It should have been one of those happy days. You know, those days when I drink coffee and watch red birds flutter around the feeder. When I walk the dog through swirls and gusts of leaves. When I drink hot coffee and pull warm cookies from the oven and rise to all occasions and prove once again how brilliant of a cookie-baker I have become.
It isn't. I've put myself on unpaid administrative leave. I've turned in my 'Super Girl' badge.
See, I'm supposed to be getting my bakery online this week. Which means I have to finalize the shipping menu (which differs from the local one). I have to photograph all the goodies. I have to upload pictures and write descriptions and contemplate policies and payment methods and delivery options. I have to order print materials. I have to call about bakery box shipments and ... how about that toll free number?... and... where in the world are those brochures? I used to think I was cool. And efficient. Coolly efficient. I used to think I was a Super Girl. Now I'm convinced: I'm not. Here. Here's my SG badge to prove it. You keep it.
It has been building to this all week. And it's only Tuesday. Last night, after 5 straight hours of sitting in the same exact position working on the same exact web page, I decided to publish the site and check it out. Just to see. After another frustrating hour I realized my domain name isn't held by the same company who publishes the website, which means I had to apply for something called a DSN transfer. Which means I needed verification faxes, security number emails and three authorization codes from both companies. I was on hold forever with people who officed out of underground tunnels and spoke Ethiopian. Or something. Who knows.
To be helpful, the website company representative finally sent me an email with a picture diagram of what I needed to do to instigate the retarded DSN transfer. That's it, at the top. "Afder dees ees done," the domain lady wheezed into the phone, "Eet weel dake EIGHD days do de dransfer."
Eight days? I felt all the blood drain to my toes. My toes felt very hot. "No. It can't be eight days. I could be dead in eight days. You have to do this now. Eight days is too late. Why does it take eight days? God created the world in six days and it takes y'all eight to transfer one little DSN?"
"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I'll get more codes. I'll get all the codes for everything in the entire world. I'll send more faxes. I'll ask God to send you a fax. I'll verify more emails. I'll sing. I'll sing authorization codes in an email. Anything. It just can't be eight days. "
[Pause] "Eem afraid ee don't undersdand."
Oh well. It's okay. It's all okay. I'll download and edit all the photography for the website. Cool. Only... Huh? Why is...? Where are the nearly 300 pictures I took of...? Please tell me they're still on here. Please tell me changing the battery pack didn't erase....
At this point, I said bad words. I'm not proud. I'm not saying it's acceptable behavior. I'm just saying. It's another reason why I turned in my Super Girl badge.
For all those lovely people out there who email me about advice on opening a bakery or starting your own business or publishing your own websites, blogs and stores... sorry. You came to the wrong girl. I think you might have been looking for a Super Girl, and as it happens, I turned in my badge yesterday.
So it does look like I'll be out most of the week. Not eight days, but a little while. I have two or three (thousand) things to see to. I'm already laughing now, but I know one day I'll look back on this week and groan and say, "Wow! But was it ever worth it!" I believe that. They say starting a business is like giving birth... the labor is a distant memory once you're holding your baby in your hands. So here's to my labor and delivery. And maybe one day, when this week is but a distant memory, I can reapply for that badge... [Grin]
(Seriously, I hope to have henrybella's online Thanksgiving weekend. It's a dream at least four years in the making! Thanks to all my family and friends who are giving their time, ideas and muscle to help build and grow this little venture. I love you more than words can spell. The first cookies are for you...)
Brin, keep us updated! I am self employed like you and already find it hard enough, but have long harboured dreams of running a little bakery. I am enjoying your journey! Love to you and Millie. X
Ooof. How perfectly awful. All those pictures. Just, ugh. Awful.
If I lived there I would offer my free time and help at least anything I could do in person. I'm good at brochures,business cards, posters, ect. I used to work for Kinkos I could mock some stuff up for you and send it if you need any help. If not good luck!
Oh how very frustrating! But maybe God is handing you a little extra time...because once this is up and running I bet you will be a very busy lady! Good luck...keeping my fingers crossed this goes a little more smoothly for you!
I think I'm finally figuring out that the only person in my life who expects me to be Super Girl is...me.
Hang in there! Everything will work out. :)
(I'm sure most of us turned in our Super Girl badges ages ago. hehe)
Oh... Brin, I can't imagine how frustrated you my be at this moment. If there is ANYTHING little ole me can do... I am just an email away.
I hope you the best of progress this week, just take one moment at a time. There are reasons behind mishaps! You are in my thoughts & prayers...
Blessings 2 You on this November Day, Pamela
Brin, I've been reading your blog a long while now, and I have commented before under a different user name. The more I have read the more I wondered about you. Wondered how can you always make things, even bad things, look so darn... nice. Well, today I am so proud of you for showing your humanity. I will let you turn in that Super Girl badge only if you take this one in it's place: Badge of Courage.
Oh sweet Brin, this all will happen and you will be laughing back at this part of it! I only wish I lived closer to help you but I know you will get it all together in time, keep the faith, nothing worth while comes easy! Hugs!!
Very frustrating. I can imagine. But, in the end it will all be worth it. (Just keep whispering this to yourself.) :)
Things will tunr out. Keep it up girl. You can do this. Sending you good juju.
chin up buttercup.
Interesting that "they've" gone to such lengths as to have a step-by-step chart/diagram ... must be a fairly common issue.
As they say ... this too will pass. Many deep soulful breaths and loads of sweet brown dog kisses.
Oh Brin - I'm sorry you are having such a time of it! Hopefully your little vent on this blog helped you feel a teensy bit better. :) One day when your little bakery is going strong and this little week is a distant memory you may be glad that it was so memorable. Afterall... starting a business would be a really boring story if all went smoothly. Now you have lots of hurdles you can tell about years from now that you got through...and the next little business will be that much easier, too! keep running the race - just remember "It's God's"...and he will see to it your dreams are fulfilled! xoxo
I feel your pain! It seems as if you get all your ducks in a row and someone else has to throw a curve into the whole mix. It doesn't ever seem fair but I always keep telling myself - there is a reason for this delay and God has a plan. His time frame isn't always our time frame, unfortunately.
You were wise to turn in your badge. Now, maybe you can work on getting it back! Keep in mind though, this is supposed to be fun and fulfilling a dream for you. Keep it in perspective and all will be as it should be. Trust, sweet girl, have faith!
I turned in my Super Girl badge a few years back.
Belive me, one of these days you will discover how freeing it is.
And the computer thing? I would be hiding undrer my bed right now! :)
I'll say lots of prayers for you.
My 'super girl badge' was turned in a long time ago and I don't ever want to see it again! But now as someone mentioned 'Badge of Courage'..now that one I like! Hang in there Brin, one thing at a time and it will all get done. I'm so glad for your helpers!
Ohhh, I HATE these delays that always seem to come at the WORST times. So sorry about your frustrations. It'll all be over soon and you'll have a wonderful website and business...I'm sure of it!
So exciting! Sorry about the DSN transfer stuff. Sorry that you said a naughty word or two or three. Glad that your dream is almost a reality on all levels. Hang in there, Super Girl, you'll do just fine. (Did you know that Super Girl is Superman's first cousin? Just thought I'd toss that in there for no good reason. I only learned it today. ;>)
Go somewhere where no one can hear you and scream and stomp your feet. "No! No! No!" Then take a deep breath, say a prayer to ask for God's guidance and venture on sweet girl.
It's going to happen, I have faith that it will. This is a test to see if you've got the stamina to keep up with the trials and tribulations of starting a business.
Never give up, ok? You're still young enough to be able to make starts and stops, just give it all you've got. I'll pray and light a candle for you. xxoo
Just hang in there Brin...it will all work out!
Cori G.
Whatever...you are still totally Super Girl :)
CAN'T WAIT to order me some goodies!!!
Good luck with it all!
I was laughing out loud with your computer hassles and "Eet weel dake EIGHD days do de dransfer."
I went through the exact same issue and at one point I thought I was going to be reported for menaceing bahavior...I was like a rabid dog by the end of my conversation with the tech in India...but now I have my website, my home based business and my DNS transfer took place...life is good...lol
thanks for the laugh...when you said "God created earth in 6 days, what do you mean it will take 8 days"...I think I woke up my sleeping husband with my laughter!!
Oh, Brin, didn't you know? THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SUPER GIRL!!
No one lives up to those standards, NO ONE...
Stop beating yourself up, draw yourself a bath, take new scrumptious pics, and wait. . . EIGHD DAYS.
It will be okay, I promise! You're gonna be great!
Can't wait!
Oh the diagram looks so easy to read! HA!
Hang in there...it will all come together after much labor and travail and then you will realize that you had your super girl badge on the whole time, even when you didn't realize it!
Dear Super Girl,
If anyone can do it you can! It's kind of like field of dreams...if you build it, they will come. With God all things are possible. I am praying for you right now!
MN Kathi :)
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