...and maybe a plate full of sweets, too. There. That's better.

I have a lot to do today in preparation for Wednesday's opening. I hope you don't mind if I work as we talk; I just can't seem to stop. The past 10 days of my life have been a foggy blur. I've hardly slept, hardly eaten and scarcely know where I am or what to do next. It has, however, been the happiest time I've had in years. And I do mean years. Like, since 2005.

I wanted to cry I was so happy. Breakers and all.

The old place has an old Wurlitzer piano. It sounds like one you'd find in an saloon in Kansas City or somewhere. I kept it, displaying a sign that reads: If the music's short / Or if the music's long -/ There's a cookie waiting /For those who play a song.
And several people already have played. I have too, although I don't demand a free cookie when I'm done. Cuts down on overhead... and jean size, I've found.
And several people already have played. I have too, although I don't demand a free cookie when I'm done. Cuts down on overhead... and jean size, I've found.

I'm at 104 Webb Street in Daingerfield, Texas. Come see me sometime. For now, I'm hanging up my apron and going home to do laundry. And maybe sleep.

(Special thanks this past week to: Mom and Dad, Maryanna, Lori B., Shelley, Kathleen, Stan, Angela, Holly, Sondra, Bro. Chad, Scott P., Aaron, Steve, Mike, Neal and Emily. Free dessert, coffee, and my undying affection/gratitude for life. A girl couldn't start a bakery without y'all. Also public acknowledgment to Jesus my Savior. You're my heart's cry and my soul's hope, and the Grace who sat with me until I could walk in it again. May this place, and my life, honor You.)
Wow Brin, it's perfect, it's so you! Sending you blessings for a great opening day, your'e gonna do just fine! Hugs!!
=) Henerybella's is looking great!
Happy Wednesday!!!!!
Wednesday is going to be a perfect day. I am so happy and as proud as a lark.
It's wonderful! What I wouldn't give to visit you and I might even have to test the the piano for a cookie!
How terrific that you've had so many cheerful helpers, too. God bless'em!
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy...
Your place is wonderful, the food looks delish, the decorations lovely, but your thanks at the end brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful to walk in His grace!!! Blessings to you! Becky G.
It looks amazing! Many best wishes and blessings for Wednesday!
Oh Brin!! I just love it and I wish i were closer and i could come by and see you! It is going to be devine.. really it is. I will pray for Wednesday especially :) I am so tickled for you!
Good Luck... Break a leg! Whatever is the appropriate thing to say for a bakery opening :) I wish it for you.
Now folks can have their very own cup O' Brin :)
Blessing my sweet blog friend :)
How cute is that?! I am soooo happy for you! Wish I was closer:(
Blessings to you!
okay, I want to go on a road trip to your shop! It looks fantastic and I'm sure it is. Somehow though, I think the fact that I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia might mean it takes me a while to get there...but when I eventually do someday I'm looking up Henrybella's! Can't wait, and I'm soooo happy and excited for you!
I so happy that the Bakery is up and running....sounds like you are really running!
God is so good...'My Jesus Knows Just What I Need' is a favorite song of mine. Wish I could drop in...play
your piano and enjoy a cookie...
God Bless...Betty
So happy for you Brin, Springtime is great for new beginnings. The place looks beautiful. God bless. Joy
I am so very happy for you. Can't wait to hear more. Y'know, you are closing down *this* blog, but nothing -- absolutely nothing at all -- would prevent you from starting a new and shiny *henrybellas* blog. You'll keep your readers and add new ones, and it's great advertising.
Just think about it, m'kay? :)
Brin- I'm jealous. I'd love to be doing this too. Your place looks amazing and our God has rewarded your patience. Love and many blessings, Jenn
P.S. I LOVE my Apron that I received from you! Jenn
What a lovely place! I wish I didn't live so far away.
It looks beeauuutiful!! Just perfect! I may need to plan a road trip soon...
Congrats, Brin! If I still lived in Houston I would zip right over to try the cookies and coffee. I do have a relative that lives in Arkansas and she may drop in one day, seeing as she's only 4 hours away. :) My prayers are with you!
Girl...I believe the supernatural prayers have been heard. Your place is just lovely. I believe that God is blessing you for all those that you have touched in some way or another.
You are going to be doubly blessed.
So excited for you. Hopefully, I will get to get to experience the blessings by a visit in the near future.
Ok, Brin, I just checked on MapQuest and you are only 918.68 miles (14 hrs. and 28 min.) away from my Michigan home. Shucks, your cookies look so tempting!
How totally adorable your bakery is!! I'm sure it'll be a smashing success!! I wish we had a sweet little place just like it in my hometown!!
Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to you....you deserve it!!
It's time......
Bless you and the best wishes sent to you. This is going to be successful and if you were near I would be a steady customer.
Oh, Brin, that is the DEAREST little place, one I would dearly love to come in and sit down and have you come to fill my cup and bring me the latest muffin...your decorating on such a little bit brought out your creativity and I daresay it looks as if you hired someone and told them to make it look whimisical and darling...and that is what YOU DID...aren't you somethin'!? I loved your description of the light and the smells...Best of luck to you in your new venture, it's been SO MUCH FUN following you through it all!
Brin, I'm so very excited for you. You have birthed a very beautiful thing. How I wish I could be a patron!!! I ditto--thank you, Jesus. May you experience His very best blessings in this new adventure.
I can not BELIEVE how quickly you are whipping that place into a sweet Sweet Shoppe!
BEAUTIFUL!!!! I have been anxiously waiting for a peek inside :) I wish Nebraska wasn't so far away...sigh!
Wishes do come true and miracles happen, and God made your wish come true, good luck with Henerybellas!
I have been reading your blog for sometime, I must say you are an inspiration to me, I would only hope that every young person in this country had your endurance and tenacity, I wish you much success in this new adventure that you are undertaking, i know you are going to very successful with it!!!
Be blessed, sweet girl. Hope the grand opening is everything you expect it to be. I know they will be some VERY happy people once they visit you. xxoo
Looks great Brin!
You are awesome!
The shop is straight out of a storybook. Perfectly, beautifully decorated. I am in Chicago but wish I were nearby to visit your shop. Perhaps in the future?
God's continued blessings to you with this exciting venture!
How beautiful Brin and were it not for the seas and lands that separate us I would be there in the wink of eye.
Wishing you love, fun and success.
God bless.
Just wonderful, Brin! I hope tomorrow goes wonderfully for you. It is such a blessing to see ow it has all come together. If I ever get out to Texas, I'll be stopping by for sure! :)
Your last words are perfect. You are a doll. You ARE honoring our Father and you will succeed. I only I wish I lived closer and I'd be there to help you wash dishes, decorate with sticks and whatever other job you were too tuckered out to do.
I will pray for you on Wednesday specifically.
I don't even know how I found your blog, but I am so glad I did. Congrats on reaching and acheiving your dream!! Sending love and best wishes from Fort Worth, TX!
You have the sweetest bakery I have ever seen!
I wish I lived close enough to stop by on opening day.
I'll be praying for you though. :)
Your "Henerybella's" is just what I thought you would do. It looks wonderful. Mynext trip to Dallas will include a stop to see you. I will be praying for you on Wed. Thanks for hanging in there with our heavenly Father.
It's lovely, Brin! Even better than I imagined, and I was imagining a pretty cool place!
I'll indeed be praying for you come Wednesday. And, remember to get some rest in the midst of your whirlwind!
I wish I could be there! You sound so happy, and your place is adorable. I'll be praying for your success. Thanks for posting and keeping us informed.
blessings Brin.
You'll have a great opening day
I wish I wasn't so far far away, I'd love a cupcake
oh, it's fabulous, and the food looks scrumptious. Praying for opening day on Wednesday. Thanks for taking the time to invite us all in via Blogland . . . as tired as you are!
The people in your town are so lucky. I'd be popping in all the time if I lived nearby. All the best to you and what will surely be a very successful venture. Your shop looks so cozy and inviting.
I love it. I also wish I could pop over for my morning coffee + cookie.
Brin, this is straight out of "The Business of Bliss"...did you have that on one of your lists? Maybe I'm thinking about someone else's blog. That book is one of my favorite to pour over and daydream.
You are living that daydream!
Blessings to you!
Absolutely wonderful! Bless you Brin!
It's gorgeous!!
Oh Brin, it's wonderful. Just right! And I'm so thrilled for you. I know it will be a lot of hard work but it will be a place of satisfaction and fulfillment for you. May your light shine there and may you touch many with the sweetness of Jesus - and your sweet treats. Let's us visit again until some of us travel your way to see it for real! ~Adrienne~
HOW EXCITING! And what an answer to prayer! Have a WONDERFUL DAY tomorrow...wish I could come but I am miles and miles away.
Wow! I'm so happy for you! I've been praying for you and I just knew in my heart God had a different plan for you. This is it! I'm telling all my friends, and I can't wait to come see it for myself! Oh, and try to get some rest if you can!!
So thrilled for you! Congratulations!
I love your place -- it looks like just the place I'd love to spend every morning, or afternoon, sipping coffee, having something sweet and working on my novel. I used to live in Paris, not far from you. I'm now in Dallas, but if I'm out that way again, I might just stop by. May God bless you with a rich and simple life! Isn't He grand -- when you delight in Him first, He gives you the desires of your heart!
How special is that? Many blessings to you in your new venture!
Since I'm off to Texas next week...I just pulled out the map to see where Daingerfield might be...but it's a little off my path. You almost had me at your table!
Brin I'm so, so happy for you! Henrybella's looks so cozy and wonderful and all those goodies look scrumptious! I wish I were closer to come have some of those treats and a cup of tea. :)
Have a great day!
Jim and I wish you weren't so far away! We want you to know we've been praying for you and we're giddy with excitement for you!
Good luck on the opening tomorrow.
The robin's egg blue with wood and white dishes is perfect! I find those colors renewing for the spirit. I am so happy for you...and Henrybella's...a dream come true. A day of new beginnings for you...from Him...thanks arising as incense to Him.
It looks beautiful. Wishing you the best for opening day. I wish that we lived closer, I would definitely bring the girls for some fun!
I don't know you, but I am proud of you!
blessings to you in your great new digs - and biz!
Wow. Your shop looks amazing!! I love the blue:)
Hi, Brin. I know this isn't your most recent post, but I was wondering what color and brand did you choose for your colors? They're beautiful, and I usually detest blues.
Also, in your Irving room, what color did you use there?
And congratulations on your shop!
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