Got out yesterday, though. A new friend and I loaded up and drove a few hours to Amarillo. Amarillo by morning, baby. I'd never been. It was beautiful. By the time I got around to taking pictures it was late afternoon so the ice had melted from the cactus, leaving the landscape looking burned and bored. But it wasn't. It was cold and crunchy.
My Monday Moments haven't even been a consideration for us the past two weeks, have they? I'm sorry. I blame that partly on my schedule and partly on the book of devotionals I'm compiling, to be entitled: Pulling Heaven Down. (No release date set as of yet, but if you'd be interested in a copy, I'm sure the publisher would be interested to see your comment here.) Not that my excuses will fly with y'all, I know, but I thought I'd offer up a few anyway. But I know. I miss meeting here and devoting on Mondays, too.
So how are you? Hope you're well. I'm looking forward to talking Christmas this week and showing you my knitted Peppermint Tote (made from strips of Target bags!) and dishing on Christmas card lists. Here's to tomorrow!
And here's to you. Thanks, as always, for hanging in with me on the messy side of my thrilling life....
Ouch..watch the knife! Eating carrots whole isn't a bad idea..
I'm waiting to hear more about your book on devotions..
Take care of yourself, Brin!
Pampered Chef tools can be very dangerous. I rec'd multiple slices from the food chopper. This was due to my own stupidity though, not to be classified as an accident.
Back away from the Santuko knife!
You are the least messy person I know. Sorry about the accident.
I miss seeing you and send love and kisses for the boo-boo~
Absolutely interested in knowing more about Pulling Heaven Down ... your blog writing is so heartfelt and tender, I'm sure the devotional will be wonderful.
Your blog is a daily stop for me ... I look forward to each entry.
ooo sorry about the knife accident...
I am VERY interested in the book about the devotions book.
I want to see the tote, too!
I would love to read your devotional book. I have been pondering your Nov 12 post quite a lot over the last couple of weeks. A dear friend lost her 44 year old husband - massive heart attack, no warning at all, three young children - and she is confronting her hurts also. There is no way for her to look away from the pain. Your post is very meaningful as I think about her and pray for her.
Nita in SC
Sorry to hear about your knife mishap Brin. This is why I use my food processor. . . for everything!! I've been cut one too many times.
I'd personally, love to see a copy of your completed devotional book. I love my daily devotions and my daily quiet time with the Lord.
Speedy healing to you!
oh no brin- hope you are ok now,sounds terrible. thinking of you :)
Definitely interested in your book! Your blog is a daily must-read for me. I know the book will be wonderful. Sure hope your hand heals quickly. Finger injuries are very painful! :o
Oh my, are you alright? No details needed, I can imagine what happened, you poor thing!! Oh, another book, I can't wait! How is the cookbook coming along? I'd buy any book you wrote, hope the publisher knows the goldmine he just hit! Can't wait to hear more about your tote and Christmas talk!! HUGS!!!
Brin - I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you are mending OK. Glad you could get away. I'd love to see your tote. Can't wait to hear more about your devotional book. Take care of yourself - and be careful. ~Adrienne~
Oh, Brin, I hope you are on the mend and that it doesn't hurt too much. I'd also love to see your tote.
Best to you.
So sorry to hear of your accident. I'm sending heartfelt vibes of healing and look forward to hearing more from you soon.
Oh dear. That sounds horrible! I hope you aren't in a lot of pain.
Looking forward to the devotional...you have such a great way with words, I am definately interested in purchasing one.
Are you okay? Did you really lose some fingers? Sounds aweful. Sometimes when it rains it pours...seems like its been pouring alot for you this year. But I love that you run to our Beloved and abide in His shelter. It says in Hosea that we will sing from the valley of achor...and I hear your song...your writings are songs, you know. And your worship is beautiful! I can only imagine how you must make His heart twirl, because you sure do delight so many of us here. Your light is shining girl!
So sorry about your owie!
I hope it heals fast for you. I would like to be first on the list to buy any of your future books. Your words sing an enchanting melody. Always inpiring. Always fresh. Always insightful. May God continue to bless your natural talent.
Warm Pie, Happy Home
So sorry about your missing finger. My son lost part of his a few years back in a door. He's fine now, just has a mis-shapen fingernail. He got used to not using it, and still doesn't use it when playing guitar or typing. Hope it all heals well.
I worry about you Brin. You can't seem to settle down in one place. I so miss your Monday Morning little piece of Heaven. You have such a deep understanding of things spiritual, including first of all Jesus, love, honor, heaven and all inbetween. Keep on keeping the faith, decorate your house, cook some wonderful holiday foods, feed your friends and get those books written. But most of all stop neglecting your blogging fans. We are here for you so you be there for us. OK?
I'm so sorry to hear about your accident...the healing can be the hardest part. I remember when I was whittling wood, LOL, yes I can laugh now. I will have the scar for life but it is a good reminder for me to be cautious. In time you will chop carrots, celery, green peppers and the works! :) Emeril always tucks his fingers under, I know you will chop again!
I'm thrilled you are working on a devotional, I can't wait to see the finished project, beautiful title Brin. My prayers are with you.
It sounds very nasty. Maybe yu should try a small paring knife next time. They work believe me.
Wow! I just had a feeling...yes, I want a copy. Just let us all know when it will be available.
Hope that your hand is on the mend...sounds nasty.
Oh, and I also think you'd be good at writing children's stories. LOL!!
Publish! There's no replacement for seeing your own thoughts and words committed to ink and stock. Particularly when it is mass produced. :)
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