It's just beyond there... through this door. Can you make it out? The dining room? We begin tomorrow, in earnest, the task of making her pretty. We have until Thursday. The big party Thursday night. She
must be restored to her former glory by then. The clock, she is a'ticking.
Wish us luck. And if you're breezing by Freeman House tomorrow, please stop. Especially if you are of the tall persuasion. I still need someone to stand atop the ladder. [Grin]
Happy September weekend! -Brin
I will be there for sure. We will have her to her former glory in no time. Just remind mom that the last time that she thought we were going to goof off instead of working to take a look at the library! See you tomorrow!!!
She will be lovely! I love the colors and that fall wreath! I wish I lived closer, I'd be there with bells on to help, sounds like fun to me!
Good luck with the restoration. I look forward to seeing pictures when it is completed!
I wish I could stop by to help. Have fun and cannot wait to see your posts!
Hope it goes well for you! I know it will....I know your home is soo lovely, wish I could see it in person. Love the seasonaly accents!
Well Im 5'9", is that tall enough!
I love the beautiful autumn arrangement over your dining room door.
I will be getting my fall decorations out this week-end and spiffing up our farmhouse for a Harvest Party in a couple of weeks.
Hey Brin! I just wanted to say that I'm planning to read along with you. I'm dropping by my library on Monday to pick up my copy of "The Glass Castle".
Good luck meeting your deadline!
OH lovely photos and LOVE the fall items!
best of luck with the renovations. the autumn wreath is gorgeous!
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