Miss Millie and I survived our first night. She cried a bit and went out twice, once at 12:18 and again at 3:20 A.M. I thought she braved it all like a little champ. She's sleeping it off this morning while I drink two coffee presses of Dunkin' Donuts coffee. To each her own. Yep, it all went smoothly, except we did have an issue with her basil noshing. You know this is my dog because the only thing in the entire yard that she went nuts over were the tiny pots of basil someone gave me last week. She ate half a pot. If I didn't know for a fact that Rachael Ray feeds her dog Italian food, I'd have been worried. I met Rachael two years ago and she told me to always treat dogs with cheese. I suppose she does, too, because her magazines usually feature cheesy dog recipes.
Anything you all can think of that I need to know - as a new puppy owner - please speak up. I need all the advice I can get.

Not that she's ill-behaved. She slept at my feet this morning as I wrapped up seven apron/toolbelts for the Freeman House Shop on Etsy. They'll go on sale at noon CST. I know for a fact I'll have a few later in the week, but these are just darling. If you've been wanting one, act fast.
Ah. So. If you get stressed today, just squish your eyes shut and say a quick prayer and imagine you're here. There's Southern Banana Nut muffins in the oven, a wagging Chocolate Lab puppy at my feet, a brilliant, sunny day out my window, and bits of aprons scattered around my chairs. Who says a charmed life isn't ours for the taking?
Millie's now snoring. See you at noon. -Brin
What a cute puppy..you're in for fun times, Brin!
Those aprons look fantastic..
She braved it like a champ and how about you? Getting up twice in the night is quite the challenge.
Your aprons look wonderful...so springy and bright!
Puppy advice? Haven't had puppies since childhood, but I read that they love warm water bottles wrapped in something soft and a ticking clock well wrapped. Supposedly, this helps get them through the night better.
What a beautiful pup! Having a dog with challenges, a bit of advice: puppy classes and good obedience training. There are many excellent resources on training a dog. The advantage is a well trained dog and a happy owner, lots of fun and bonding. Good luck.
Dear Lord,
We pray that precious Millicent adjusts quickly to her new home and to Brin. Let them become the best of friends. We hope she lives a long and healthy life and brings joy to all around her.
In Jesus' name we pray,
talk to her ALOT! it's amazing what words my dog recognizes and reacts to just from me talking to her so much through the years!
Give her lots of hugs, a treat jar of her own, and plenty of room to run. She'll love you forever and know that she's living the charmed life.
Millie is adorable! As a lab mama myself, my best advice is to let them sleep with you, cuddle on the couch all they want and feed them yummy treats. : ) I spoil my Cooper like crazy!
I think you may have just set some sort of record on your etsy store! I'm glad I got there early and snagged the apron in your blog (the 3rd picture down). I can't wait to see it in person!
My dogs ( boxers)love cheese too. But, hands down their favorite treats are a big spoonful of peanut butter, and spoons of Redi Whip whipped cream. :) And, actually peanut butter is a good treat for dogs.
Love to ((((Millie))) from Sophie and Gus.
P.S. Just ordered an apron and I can't wait until it arrives! Thank you!
Rawhide chews. Lots & lots of them. We had a lab, bless his heart, and he loved to chew on things. Hence, rawhide chews or better yet, take Miss Millie to Pet Smart & let her do her own picking out. Congrats on the puppy.
Our yellow lab Rosie (3 yrs old)has never chewed any of our things. She has her own basket of stuffed toys that we play with. She had her stuffed Santa over a year without tearing him apart. Get some tennis balls to fetch. Labs love them. At first she didn't like water too much, but she is slowly thinking that swimming is fun. I love my girl Rosie. Always there for you.
she is as sweet as can be! I have two labs myself-a chocolate and a black....you always end up getting another :)much happiness
Heck, I just got home at 6 p.m. EST and all but one apron are gone, kaput! Great job Brin. Looks like I'll be acting a lot faster next time, lol.
I second all of the doggie advice. Food spoils, children and dogs do not.
Beautiful chocolate lab puppy, Brin! Our advice? put a bell on the door you take her out to 'go'...she will learn to ring the bell when nature calls. This has worked brilliantly with our Golden Retriever. We trained him for Search & Rescue...but he's really no handful around the house because of this little bell device he can ring with a nudge of his little nose. It may have to be extended down since she's puppy and not tall yet. Since you are home much of your time...that is great...she will benefit from all the quality time she gets from you. Our dog likes eggs...oh and finishing the last little bit of yogurt that is left in our Yoplait containers :) have fun!
Well, I wonder if your sweet aprons would have sold as quickly if you didn't have this fabulous blog?? Tell that to your publisher.....
Love your aprons!!! LOOOOVE Millie!!! I have three dogs under the age of 3 so training is very fresh in my memory (my baby pug Lily is only 7 months old). My advice is to crate train. My dogs love their crate...it's their safe haven! Let her sleep with you, teach her key words (my dogs know potty, bye byes, dingo (their fav. treat) grandmas, etc. etc. feed her a good quality dog food, shower her with love and affection, and correct with positive reinforcement not harsh words. Oh, and give her plenty to chew on.
I agree about the bell on the doorknob. Once our dog got tall enough we even took the bell off and she just nudges the knob with her nose. If you don't notice, then she comes and puts her nose on your knee and then goes back to the knob.
I also think that crate training helps. If you do it while Millie is a puppy, then she will be happy in small spaces all her life. We never left our dog Lucy in hers for long periods, but it helped her to have a space that was all hers.
Having had labs my whole life...I still have one...Jake...he arrived at 4 weeks old and he just turned 6 yrs old.Labs love to carry things in the mouth.The best thing I have found is tieing an old sock or pillowcase...or whatever in a knot...they love it...labs love items that are YOURS...yep...kind of like the time I left the screen door open and went on a quick jaunt..Jake let himself in...turned over the dirty clothes basket...and all my dirty clothes were in the yard upon my return...and as I drove up he had my PINK underware in his mouth with his tail just wagging away...needless to say the neighbor on the hill above me was entertained....just love Millie and know she will get into things...she will dig....but labs are so loving and will be your friend for life! Jake says hi to Millie!
geneen from Calif...
I'm sorry...but is there anything cuter than a puppy? Having recently discovered your blog (and blogging in general)I must say I JUST LOVE your blog! Now I love it even more because of Miss Millie. It's coming up on a year when after battling through several rounds of cancer, our own Miss Millie (a Golden) left this earth to go live in doggie heaven.
There's a website at www.dog-obedience-training-review.com that has lots of great info. Check it out!
Blessings to you and Millie..
Well, Miss Millie is the cutest thing ever..your aprons are gorgeous.
Well hello little Millie! You are adorable. I have a big heart for labs, having had a string of them over the years. Brin, I wish you all the joy I have had with them! Advice: crate train from the beginning. The aprons: beautiful!Wednesdays Words: wonderful! Thank you for the heads up. I will add the book soon. And Blue Jazz: super book.
Oh Brin, I'm SO happy for you, nothing compares to the love of a dog, it's just what you and Freeman House needs, they have special hearts, just like you! I have to agree with the ticking clock, just tuck a wind up clock in bed with Millie and it's suspose to mimic a mom's heartbeat and soothe the pup. It's worked for others, good luck! Love the aprons! You met Rachal Ray, lucky you!
Hey Brin -
I bought the 2nd apron that you have in this post and I absolutly love the fabric. I'm wondering where you got it or who the designer is so I can pick up some fabric!
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