I'd rather have roses on my table
than diamonds on my neck.
-Emma Goldman

These roses, by the way, are lavender. Soft, stunning lavender. I think lavender roses are finally free of their Bed of Roses cliche, don't you? Seems that way to me when a bouquet of them catches my eye from a sink or table.
Hope you had a lovely week. Did you? And... what happened to April? I think it passed me by as I was in the garden...
Happy weekend. -Brin
(By the way: Vee, I'm calling you. Email me at brin@freemanhouse.org when you get a chance and I'll get your number and set up a time to chat. Thanks for all who commented earlier this week. We'll do this again soon!)
Ack! I have 'black spot' too, but honestly I have no idea what that is. Off to Wikipedia I go, again.
Have a lovely weekend with your roses.
Oh man, my roses have the black spot too, and it drives me nuts every year. Thank you so much for the organic remedy. I'll sure give it a try. Now, if I could just come up with some way to wipe out beetles and grub worms. I hate those things!
Love those pink plaid garden boots. Its hard for your roses to compete with those! :)
Brin, I LOVE your boots, where did you get them? I've been looking for a pair but Wally World doesn't have them! :( That quote is one of my favorites! April did get away from us didn't, but May is good too! Happy weekend hugs!!
Me? How exciting! I just had an email from Judy telling me that I had better check here for a surprise.
Okay, I'll be in touch soon, Brin. You can count on it! (I'm off to sit with the grands for the evening.)
I loved lavendar roses, especially after that movie. For some reason, Christian Slater is only attractive to me in that movie.
Love the boots!
Oh Brin,
I've been away for a few days and just checked your 2 latest entries. Talk about garden fever now. I can not wait to get to our summer place and garden. :o)
Love the boots. And the roses are gorgeous. I'm going to be checking out that movie too! :o)
Have a blessed weekend, and hopefully it will be a weekend of leisure now that you've worked so hard planting!
The lavender roses and boots are fabulous. You are one lucky young lady and the Lord has been good to you.
On another note, congratulations Vee. I am sure you will have a wonderful time talking to Brin and vice versa. xxoo
Your lavender roses are so beautiful, I see signs of life on my Canadian roses but we had a wee bit of a set back with the freezing temps this past week. How wonderful to have pink, plaid garden boots and a cure for black spot! I can't wait to mix some up and try it :).
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