Today I woke up. I unpacked my bags, checked my email, drove to town, adopted a puppy, bought puppy food, and soothed puppy during puppy freak-out. Then I had to give puppy back, drove puppy back to town, cried, said a mean thing to the puppy keeper, came home, planted 10 tomato plants, and hung out laundry. I made envelopes of magazines, threw dead plants away, swept the house and went back outdoors. Then I caught the back yard on fire, called the fire department and ran for my brother, folded dry/smoky laundry and avoided calling my accountant. Then I came inside.

Now I'm making dinner. And suddenly I'm worn out. Worn out but calm. What is about my kitchen that soothes even my most frayed of nerves? Throw carrots and salt in a skillet and I'm fine.
If I could bottle the comfort and serenity of this place, I'd be a
That sounds like a really stressful day!! I'm glad your kitchen keeps you grounded and soothes your soul!! :)
Child, you ain't a woman-grown til you have caught the place on fire at least once. That's why it's so important to make that pitcher of sweet tea every morning...you never know when you're gonna set somethin' a-fire, and need a glass to soothe your nerves afterwards.
Good gravey, what a day!
To quote another famous Southerner such as yourself, "tomorrow is another day". (Scarlett O'Hara) Don't forget...today, messy, tomorrow thrilling! You never know what awaits you at Freeman House. Live it, love it! Cathleen
why did you have to return the puppy?
we just got a new puppy and she is the sweetest little slice of heaven, such a gift a joy from the Father.
So sorry about your day but you made mine better because I made your Chump Chicken recipe for my meat & potato husband and he loved it and said"you can make that again". Some days just aren't worth getting out of bed for but the next one can lift your heart.
Wow, you do lead a wild life:>) So many stories in one day that I would love to hear more details of! Why return the pup? How did you catch the yard on fire? Well, anyway, everyone knows the yard needs a good burn off every once in a while to really grow. Hope tomorrow is better!
Aw Brin, sorry bout the puppy thing. Cats are better, which you already know. Speaking of which how are Mae's hydrangeas? Have they bloomed yet? I bet you miss her, I am sorry for that also, she was a loved kitty. You know shel has a new batch by the way.
Have a good weekend.
Brin, you need a kitten....or two. Bright eyes, furry bodies, loving natures. Patsy
Bless your sweet heart, Brin.
Your day sounded like a miserable, stressful one. How wonderful that your kitchen is so restorative. Wish mine were.
Yes, we definitely need more details on the puppy and how the yard caught on fire. You just can't drop lines like those and not have us salivating for the 5 W's, now can you, you clever little scribe?? :)
Welcome Home Brin! Love the new pic of you on your site. Wow! You did have a tiring day, didn't you? That's ok, things will get better. Carolyn xxoo
I'm sorry to hear of your yucky day. Life would be kind of boring without these little "downs" every once in a while, though.
May you bounce back to full happiness.
And do tell about the pup and yard. What kind of pup, what kind of ignition?
Yes, I agree, we need to hear more about the puppy! But I will say that sometimes adopting an older dog is easier if you are one person! Already trained usually, and won't need that constant Mommy attention. Anyway, put out the fire, have that sweet tea and enjoy spring.
If I had a house like yours, with a kitchen like yours, I'd be content in it too! I'm hoping for a bigger kitchen in the new house but even mine has that cozy feeling. Hope your day got better? But why did you have to return the puppy?
I caught this late but I'm sorry, what a hoot. You gave me a good laugh because surely there couldn't really be a more rotten day. You knew the weekend just had to get better, right?!
I understand the puppy thing. I don't know your specifics, but I will tell you I have had puppy fever for the last 8 months. We've finished building our house and I was thinking "maybe now is the time".
I took my girls to the pet shop last week in the mall, just to play with a few pups and get a feel to see if this is what we should do, you know?
We got the most adorable cocker spaniel out of her cage. Absolutely the cuttest cuddle ball. We went in a playroom with her. Sun was out so all 3 of us wearing flip flops and capri pants.
Um. Ouch! All the puppy did was chew on our feet and our clothes. You could not even pet her. She was one WILD child. We endured the pain as long as we could, and finally took her back to the shop girl.
I guess I don't want a puppy after all. :O( So, I feel you pain. Yep, cats are easier. Our neighbor's cat had kittens last Saturday and we're putting our name on 2 of those instead! :o)
Thanks for the stories. Hope your weekend was more relaxing!
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