Guess that's the trouble with traveling for a living and then having THREE DAYS to do Christmas. Merry and bright turns into messy and blurry....
Oh, hang it all. We girls can only do so much. Scoot those ornaments off on the floor. I'm going to the kitchen to make cocoa....
Let's just forget it all and settle in and be still and know....
That's a grand idea!
(I think the tree is gorgeous! And somehow, those ornaments look fantastic on that beautiful golden chair....such a lovely home!)
Glad you're home, safe and sound. Have a Merry Christmas!
Ohhhh, you mean I could be still and k-n-o-w? I should try that. STAT!
It'll get better I hope. You'll be amazed at all that can be accomplished.
Hi Brin,
I am so glad that you are finally home, I was eager to see Freeman House all decorated. Yes, Christmas can be so stressing but it is still wonderful to sit in the evening and see everything is glittery and shiny. Hope you'll have some time to relax.
Merry Christmas.
So far, so good! It's beautiful. Remember to take care of Brin first.
Your Freeman House is so pretty Brin. Even in a mess & blur it is pretty...a pretty mess. Yes, be still and sit in the pretties that surround you...like a little girl...it's your magical fairyland, sit, giggle, awe, & wonder.
Oh Brin, I just knew you could pull it all together and grace Freeman House with your charm and nack for decorating! What a lucky house! Just beautiful! Hope you find some relax time to sit and savor it all! Hugs!!
I'm glad your at home, enjoying yourself! Dont work too hard, everything looks beautiful already. Merry Christmas!
loving that dress form. just found your blog. messy, thrilling life....reminds me of a sabrina ward harrison book. i'll be back. you write with honest charm.
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