There is no psychiatrist in the world
like a puppy licking your face.
-Bern Williams

I think this is how it happened: while I was away at the bakery, Millie went to doggy daycare next door. Only... okay. Remember that fire on our street? Several weeks ago, an enormous oak tree, badly charred in that fire, came crashing down on the house next door. It took the doggy daycare fence with it. The dogs - Millie included - escaped and roamed the streets for the next six hours. It had to have happened then. Dang it.
Anyone going to be needing a chocolate lab/mix puppy in several weeks? I hear it's better than therapy....
GASP! Millie! Girl, didn't your mama tell you about the birds and the bees?
Oh Brin, new babies at your house. Well, there's not much sweeter than new puppies. I hope you are easily able to find new homes for them. I'd take one to add to my crew if I lived close by.
*hug* TOooh, congratulations! Might seem a bit of a handful - bakery, blogging, bills - and "babies"! But I'm sure you'll love it, every minute of it. Wish I could adopt a puppy but from what I hear, there's an awful lot of paperwork involved in exporting puppies from Texas to Denmark :-)
Hm - comment got a bit mixed up. Pls move "*hug* T" down to the last line so it reads *hug* Tine
Unbelievable!! There's never a dearth of exciting developments at "Messy, Thrilling Life"! Can't wait to see these adorable little things!
Please neuter & spay your pets.
That is a shame. Let's all hope that she has a very small litter, that you can find the puppies good responsible and loving homes and get your girl to the vet tout suite !
Oh, boy. You sure have the right title for your blog, Brin!!! Wow, Millie, wink, wink.
They will be so cute you won't be able to stand it!
Yay for you and Millie. Nothing like little pitter patter of puppy feet to make your house cozy! Can't wait to see what they look like!
How is the garden menu coming along???? The sweet 'taters fried for breakfast sounded fabulous!!!
Wow, Millie, you feisty girl, you! Congratulations. I'm sure you will find the puppies all loving and wonderful homes. :) Can't wait to see the babies!! Hope all is going well for you, Brin!
Thanks, y'all. ;)
Susan - I had plans to breed Millie next spring as the vet recommended she have one litter of puppies before I have her fixed. This was obviously unplanned - her escape and her pregnancy....
Millie has been a blessing and so will her babies....maybe you can include them in a bakery special? LOL How is your grandfather doing?
My sure-fire, blood pressure-lowering game is Slime Ball. I play it at least 132 times a day!
Congratulations on the puppies! I wish I were close enough to have one, but then I could possibly need a divorce lawyer. My husband seems to think 2 dogs and 2 cats is plenty for our little house.
I want a Millie Puppy!!!!! Malachi still talks about Millie being his favorite dog! Even more so than the ones his dad has! So if you have extras and can't find a home, We will take one! :) *plus its a great excuse to come see you!*
Oh no! Millie what have you done? I am wondering what the pups will look like?
Millie, dear sweet girl. Always presenting your owner with something unexpected.
Oh wow...puppies! :)
I will definitely have to try out the nutter butter pudding. Sounds delish!
On a more somber note, I am sorry to hear about your Grandfather. I know this is a tough time for your family. Prayers are headed your way.
Aww, I wish I had a house with a yard instead of a cramped apartment. Brin, maybe your sweet egg supplier would like a puppy? (Although a pup might not work out so well with chickens.) Or maybe some of your Sunday School girls would be interested? Good luck and keep us posted about everything when you can :-)
Sure do wish I lived closer and could adopt one of Millie's pups- then what would that make us? In-laws? What fun to welcome new life! I know they will all find loving homes with you in their corner!
Millie, you little minx. Out and about and someone wooed your heart.
God must have a plan though Brin. Hope you can find a good home for the sweet puppies to be. xxoo
I bet they'll be cute! Who knows who the daddy is! If I had a fence worth a darn we'd take one. Bet the cat would love that!
(At least you don't have to pay for stud service!)
Brin, Sweet news about the puppies, I am sure they will bless another family in a heartbeat...
Wondering how your grandfather is doing...
Praying for you all during this heart tender time :)
Puppies are so much fun! And, just so you know, it's obvious you're the type of person who is not irresponsible with spaying neutering, from reading your blog for so long now.
I am excited for you and Millie! I know the birth of those puppies will change your life, and they will make so many kid's childhoods complete. When I was seven years old, I *loved* picking out my sweet little mutt from a litter and taking it home with me.
It is amazing to read your three recent posts all in a row--praying for your grandfather, making sweets for your family, and celebrating new life in your best friend. The cycle of life is awe-inspiring and I'm happy for Millie (and you) that she gets to experience it.
You and your family are in my thoughts as you care for your grandpa.
I'm with Susan. What shame. I'm sorry, but I cannot congratulate you for being so irresponsible. I realize it was an "accident," but truly, Millie had no business being at a doggie day care center when she was in standing heat! Your day care provider is equally irresponsible. Even had the fence not given way, any stray intact dog could (and would) jump that fence in a heartbeat. (I am assuming here that she was not attending day care with intact males.)
Your vet should not give out such silly advice like "recommending her to have a litter before spaying." Shame on him. I have never heard a vet give out advice like that. Not every dog should be bred. Breeding a dog is something that should not be taken lightly.
Poor Millie. She's too young to be having puppies. One good thing to come out of this will be that now your vet will have no excuse (and neither will you) to get her spayed. (and I hope you do.)
I'm sure you are likely very regretful ...
one only has to look at the thousands and thousands of mixed breed dogs staring back at us from behind caged bars at the hundreds and thousands of shelters across our two countries waiting for the fate of their precious lives to unfold to realize why more puppies is never a good thing.
There are an appalling number of dogs euthanized each year for no other reason then they can't find a home. More puppies just ultimately adds to these numbers.
That is the reason to spay & neuter.
If it's a financial issue I for one would happy to make a donation directly to Millie's vet to help pay for her spaying after the puppies arrive.
Hoping for a tiny litter.
Geez animal activists, why don't you just flog her?
PEOPLE are still more important than animals. Everybody knows the drill. It was an accident and the puppies will find homes. I might take one! And neuter it!
We can care about animals and I do but there is a lot going on here, a lot of losses and heart aches how about a little gentleness, for Brin?
for Karen Deborah:
It's no excuse, sorry. All this happened WEEKS ago and poor judgment is still poor judgment. I am not an activist, just a person who used to breed and show dogs: for the RIGHT reasons. Not by accident.
a boy. But you have to come to my blog and read about my dog Rasmus. I know you will cry but then you will know which puppy is for me. He will be a big one and sit there and grin. My dog is always the one who smiles a lot. It's true. Your dog has such heart and she is so sweet, if you have a boy that turns into a grinner then its a match. I have been praying I miss my dog so much. There is just nothing like that bond between a dog and you. Don't worry now everything will be alright.
Praying for your family and your grandpa. God always shows up big there is nothing to fear.
Puppies are the best!!
We have an 11 year old female chocolate lab and I love her so much.
You have the best title for your blog. My life is messy too, but I strive to clean it up!
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