Hurt not the earth,
neither the sea, nor the trees....
-Revelation 7:3

I feel very strongly about this. Otherwise I'd be too busy to recycle. To compost. To reuse. To try to save energy. To plant a garden. It's just that as a young girl, I was taught: the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it (Psalm 24:1). It's His creation. We're just caretakers. So take care of it.

Aerating compost. Yick.
So today's Earth Day. There are so many little things we can be doing to see to God's beautiful world. And surely it's important. Especially to Christians. Especially now.
(Check this out. It's so beautiful I cried.)
That was beautiful. Have you heard "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe? Talk about making you cry! There's also a YouTube on Dick and Rick Hoyt with the MercyMe music playing to it. I can't make it through that without bursting into tears. God's love is just SO powerful!
I have been using a book called "The Green Lifestyle Handbook" 1001 Ways You Can Heal The Earth by Jeremy Rifkin since it was printed in the 90's. Have an extra copy ... see my e-mail that will be forthcoming.
Keeping the faith ... xxoo
Like thousands before me-Love your blog! Proverbs 16;7
Amen! I SO agree with you!! Happy Earth Day!
well said. It's the least we can do to preserve the beauty in which we live. it's nice to see little kids stepping up more now too and becoming more aware. we did a earth day project for the rainforest today in 2nd grade and they had some great ideas. happy earth day to you!
I agree completely! It sickens me that people (especially Christians!) seem to think it's only political, when you're very's spiritual. It's about being good stewards of the tremendous gifts we have been given.
Thank you for the reminder Brin..that as Christians we must take care of God's creation. It takes work but anything worth anything always takes work and this is so worth it!
I am green because I care deeply about my health and the health of family and friends! I am green because I love God and he expects us to not wasted his gifts...
Bless you today, love your blog!!
Donna Lynn
Amen! Wonderful post, my thoughts are like yours, because I am a Christian and will be accountable. :)
Happy Earth Day, Brin!
Much love and many blessings~
Ontario Canada~
Oh Brin, I too, have tears pouring down my cheeks... so beautiful and breathtaking...
Thank you.
It boils down to one word: stewardship.
I completely agree with you!! Thank you for sharing the beautiful video!!
The LORD once whispered to me, "What you plant today that dies in winter is not a waste, it matters."...something like that. At the time, I was living in Missouri, temporarily, in a townhouse and I was planting a little garden, but I knew that I may never reap the harvest because either we would have moved by then or winter would arrive and everything would die. The LORD wanted me to know that He delighted in my taking the time and care to plant veggies and flowers even if we would only get to enjoy them for a short time. He wanted me to understand that it mattered, to HIM. It matters to HIM when we take the time to plant, tend, and cultivate beauty and to have hearts in awe of all that He created and gives us.
Please let us know all is well with you. Saw the news of terrible storms in Texas and not knowing where you are, am praying all is well with you and Freeman house.
I especially like the image of your hand in the compost pile. Good stewardship have dirty hands.
You should check out the book Crunchy Cons, a book by a Republican which has a lot to say about the importance of the environment as it relates to Conservatives.
I am not at all a Republican but I stumbled on this book and it rocked my world. I suspect you would love it.
I don't know why people are content to live on a polluted planet, but I'm not. Everytime I go on a walk around my town or neighborhood I always wish I'd have brought a trash bag with me, so I could clean along the way.
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