historical house to its original splendor and glory!

Grace said...

Loved the Spook of the most creative things I've ever experienced! Thanks for being such a wonderful example to our kids. When I was a little girl, our parents let us create a haunted house in the garage. It was so much fun. One little girl wouldn't quit screaming. We found out later that our dog had his cold nose up her skirt!
Love, Grace F.

Just A Girl said...

Hi Bren,
It sounds like it was a success and hopefully the creepiness of "What happens next" will settle into their hearts.

Happy clean up!

GirlonTour said...

Very imaginative! I love it!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

What wonderful memories you've made for some people...perhaps some life changing ones at that :)

A wonderful Munday to you Brin!
MN Kathi :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a successful time. Your heart for Jesus is inspiring. Who would have thought that a scary house would have been an opportunity. Your blog is lovely and I try to visit it daily.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it went so spooktacularly well! Wish I could have seen it.

Vee said...

How much fun you've treated your community to and how much good will you've begun. That's a very good thing.

Unknown said...

I knew it would go over well, you always manage to come through with all you do! And what a neat way to get a point across, that evening will stay with those kids, your such a inspiration!

Kristie @ Comfy Cozy said...

Awesome!! Wish I lived close..I'd have been there for sure!!

ancient one said...

Sounds like a wonderful scary time was had by all. And God's word was once again given to everyone. Good Job!!

Anonymous said...


It sounds like you had so much fun! It would have scared the pee-jeebers out of me for sure! LOL!

Off topic - I wanted to tell you about a site that is baking cookies and other goodies for soldiers serving in Iraq and other places overseas. I thought that since you love to bake it might be something you would be interested in doing. If so, please take a look at they are looking for bakers to sign up on teams.

Cyndi said...

well sounds like it went well that is gr8 to hear...have you had time to meet our friends...Mr. Right? I finally made it back to my blog...ugh I have nooooo idea how you do it! Again, if your ever in La gv me a text and we can do the boardwalk and joes or something...xoxox Cyn

Mrs. said...

didn't know how to comment on your last post so thought i would leave one here.

just keep walking forward. someday soon you will look back and wonder when it stopped will feel new freedom as He provides His redemption. keep walking forward. and thanks for sharing your raw emotions. it is really refreshing!

Kelly said...

what a great idea, brin! love it!