Nutter Butter Banana Pudding has been a big hit at
henrybella's. Creamy, sweet and cold, it has all the ingredients of a summer hit: fruit, peanut butter and whipped cream.

I found a recipe -
this one - in
Southern Living a few months ago. The good news? Even folks who don't cook can make this luscious layer dessert. Using store bought pudding, Cool Whip, bananas and cookies, a sweet lover can make and take this in a hurry. You can even make it in advance and then stash it in the refrigerator and forget it.

I'm thinking of making this for the weekend. I'll use my
homemade vanilla pudding, though, and vanilla beans to round out some sweetened whipped cream. Just like at
henrybella's. I think my family can use some cold, comforting desserts this weekend....
Thanks for all your kindness this week. Wishing you a happy Friday. -Brin
I do believe this will be showing up on our table next week. I have a foreshadowing of 6 huge smiles stretching across 6 tanned faces as I place this on the dinner table!!
OMG!!! I'm sure they serve this in Heaven! This looks delicious and I was just eating Nutter Butters yesterday! One of my favorite cookies!! Thanks for sharing, Brin!
Another winner Brin, thanks!
This looks so delicious...thanks...and Congratulations on the ad links to your posts...hope they add up to cash by the bucket load!
Praying peace for your heart :)
That looks decadent! I've gotta try this one soon! Twyla
That looks soooo good... I haven't eaten a nutter butter in years! I'm going to have to give that one a try. Glad to hear it was a bit hit henrybella's too! That makes it even better, doesn't it?? :)
That looks amazing.
In my family we use an expression of my father's when things are tough-
"Keep a tight rein."
You too miss-
What a neat idea for a pudding!
I don't really care for pudding, but my Sisters all adore it. I'll be making this for them and tell them were I got the idea. You're the best, sweet girl, for sharing good things with us. Bless you. xxoo to try this sometime..thanks Brin!
yum...I would surely make the short cut version...I don't have the patience that I know you have.
Hope everything is ok, Brin.
I am lovin' this recipe! Thank you for sharing it. I went straight over to SL and helped myself to a copy.
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