The reinvention of daily life means
marching off the edge of our maps.
-Bob Black

As years go, you were undoubtedly my worst. I hated you. I truly did. You hunted me and taunted me. You spooked me and scared me. And although I managed your messes and thrived on your thrills... somehow... you nearly beat me. I'm so glad to see you go.

And your predecessor - the bright, shining 2008 - promises to out-do you. Once you're laid to rest, he'll move in with all his promise and newness. Lord willing, he'll bring about a book. He'll see the completion of the library. He'll deliver new flowers and friends... new projects and pets. And we'll be happy together, 2008 and I will. We'll share our laughs and quiet moments and mention you with a shrug and a roll of the eyes.
Yes, 2007, I'm through with you. Good riddance. I leave you now to revive and reinvent a precious life you tried to destroy. I leave you to march to the edge of my map and off onto a new one. And as I see new sights and chart new waters, I won't miss you at all.
Glad we had this talk....