The town is man's world,
but this country life is of God.
-William Cowper

I should warn you. Before abandoning your city life to seek out a Freeman House of your own, know this: there are days when you'll miss the hustling and bustling city terribly.
Those days are just very few and far between.
You should see the roses the grounds of Freeman House are coming out with this spring. So pretty I sat on my stone steps last night with a fistful (top picture) and cried sparkly, happy tears.
This country life could only be of God....
[Before someone asks, the small, heavenly pink rose in the above picture is a Elie Beauvillain. The rest are native, plated by Miss Freeman (I assume) and pre-dated my arrival. The next on my rose to-plant list is the Pioneer Spirit.]
Oh my goodness, roses already. I think I need to move to Texas!!! I can just smell their heavenly scent from here. I can totally see why you have such a wonderful love affair with Freeman house -- it's quite contagious. Lisa
Beautiful, radiant, lovely! I'm in awe and a little leery of trying to grow roses of my own. I applaud you, Brin.
Very interesting shopping list, Brin! LOL
The roses are gorgeous!
Your roses are delightful.
Worthy of shedding some happy, grateful tears.
I have been thinking of going private too. But the hassle of it(trying to get 'friends' emails) is stopping me. My best friend's blog got hacked and defiled, so she went private. I will miss you SO MUCH if you go private. Your blog is a daily/weekly read-- in my top 5 favorites. I have fallen in love with Freeman House and all that it resembles of a heart that yearns and seeks after the simple, humble, beautiful things of life. I do hope you will keep your doors open for all to keep coming by for a visit. YOu refresh our souls.
Very beautiful.
I made your skillet cookie the day you posted the recipe. Oh my! That thing is delicious, so good that I had to take half of it to my neighbor before I ate it all.
Thanks for sharing :)
God has blessed you with such a rich history to live and grow with.
We only recently bought our house, so I can't wait to see what spring will show us in our yard.
Paula in Alaska
I'll bet your house smells like heaven in every room with such beautiful roses. Living in the big bad City, I have to burn candles and buy rose bunches (when they're on sale). I have, however, made some wonderful potpourri from them. xxoo
Beautiful. We'd love to see the place sometime.
Oh Brin,you bless my soul. I can be tired and overworked and I come home and read your shoulders relax and a smile creeps on my face..the world seems lighter. You truly change my day and always for the better. Thank-you so much for bring so much sweetness and beauty into my world.
Glorious roses; glorious country life! Thank you for sharing it all with us.
I can't wait to get moved and plant some roses! Country life is the best!
I can feel your situation! I live in a small town in Texas not that small but small. I love old homes, and the end result will make it all worth it!
the stump man made me laugh.... my tree guy is named Chain Saw Steve... for real. Just planted 6 rose bushes today... can hardly wait for some blooms ! Your rose pictures are heavenly.
Dear Brin, I adore your blog, so thrilled to have found you! I wanted to cry when I read about the little boy who died, do they still need donations? Please let me know...
I will add you to my fav's, and be back everyday for inspiration! Thanks for such beauty, Donna Lynn
Funny thing... Roses, the mere thought of roses makes me tremble. When I was a young boy my mom had glorious rose gardens for which I was responsible for weeding. I always came away with scarred hands form the thorny work. Far too young to appreciate the beauty, and fragrances of the flowers themselves.
Now, go have a great day!
Bob James-Brownwood
In Missouri the roses are just green nubs with teeny tiny leaves. I hope to see flowers in June!
Beautiful! My roses are just beginning to bud. I only have four bushes but sometimes I get so impatient with the care of them. If its not black leaf its the danged beetles. Your roses are absolutely lovely!!
Oh, Brin I think I can smell the roses from here. Absolutely beautiful!!! Hey, do you think you could find some thyme to stroll on over to my cottage. I want you to check out the seed balls I have been making for the shoppe. I have given the recipe. Thank you, dearly.
Blessings 2 you, Pamela in Kentucky
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