I was writing about my Grandfather, about his illness and our relationship and memories I have of us together when I was a child. And Britt-Arnhild wrote these five words: Such a beautiful love story. Simple enough observation, I suppose. But the thought of a girl and her grandfather... the thought of their story as a love story... pressed into my heart and made me gasp. This is a love story, I thought. I gave love. I accepted love. How many other similar "love" stories have woven themselves into my life? How many of them am I missing? How many love stories am I neglecting to celebrate just because they don't look as I think they ought?

To Junior – For making me laugh every day between 1 and 2 PM. And for bringing the mail despite the rain, sleet, snow and hail.
To Gilmore Girls – For seeing me through many a Tuesday night. Wish you’d come back.
To Grace, Shelley, Amber, JoAnne, Traci and Lisa – For standing by my side. Rushing to my aid. For showing me that true friends are among the best God hands out. (JoAnne told me last night about the chicken coop!) My love for y’all runs deep.
To My Family… all of you – For everything. We might not have it all together but together we have it all.
To the memory of Maebelline – Darling kitty. First Valentine’s Day without you. I miss you terribly. Wish with all of me you were still here.
To my Kelvinator oven – For the perfect cornbread. And for only catching on fire that once. I'm glad you've hung in as I’ve written my book.
To You – For defining “deliriously”, and teaching me to know the difference. You were my sweetest downfall. I loved you first.To Regina Spektor and Tristan Prettyman – For making the album(s) I would want to, and providing the soundtrack to dance around in my underwear.
To my books and piano and garden - For the delight and escape.
To Terilli's, my favorite restaurant - For the al fresco memories. (And the cute guys who park my Jeep.) I still crave you.
To Victoria Magazine – For the grace, beauty, and words you’ve brought. Congratulations on your rebirth.
To Grandma – For doll dresses and fried okra and flowers and the Cowboys. I think parts of me are yours. My cookbook is for you.
To Howard Payne University – My dear alma mater. For the exams, the challenges and the people you brought into my life. They taught me how to learn and how to love. Thanks for the law degree. Sting ‘em, Jackets.
To Alicia Paulson – For writing the blog I want to read everyday.
To Big D – For capturing my heart. Thanks for seeing me off.
To Little D – For welcoming me here. Thanks for becoming my home.

To my blog readers - Thanks for showing up. Not sure why you do, but thanks. Happy Valentine's Day. My love, Brin
Happy, happy Valentine Brim. And happy collecting love stories.
Wonderful read, Brin. And a happy day to you every day!
Happy Valentine's Brin!
I am so looking forward to this weekend Sis.
Love, Am
so you are my valentine!!!! i think that i am speechless!! (for once- not many ppl can do that!)
LOVE YOU!!!! and thanks for a great birthday night!
Happy Heart Day Brin, you have the sweetest and kindest heart! Love and Hugs!!!
Marry me. I'll take you to Terili's every night.
What's up? My phone isn't ringing yet,
Beautiful Valentine post Brin.
Wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Why do we show up? Because of "living out loud" posts like this.
We come here to know "we are not alone". You remind me of my daughter and me (probably because my daughter is about your age and she is a lot like me).
I found your blog shortly after my own dear furry best friend had to be put to sleep. Your furry best friend passed on soon after that.
I remember thinking how much you understand the way I feel. So many people laugh at me because I still cry when I think of her and there are even still times I expect her to hop on my legs as soon as I put a throw over me and start to read. You understood... and understand.
I have never been divorced but I came close once or twice. Only by God's grace did we make thirty plus years of marriage. Sometimes it is only by God's grace you can let someone go.
There is only one perfect Bridegroom.
Why have I kept coming back? Because you seem to put the things I am thinking into beautiful phrases while I am stuck saying, "ummmm?" You are a wonderful writer and a woman with a true heart. Happy Valentine's Day.
i come here because youre the woman i want to be, you have the talents i crave and the life i'd love to call mine.
Happy Valentine's Day to you too Brin Dear.
Happy Valentine's Day to you!!! You're so cool. Love, Auntie M
I visit you because you do all the things that I love. I need to be doing something all the time, too. Creative and beautiful stuff. I appreciate life, too, like you do. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Somehow you find the good in eveything, eventually.
I visit because I enjoy your writing and your photos.
That's why, so, therefore, Happy Valentines Day to you!!! From a place where there is currently an ice storm....Just got our power back after being off for 2 1/2 hours. Still icing out....and you are planting shallots! Some things are not fair!! ;-)
I've linked to you for a bloggy award - see my blog for details:
I've always said that Valentine's Day ought to be about spreading the love to everyone -- not just romantic love. I've always said it, just never done it. But this year I created Valentines for as many friends and co-workers and family as I could -- and sent them on their merry way hoping it would brighten somebody's day.
Something about you Brin -- you inspire the better angels in us. That's why I read. You're a kindred spirit, just a kinder, more thoughtful version.
Mayberry Magpie
Brin, I read because we identify with you and yet are still so awed by everything you say and do - you are a truly beautiful person. I would cherish the opportunity to meet you one day, hopefully. Mary in CA
Brin! This is truly lovely! Hoping one day you will come and see my blog! This post I have up now is really got people very happy...very nice to see! Come by!
Happy Valentine's Day, Brin. I hope you feel truly loved today. You give so much love to others. That's why we come back often. ~Adrienne~
A very happy Valentine's day to you too Brin!
Sweet, sweet entry today. You've stretched my thinking about the day, too!
Happy Valentines Day, Brin!
A very happy Valentine's Day Brin. Because of you, I have discovered books I might not have found otherwise (The Beautiful Ache, The Thirteenth Tale). I borrowed Seasons One and Two of The Gilmore Girls and have the other seasons on hold. I've discovered Heather Bailey and Amy Karol. I've rediscovered Susan Branch and PurlSoho. Most of all I've discovered someone who shares her life in such a poignant way, that others cry with her, laugh with her, pray for her, and love her.
Thank you for all you do.
Crap, y'all! You've made ME cry! Thank you all for your sweet words and wishes. They're not deserved, but they're sure appreciated.
Warmly and always,
Happy Valentine's Day Brin! Valentine's Day is about love, thanks for sharing all of your love!
Kathi :)
i hope you had a happy holiday. i am going to try your espresso sauce this weekend, yum!! your such a dear. are you dating again???anything we should know???
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