For death is no more than a turning of us over
from time to eternity.
-William Penn

I miss him already.
The thing about death... it's so simple yet so incomplete. It's like peering into a dark tunnel you can't see the end of. We think we have an idea of what's on the other end, but really, who can see for sure? Christians - those who profess faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah - believe that "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord". You die, you fly, in other words. We stake our current situations and our very lives, even, on the blessed hope that another world awaits beyond the grave... a world that promises no pain, no tears.
I don't have all the answers, and I'll admit that sometimes it all sounds a bit far-fetched and idealistic to these human ears. Yet I believe it all the same. Where is my Grandfather right now? He's in heaven. Maybe it's even dinner time there. Maybe he's feasting on chicken and mashed potatoes and cornbread and lemon icebox pie. Maybe it's the best day he's ever known. Maybe exchanging time for eternity is the greatest and sweetest thing for which we can ever hope...
I miss you, Grandad, and rejoice that you're no longer in pain. You were the best grandfather a girl could have asked for, and I'll always remember the laughs, life, and love we shared. If you run into Jesus up there, give Him a message, would you? Tell him I can't wait to see His face. And know that I can't wait to see yours again, too. All my love, BB.
Thinking of you Brin. Losing a Grandad is one of the hardest things we do in life. You will never forget him or the love you had for him. Blessings to you and your family in your time of grief.
Not maybe and not if, for SURE, for we KNOW that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
Precious Brin may the God of all comfort be with you and hug you up good and big....
Brin, my heart hurts for you! My mom's dad died when she was 3 weeks old, so obviously I never knew him. I lost my 'Daddy Clyde' in 1972, and I still miss him. The pain is gone, but the longing is still there. Now I'm waiting and watching my father as his health declines and I always wonder if this time is the last time. It never gets easier to lose someone you love, but the love is the part that makes it worth the effort. Bless you, sweetie! B.
Aw Brin...prayers and sympathies for you many times over. Losing a loving Christian grandparent is hard. I have been there and I still miss my grandmother dearly!!
He is definitely rejoicing in Heaven!!
Blessings and hugs~
I am sorry for your pain. Having been there I know it is hard...but God gives much grace.
Lean...lean...lean on Him.
I know, you have been.
What a life you have had the past couple of years.
Prayers for you and your family. My grandpa was special to me, too and I miss him daily. The best thing is that I got to know him! Thank you God for that blessing!
I had no grandfather I was close to, but my dad and I were extremely close. You will hold him always in your heart and through God's grace, the pain will lessen over time.
God bless.
Oh Brin ~ my heart goes out to you right now. I lost my Grampy back in '95 ~ but I can smile and remember all the good times we had together. He was a very special man to me as it sounds like yours was to you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you, (((((Brin))))), in this sad time. You know he's in a better place, but that doesn't help you miss him any less. Best to you and your family.
I'm so sorry. Saying a prayer for you and your family right now.
You have a forever guardian angel. He will always be there to listen and really, you will never be alone. He will be the sunlight that warms your skin. He will be the rainbow that brings aww and makes you smile..he will be that feeling when your home and you know...just know you aren't alone.
Be well Brin,
Geneen from tehachapi
Im pretty sure he is having some icebox lemon pie tonight, just like I am pretty sure my Maw-Maw is there making him one.
I have tears in my eyes reading this post! I am so sorry about your Grandfather.
Sending you love and hugs and all the comfort one can possibly send over email. I know what it is to lose a grandparent and I have also lost a parent as well. It's not easy but it will get better.
Praying for you Brin. I lost my grandfather in Sept. of 1999. He was my one bright and shining star that i knew I could count on to give me advice. Still miss him dearly. Praying for your family and you both.
Hugs to you... LindaSonia
My deepest sympathy. Even though you have the promise of your dear grandfather in heaven, I know you will miss him and it hurts. The Lord brought you to my mind today and I prayed for you and your situation. I asked God to give you peace and strength and hope.
Dear one,
Please know that your Grandad is in Heaven. What a wonderful promise God gave to us in 1 Corinthians 2:9 "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." That's a promise we can rely on. That's the promise your Grandad is standing and beaming in tonight. We'll all meet there someday. What a beautiful thought. It will be our best day ever to see what our wonderful Savior has prepared for us. Much love to you this evening.
My heart cries with your pain...and rejoices with your joy. Another treasure in will see him again and the joy in the reunion will be greater than the sorrow of the parting, of THAT I am convinced...
May God grant abundant peace to your heart in your time of sorrow. - Bev
Hugs and prayers.
Sherry, Daingerfield
I'll never forget the moment I saw my grandma take her final breaths. I am thinking of you and your family, and sending you peaceful thoughts during these painful times.
Being with our Saviour is the most precious thought imaginable.. may those thoughts bring you comfort.
Praying for you.
May the eternal God be your refuge and underneath the everlasting arms.
My thoughts are with you.
Thinking of you during this sad time. I'm so glad he's resting in the arms of our Savior.
He's with the Lord. God bless you, sweety.
I'm so sorry for the terribly heavy burdens of pain you are carrying right now.
I will pray for you to be comforted, dear one.
Goodbye Jack, fare thee well on your next journey. May God keep you in his loving care until you are reunited with those who love you.
Brin, my heart and prayers go out to you and your family at this time. Hoping some comfort comes to you all in knowing he's back home. xxoo
Know that you and all your family remain in my prayers. I know the loss of a beloved grandfather. The onrush of precious memories and the knowledge that that is all I have to pass on to my children.
I have had you and your Family in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry for your loss but I bet Grandpa is enjoying those mashed taters in Heaven right now.
Praying for you....
For myself, I find that I am very good at death in theory, but not the greatest in practice. Nevertheless, I most earnestly believe that we will be more alive there then we ever could be here. So I join you in believing that your grandfather is enjoying the best times ever. My prayers are with you and your family as you come to terms with this transition. May you find deep and abiding comfort.
I never knew a grandfather so I miss that bond, but I do know by his grace, you will be reunited! Such a handsome man! Hugs!!
Sorry for your loss, Brin. You're so right though, if he's in heaven it is the best day he's ever known. Keep holding tight to Jesus
God speed Grandpa Jack.
I'm so sorry. I pray that your sweet memories will bring you peace.
My condolences and prayers sweet Brin.
Celebrate his life today...the baton is being passed now get to run the race...
Heb. 11:40-12:1 NLT
My heart goes out to you.
You are in my prayers, Brin. Please take care of yourself and your family. All of the other "mess" can wait a few days while you get through this. ((HUGS))
Aww heart goes out to you!
so sorry Brin, but so happy for your grandad.
went by henrybella's today, it looks lonely without you :( jana
I know we grieve for ourselves, not the ones who've gone to be with Jesus, but it hurts just the same. You may never get over it, but you'll learn to deal with it and remember all the "good stuff". Hope each day gets better for you.
So sorry for your earthly loss. Happy for his heavenly gain. Death is such a bitter event for us left behind. May the certainty of knowing he is in heaven be a blanket that calms your sorrows in the days ahead. Blessings to you and all who loved him.
I am sorry about your grandfather, but he lives in all the lives that he touched.
On another note, and the real reason I am writing. I feel moved to write you and say===Go do what you do best. This doesn't make sense to me but for some reason I am to reach out with this message. God bless. Susie
Brin, when I lost my mom, and then my young sister just a couple of months ago, although I am a Christian believer, all those "what if" questions and "why" questions, and "can I be sure" questions lingered in my mind. I think losing someone we love so deeply sometimes makes us want proof positive of where they are now and what/where heaven is. Ultimately, trust Him, the One who loves you and loves your grandfather, don't lose heart, and rest assure that this separation from your grandfather is only temporary. You will see him again someday. ((((Brin))))
My heart goes out to you and your family, Brin. It's so hard for us who are left, we miss them so. But, what a wonderful time your Grandpa is having now! And what a wonderful reunion it will be! Praying for you, for all your heartaches.
Oh Brin I'm so terribly sorry....but it was so good to have his family there with him during his passing. I will pray for you and your family.
Our faith helps us to think there will be fried chicken and taters in Heaven but if there isn't, we won't notice. God bless your Grandfather and you.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your dearly loved grandfather. You were and are truly blessed to have had that relationship. How wonderful to know, as Christians, that those we love are in the arms of the One who loves each of us far more than our human heart can imagine. Bless you as you grieve for your earthly loss, and I rejoice with you that you'll have eternity with those you love.
Brin, I keep thinking about you and all that you've been through. This blog would make a great book.
I hate it that your losing your house. God will give you something else because He is good like that; but it doesn't sound like your ready to let it go.
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I'm praying for you.
Praying for you Brin.
Dearest Brin, I have been on vacation and I am so saddened to come back and read about the losses in your life. Your family gave such a loving parting to your grandfather, who is now safely in Jesus' care--no more pain or tears. Please know you are in my prayers for God's abundant love and abiding peace. May He make your steps sure and bright as you look to your future too.
{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}
What a blessed man your grandfather was. He was much-loved here, as he is in heaven also by a Father Who loves as only He can. I understand your grief; and, yet, I love your understanding and admission that you don't, in fact, understand it all. Peace to you, Brin. C
You are in our hearts and prayers, Brin. Twyla and Lindsey
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
So sorry for your loss.
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