Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...
Jeremiah 1:5
Jeremiah 1:5

I have brown hair. I have brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin. My left foot is bigger than my right foot. My right eye sees better than my left. I hate lemons. I love mint.
I like to think things through but I hate schedules. I can't do a 9 to 5 job. I like an easy hairstyle but I love a challenge. I wouldn't want to live in a new house. I am messy but I am organized. I rarely sit through an entire movie. I never take naps but love to sleep.
I am still discovering things about myself. I'm still surprised by the things I do, say, and think. But God isn't. Before He formed me, He knew it all: the feet, the mint, the challenges. Before I drew my first breath, God saw it all. And He still loves me.
I got several very personal comments/emails after last week's devotion. I'm still getting them. People are searching. People are hurting. People are looking for hope and praying for answers. People need to know, "am I alone?" People need to know "does God still love me, even though...?". We need assurance. We need perspective. We need, quite honestly, our God.
Chances are I don't know you. Chances are we've never met. But that doesn't stop me from saying this with all certainty: God knows. God knows you. Your quirks. Your secrets. Your hopes. Your sin. You may have buried them but you haven't hidden them. Not from an almighty God. And guess what? Those traits you possess... that sin you've committed... those wishes you harbour... He knew about them before you did. Before He knitted you together in your mother's womb, He knew who you would become. And He still made you. He still loves you.
I got chills (chills, I tell you!) when sitting in church not too long ago. My preacher was talking about sin and Jesus' death on the cross. Suddenly I was struck by the timeline of it. Think about it: Jesus died before we ever lived. Looking forward through time, He saw you. He saw me. He saw who we would be and what we would do. He saw our rebellion and our doubt and our sin. He saw our beauty and our potential and our hope. He saw us... in our entirety... and headed straight for that cross. What love! What knowledge! What grace!
Point is this: you can't surprise God. And you can't undo His love and His sacrifice for you. What's done is done... your sin and His saving. And wherever your find yourself - at this very moment - God is working it all together for good.
Why? Because He knows. He knows you. And He always, always has....
Monday Moment is a little devotional read to help kick start your week. See you again next Monday!
Another wonderful devotional Brin! I wonder if you know how wide your audience is? What a ministry your blog is! I am 49 and I love your devotions. My daughter is 19 and she loves your devotions. In fact she printed one off to show her college group at church (I hope you dont mind, if you do let me know. Looks like you have bridged that generation gap with the ageless, timeless truth of God's love. Thanks for sharing with all of us out her who have been lucky enough to find you.
Thank you Brin for the is good to be reminded of how vast God's love really is..
You have a fun week at the B&B...will miss your daily posts!
You've done it again Brin, and what I love about you and your devotions is how you don't preach but share with a learning insight of your own. You make it comfortable and safe to talk about God's love without judgement. Your a angel!!
Thanks for the wonderful devotional. It's truly amazing to think that God knew us even before our beginning!
Bless you! You brought tears to my eyes.
Brin, I love your blog - all of it! and especially the devotions. You have a special gift!!
Brin, Thank you for the devotional.
If I had been the only sinner, Jesus would have still gone to the cross just for me.....What a thought.....How can I not love and serve Him to the best of my ability.....
How this touched my heart and soul! Sometimes we know these things already, but need to be reminded of them. God Bless and enjoy your vacation,
ps. hope you don't mind, but I mentioned this post in my blog today and gave a link back to it.
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