Millie jumping out of the lake.
I grew up swimming and paddle-boating in this lake. Just looking at these pictures reminds me of pink bathing suits and ice cold Dr. Pepper and sunburns and french onion dip. This Park is my happy place. It's a beautiful two mile drive from Freeman House, so Millie and I hopped in the Jeep and then hopped out at the lake about 5 minutes later. She headed down the grassy hill to the water and dipped her front paws in. Then she waded in. Then she jumped in, alongside the tall grass and lily pads, and sniffed at the tiny fish that swam away.
We stayed awhile, getting our feet wet and running around and playing fetch and lying in the cool grass. We watched as dusk settled and the fireflies came out. It was a wonderful evening and I was sorry to see it slip across the water and fade away.
Seemed like Millie was, too. It took some encouragement and a lot of bribery to get her back in the car.
Yeah, I'm really not an outdoors person, per se, but it's hard not to be around here. Maybe someday you can visit and see for yourself. I'll pack a basket with dinner and a pie and some cold Dr. Pepper and put a soft blanket in the Jeep and you can experience it for yourself.
Just know, you may never want to go home. Thought it was only fair to warn you. (wink) -Brin
(For those who've asked, there are three (3) new House Helper sets in the Freeman House Shop on etsy. One set was even featured on this blog. And apron toolbelts! They're coming soon....)
Brin you are an inspiration to me. Thank you.
Looks like Millie had a blast! Dogs+water=fun. And I'm glad you were able to clear your head.
No National Parks that close to me... but surely I can find some special place close to home if I look hard enough. LOL
Beautiful. The weather in Florida just took a trun for the better. It's just awesome. Low to no humidity and clear. Happy fall!!!
ahhhh Dr. Pepper, potato chips with ridges and french onion dip. Thanks for the memories.
it looks like a beautiful place to be. millie is getting so big!!
Well what cozy images I had of you all curled up at Freeman House and here you were off to the great outdoors. With Millie along for the ride, everything must be more fun.
I did watch the video and was amazed. If I had seen the video minus the narrative with those lovely Texas accents, I would have thought of New England.
It looks like a wonderful place to daydream.
Look at Millie with the stick in her mouth! That is the cutest thing! Beautiful area, aren't you lucky to live so close!
Wow! Millie's sure getting big!
Dogs make great companions don't they?
Don't you just love State Parks. I love our state park and parks here in Northern Cali too. Yours looks like one I would go to every day. Serene beauty.
You must live in the pretty part of Texas, cuz I've been through Amarillo and it's not too pretty! Sorry! The park looks wonderful, no wonder you love it so.
Next time you go and your not wanting to go alone you will have to call and Millie's daddy can swim with her :)
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