Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007, Or A Grateful Heart

O Thou who has given us so much,
Mercifully grant us one thing more:
A grateful heart.
-George Herbert

Amen and amen.

The table is set for tonight's dinner. I just pulled a Pumpkin Praline Pie from the oven, made just now from Jolene's recipe. Potatoes are bubbling and dressing is browning and biscuits are resting and cheese and fruit and wine are coming to temperature. It's cozy and, despite the renovation mess and third-finished dining room, it's quietly beautiful in here. Gosh. How did I get to be so blessed? At what point did God, in His everlovingkindness, decide to make such a happy creature and drop her, feet first, into this wonderful old place?

This is my first Thanksgiving with this table and these chairs. I found them at a roadside junk store in Lone Star, Texas, for less than $200. They seat eight comfortably, and I can't wait until they hold all the precious, hilarious people coming tonight. Friends are coming from 7 hours away and 7 houses down. I'm so ready to sit and eat and talk and laugh. Y'all hurry!

(We're going to have to talk later about the menu, because I've found some super easy recipes I must show you before Christmas. I mean, easy recipes. Remind me later and we'll talk.)

For now, I'm off. I have flour coating my ratty Old Navy sweatshirt, so I need to change and find some earrings and perfume. And take my hair out of these velcro rollers. People can't eat when they're scared to death.

From a warm, snuggly, and oh so happy Freeman House ... to your house... happy holidays! -B


Anonymous said...

There is such peace and joy in your post today, Brin. I know you and your guests will have a wonderful time together. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you're home and cozy. Your party tonight sounds wonderful. Have a truly enjoyable blessed time with your loved ones!! While you're dining on wine and cheese, my loved ones and I will be dining on sausage balls, queso and chips and pumpkin roll and sipping cider. Sounds like warmth all around!!!

Elenka said...

Welcome Home, Brin. I know Freeman House missed you while you were gone! The table looks wonderful.
Have a great dinner. Can't wait to hear about the easy recipes. You are so creative!

Kathleen Grace said...

HOw beautiful the dining room and the table are! You sound so happy and serene, the time away must have done you good. Enjoy your party tonight and all the happy people around your table:>)

Unknown said...

Welcome home Brin, the place looks amazing, no wonder you miss it so, it's all you! A grateful heart, that sums it all up for me too! Enjoy your dinner, can't wait to hear all about it and those easy recipes too! Holiday hugs to you!!

Anonymous said...

The table and chairs...what a buy! And Brin, it looks so lovely in your dining room..what a fun evening you will have with your friends..I feel all fuzzy and warm thinking about it so I can imagine you must be bursting with happiness. I too hear joy and peace in your post..God is so good!

DrNic said...

I, too, made Pumpkin Praline Pie. It's AWESOME, and I've been requested to make it every year now.

Brambleberry said...

I hope you have a blessed evening. Such a lovely room, I'm sure the company will be just as wonderful!

Lallee said...

Brin, you table looks beautiful, warm, and inviting. I know the dinner must have been wonderful. I look forward to the recipes you have to share.

kiwirach said...

Brin, i have just recently found your blog and it is a delight to read. Your dining room looks gorgeous and i hope you had a wonderful meal there with your friends.

Vee said...

Your dining room looks warm, welcoming, and golden. I'm sure that the company and the conversation were equally delightful.

You are blessed because you are a beloved daughter of the King!

Anonymous said...

Brin....."know" you from etsy...have been reading your blog-- so hooked! Looked at past posts- that bag from 02/08/07 (the knitted one) is amazing...hard to make?? WIll you ever tell us where you got the pattern?? Keep on that wonderful blog! VERY inspiring!

Brin said...

Thank you all, kindly, and so very much!

To "Mom of...": the knitted bag shown in the February post is my own (simple and quick!) pattern and will be available for download after the new year. Thanks for the inquiry... it's such a fun, fun bag to make!

Love to each and everyone of you who meet with me here,


Anonymous said...

How lucky was I to be a friend invited. I would have traveled 70 hours to come see you my sweet friend, and the 7 hours only seemed long because of how excited and anxious I was to wrap my arms around you and tell you how much I missed you! What a delightful party you threw and as I read your blog I could kick myself for not tasting your wonderful pie. But after those tasty sweet potatoe bites and delicious ham and peaches and fabulous dressing, I would have popped if I put one more bite in my mouth! :)

But it was wonderful, every bit of it, and Im in LOVE with freeman house, and cant wait to come back next year.. just wish I lived closer so I could help you!
Much love,


Terri Steffes said...

Beautiful table!

You do sound so happy! I hope your party was a great success!

Liz Harrell said...

Hope you and your fam had a great holiday! The dining room looks so welcoming.

Anonymous said...

I love your teal Christmas ball at the top of your blog.

My color for Christmas this year is TEAL!! Great minds and all that.

Love you.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Brin, your DR looks magical! And what a steal you got on that table & chairs, they are just gorgeous. Happy times with all your friends in there. What an elegant DR to hang out in.


The Ramblin' Rat said...

Your dining room looks stunning! It's so good to read that you are having a fabulous time back at the Freeman House.

I know you have had some hard times lately, so it makes me feel excited for you when I read about God has blessed you so much. It's a great reminder to hold on to Him when things get rough.

God bless,

redeemed diva said...

OK, dish girl. Where are these recipes?!?
Loved the post--they painted such a great picture.