...which actually isn't golden netting at all. It's plastic produce bags, cut in strips. You know, the kind of plastic mesh bags that hold onions at the grocery store. But that's me... and that's this house: trash and treasure sharing the same space. Even at Christmas. Those fancy pants designers can have their boring old decor and stuffy houses.
When I think of it, that's a little of how this year has shaped up: a lot of trash, a little bit of treasure. A lot of hard times, a little bit of magic. But as Christmas draws near and the year winds down, I'm left with a deep, tender appreciation for everything I do have... for everyone I hold so, so dear... and for the person God is patiently, daily creating anew in the midst of one messy, thrilling life.
And for the Christmas record: I'm thankful for you, too. I hope you know that. I hope you get up from your computer in a little while knowing that you're prayed for and counted on and loved up. Even if it's just by one girl with an angel-and-onion-bag Christmas tree in Texas...
Sending wishes of comfort and joy to you this Christmas.
you dear, dear girl!! YOU are loved more than you will ever realize by more people than you probably know are out here. youve been such a blessing in my life this year, and an encouragment and laugh when i've needed it most, for that i THANK YOU. Merry Cmas. connie
Onion bags, eh? Amazingly creative and surprisingly beautiful.
Brin, visiting your blog is one of the highlights of my day. Oddly enough, I do feel loved and encouraged. Hope that you feel buoyed by the prayers and love that surrounds you, too.
Merry Christmas!
What a heart-warming post! I've never met you in person, yet I feel a specialness due to your post.
Have a Wonderful, Thrilling Christmas!
peace and god's blessings to you this Christmas. He came that we might have life! Merry Christmas, Brin.
Trash and treasure, Brin?...I love it! I'm going to be saving onion bags for next year! That is such a neat look!
No fancy designing at my house either.
Merry Christmas!
Lovely. Really. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, sweet thing. (Me)
You are such a sweet soul, Brin. I have so enjoyed visiting your blog. May God richly bless you this Christmas and in the coming year.
Happy Dreams!
Merry Christmas to you Brin. Your tree is beautiful, I am sure Freeman house is beautiful too, all decked out and filled with your hopes and dreams for next year.:>) God bless you!
Dear Brin -
Have a wonderful Christmas as you celebrate the birthday of the King! May you have peace and rest as you enjoy Freeman House and all that God has blessed you with. You are an inspiration and encouragement. And creative!
LOVE the onion bags!!!!!!! Will start saving them as well....
Merry Christmas Brin!.
I have enjoyed finding and reading your blog. I wish you health, happiness, love and laughter for 2008.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Merry Christmas, Brin. I'm glad to see you made it home. All looks beautiful in Freeman House--you're the best adornment for it.
Hi Brin.
I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Brin...
Thank you for sharing your many, many talents over the years. I've only been reading your blog for several months, but I've caught up reading past entries and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I especially like things you've tried: things you've made, cooked or observed. Your photos are exquisite. Good luck to you in the new year....and I've mentioned this before....there's a kitten out there with your name on it!
Best in the new year.....
Christmas blessings to you, Brin. Your blog is a gift to many of us who await each entry. I am looking forward to seeing what 2008 holds for Freeman House and you!
You are a beautiful treasure.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas Brin!! We love you! Your such a blessing, you have come into our lives and shown us that life is messy but so worth the effort! Your a treasure! I pray your holiday fulfills you and this crazy year you've had! Love Ya Lots!!
Merry Christmas, Brin!!
Hope your New Year will be a year of wonderful blessings!!
Merry Christmas Brin!! You are such a blessing in my life and I know in the lives of many others! God Bless you this Christmas season and into the new year!
Merry Christmas :)
Wishing you a joyful, wonderful healthy and happy 2008! I know this past year has been hard, but it's DONE.
And God has a whole new year planned for you!Yay!
xo Lidy
I love your tree. It is amazing to me that each tree is as unique as its designer, and yours is as lovely as I thought it would be! Thanks for sharing with us!
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