Thanks for all the kindness and support you shined down on me yesterday. These are for you.

Although fall is my favorite season, summer's flowers and produce have a special place in my heart. My friend Shelley owns
Faith Farms, a little place outside town that turns out astonishing flowers and vegetables. Her Zinnias are my favorite. Can't you just
feel the summer sunshine when you gaze at these beauties?

Speaking of beauties, I have some cool summer Apron Toolbelts somersaulting into
my Etsy Shop this week. I know I've blogged about them before, but they truly are a big help around the house. I wonder if I'll ever tire of making them?
Off to sit with my Grandfather for awhile. I started reading a story to him last night and want to be sure to finish it....
How great is that, to be able to read to your grandfather. Enjoy!
My parents and grandparents have passed on. What are you reading to your grandfather?
I love Zinnias too!
The apron is precious. May have to order my daughter one for her B/D. She will be 29 in August. That one looks just like her.
Still praying for you and your family. HUGS!
Merci ! and zinnias just happen to be a favourite of mine. Spend time with your grandfather, catch your breath and get yourself ready for that next adventure in your self professed messy, thrilling life. Cheers from the gang in Nova Scotia
Brin, Would it be possible for you to special order an apron like the one in the pic?
Enjoy the time with your grandpa. The story you are reading will remain special and serve as a reminder of this precious time with him.
Zinnias are one of my favorites too!
Love zinnias; I'd love to have them for my wedding someday.
Hope today finds you in good spirits. Please let us know if there is some way we can help save Freeman House. We've all benefited from your writing; maybe it's our turn to help you in some way.
Precious moments.
Treasure them...each and every second.
Prayers and Hugs.
Becky K.
Thanks for the zinnias pic Bring. It really helped brighten my day. I'm sure your Grandpa is listening to every word you're saying and he's also waiting for you to finish the story. xxoo
Today sounds more hopeful?! The zinnias are breathtaking....
Peace to your heart :)
I'm sure your grandfather feels your prescence and hears your comforting voice. How blessed he is to have lives such a wonderful life and now nearing the end to be surrounded by loved ones.
And as for those zinnias! They are GLORIOUS!!! They remind me of growing up here in the south where my mother planted rows of them in our backyard.
Hi Brin, I've tried to donate (ack, not a lot, unfortunately...) but for some reason the donate button isn't working. Not sure if it's a temporary glitch or just me, but wanted to send you a quick head's up so you can look into it.
Brin, so very sweet of you to read to your grandpa. Am praying for you and your family.....if you ever want to talk, feel free to email me directly, misha503@gmail.com. Sometimes, I so feel like I'm in the same boat as you at times. Life!
I always enjoy finding new blogs! I love zinnias.
This month I am posting on our Disney trip. Hope you will stop by and see me.
Our hearts and prayers are with you and your grandpa. Twyla and Lindsey
Just caught up on your last two posts. Heart breaks for the bakery and Freeman House. Prayers for your Grandfather and the journey he is embarking on. I so wish your journey will take you someplace that makes you as happy as you have been at FH. Keep that lovely chin up.
Hugs Brin...Praying you find peace, strength and grace during these very difficult times. I'm very sorry.
Brin, Please check out my blog, there is something there for you!
Aww Brin that is so wonderful to spend time reading to your g'pa. Enjoy him during his remaining time here on earth.
I love heritage flowers..zinnias are so pretty!
I missed yesterday's post and had to scroll down to read your news. Brin, I am so sorry. It's so hard when life is up in the air and you don't know which way to go.
I wish I had something inspirational to say, but I am at a loss. I feel for you and would so offer you my guest bedroom if you wanted to move all the way to North Carolina.
I'll be praying.
Hi, Brin, When I told my hubby, Bob, what was happening in your life, his response was "So, how are you going to encourage her?" Hmmm...it gave me food for thought, so I am relating what encouraged me at a time when I was forced to move on.
In I Kings 17 Ejijah is instructed of the Lord to go and stay by the brook. He has fresh water, and God feeds him by the ravens (reminds me of you). But then the river dries up (reminds me of you). So Ejijah is forced to move, but God has a plan for him, and has a mission for Elijah to do (reminds me of you). What if Elijah had just sat by the brook waiting for the water to return? What would have happened to the widow and her son? God often uses what we would think as a disaster to move us to the place where He wants us to be; where someone is waiting for us; where a work has yet to be done.
I am praying for you at this time, I know as you listen to God you will find his perfect plan in all of this messy, thrilling life.
Thoughts and prayers
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