Luxury. Pure, pink luxury. (Sigh)
I'm making some progress on my Christmas gift To Make list. 'Course, it would go a lot faster if I wasn't trying to simultaneously knit gifts and write a few beginner knit patterns at the same time. I was reminded, back during Freeman House's Summer Knitting Classes, that there aren't many knit patterns out there for brand-spanking-new knitters. I mean, "how many needles is knitting, again?" knitters. And wow. There needs to be. There needs to be more I've-never-held-needles-before... spell. this. out. for. me beginning knitter projects that don't involve endless scarfs, you know? So I'm trying to .pdf a few projects for us... projects that are all done with two needles (not circular or double-pointed), that are all knitted flat (not in the round) and can all be completed using two stitches and two skeins of yarn. Like the pillowy-pink baby bonnet. Love it.
... Oh. Hang on...
... Okay, back. Heard my name called from the deep recesses of the B&B kitchen. Apparently tonight is the Dixie Dog followed by a late-night screening of the Bourne Identity. Pink toes and baby bonnets welcome.
Love those "pink knitted things" and I think your idea of writing better instructions for knitting is a wonderful idea..I know all about knitting scarves and more scarves...
Mmm..cozy evenings at the B&B!
Great idea, and just what I need ! Even though I've done a bit of knitting in the round and am working on my first sweater, a lot of the more complicated patterns out there are downright intimidating ! And a girl needs a little instant gratification with her knitting sometimes, too ! Cant' wait to see your instructions !!
Bren, I would love to learn how to knit. I am sorry to say, at my ripe age, I never learned how to knit. I can sew, and do other things with thread but not knit. If you can come up with something..some way to teach an old dog new tr..ways to use my hands please keep working at it. And by the way,I have been reading your words and ideas for a few months now and what an inspiring person, and to be so young. You have an enormous amount to give to the world, your knowledge of and insight into our almighty God your talents, maybe just maybe God brought some things to your life, to humble you so you can be a stepping stone to so many others. You have to have been there to reach out your hand to someone else, who is there, so to speak. What a gift you have. God bless you and go back home and set the world on fire. You need a base to do that and HOME is that place. Go get um.
Brin...what a beautiful pink cap, it looks like cotton candy :). When you've completed your knitting instructions could you start one on tatting. I love tatting and it's such a lost art, there are few people who truly know the art of tatting including myself.
You make me smile :)
I'm praying God wraps His loving arms around you today!
Kathi :-)
Oh, these are adorable! I want to learn to knit, but I'm too intimidated to just march into a knitting/yarn store and ask for help.
There were no place to leave a comment yesterday, just wanted to you to know maybe God brought you to Kansas so you can heal from all the hurt, so you can return home to be Brin again. I loved the moment! I wish I knew how to knit, it looks so inviting and pretty!
That precious little pink cap just makes my ovaries ache! :-) Really, it is prec-ious!
And hello, I would totally be interested in a honest-to-goodness beginners guide to knitting. I've got NO clue. In high school, I remember doing one stitch in a crochet project (the start of a baby blanket, which I ended up marketing as a "lap warmer" to my grandma), but I've got even less knowledge of knitting.
And, I hope you enjoyed yourself a big scoop of Matt Damon. Tasty. (heehee)
As one who has been hurt very deeply, I know that I am a better person for having gone through the rotten experience. God wanted to teach me several lessons ... it was hard, hard, hard but I know that I like the person I am today more than I like the one I was before. That may sound strange, but it's true. God doesn't make mistakes. He can use every thing for good, and He does. Just watch....
When I saw Matt Damon, I thought you were mentioning that he is People"s Sexy Man!!!
Just found your site. I really have enjoyed and just touched the surface. So many thing you touch on I can relate to. Love your home. I wonder if you sometimes get lonely or frightend? I have this big house, big garden, dog, chickens, hubby and sometimes still miss family. BUT my blogg friends are the best and always there.
Blessings Cindy
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