It's all about apron strings today. I've set a goal: to have ten (count 'em: 10) new aprons in the
Freeman House Etsy Shop this coming week. Ten. I have such cute fabric and buttons and ribbon to work with, too. Such fun.

Er... sort of. I'll confess: it's
not all buttery light and cute prints and chocolate chip cookies here today. Earlier I watched in horror as my obstinate iron jumped
over the side of the ironing board and landed - plate down - on an overturned can of spray starch. I'll never know how it managed that. (
Grin) Suddenly I heard an angry hiss and jumped aside as the entire can blew up. Everywhere. Last week the gas can... this week the spray starch. (I can't believe I still have both my eyes. And eyebrows. I pity the guardian angel who has to watch over me. Really. I doubt the poor thing has sat down in 29 years. It probably applies for a transfer every day, hoping it will get reassigned to an old lady in Barbados who never stands ladders on top of beds or goes out alone at night in Istanbul or blows up cans of gasoline and spray starch. Maybe I should make it an apron.)
Or maybe I'll just make y'all one. Although the iron and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment, so it may be the middle of next week before they're all done.
But take a gander at those pretty, unsewn strings, would you? Apron strings are wonderful. Just saying "apron strings" makes you a little bit happy, doesn't it? Makes you think of pies and grandmas and summer evenings and speckled brown eggs and cut grass and country gravy, doesn't it? Makes my guardian angel groan but makes us a little bit happy. Apron strings.
Apron strings...
Gorgeous apron strings! Can't wait to see the aprons. Glad you were hurt and there was no major damage from the iron accident today. ~Adrienne~
So sorry to hear about the trouble and praying for you and your guardian angel.
Apron strings ... you make this old heart daydream about days gone by, but my heart sings that I found someone who seems to be more like me everyday.
God Bless You!
Carolyn xxoo
Hi! I love old houses. I live in an old house too. Built in 1912. Tell me, is yours haunted? :-) Anyways, I so wish I could go back and live in a slower, simpler time and see my grandma and pa again. Thanks for your site.
Smiles, Cookie
Good heavens! The entire can? Did it filter down to the floor or land on the walls? (Ohhh, I know! I can save these questions for the call.)
Your apron strings are so exciting because I just picked up that pink cherry fabric last week. Something must be going right for me to select something that you selected. ;>
So glad you're safe and sound. My, what a week you've had!
The apron strings are beautiful! Can't wait to see what you pair them with. I'm looking into getting the Amy Butler Barcelona skirt pattern just for the apron overlay. Need to save the pennies though.
Have a wonderful lemonade-y weekend,
Hurray I found your blog again! I couldn't remember where I found it. Great blog, I love your house, and what you have done with it. Thanks for a great blog.
I have never owned an apron. I may have to change that soon. Love the cherry print.
Apron strings..gets me thinking of my g'ma, she always wore an apron even going visiting, she would then just put on a clean and maybe a bit fancier one. I can still 'see' her tying those strings..Ahh..pies,buns,breads and homemade jam were some of her specialities.
What are the chances of your iron falling right on the glad you didn't get hurt, Brin.
We agree - saying "Apron Strings" does make you happy! The fabric is pretty happy too - can't wait to see the finished project!!
Karla & Karrie
can i claim the blue and green polka dots? :)
Oh, my what BeaUTiFuL ApRoN STiNgS!!! You have JUST the right taste when it comes to fabric... GooDneSS!
I have notice some newbies showing up in your etsy shop. Is there any chance that you will have a tool pockets or aprons, I can't remember what they are called??? I desperately need one to carry my phones in at the shoppe.
I will keep checking... LOL... Lord knows I travel this way often.
Blessings 2 you, Pamela
Brin, you're such a talented woman! The apron strings are so pretty, I can only imagine what the aprons will look like :). I collect aprons, mostly vintage ones but I do have a small usable collection as well.
Love those apron strings. Can't wait to see the finished products.
Your poor guardian angel. Somehow I have a vision of him, late at night, after you're asleep, slumped down in a chair at the foot of your bed, head in his hands, absolutely exhausted. :)
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