My sister and I had such fun shooting apron pictures and running around the pasture yesterday. Too much fun, really. I'm thirteen years older than she, and we haven't had much bonding time. Until now. It's exciting getting to know her: what she likes (swimming), what she eats (chicken), what she does (Goodreads), who she likes (Zack). She also insisted on voting in yesterday's poll and picked, predictably, the top picture with the pink apron. She loves pink, I've learned. We both stay away from blue. Strange how sisters can be so alike and yet so different, isn't it?
I've had zillions of emails and Etsy convos asking when all the aprons will be listed. It's a good question. In short, Labor Day weekend will see me laboring over the posting of 7+ new aprons and toolbelts. So by Saturday at noon CST, we shall see the first round of the Fall 2009 Aprons in all their glory. After that, I'm going to work my hardest to keep the shop stocked for those waiting until payday, holiday shopping, etc. Oh the cute that is to come!
Can you believe tomorrow's Friday? Looking forward to that holiday weekend....
Your aprons are adorable Brin! Have a great Labor day weekend and don't work too hard:>) Have a little fun too!
I remember I read in your archives once that you would give a phone call from Freeman House to one lucky commenter. That was back before I discovered your blog. I feel a strong connection to you, like we would be really great friends if we met in real life. Is there any way you have time to do something like that again? I would love to talk with you. I lived in China the last year, and your Christian message always helped me survive life in the atheist country. I could not mention my faith in my blog, eastasiaexperience.blogspot.com, but I loved reading about yours. If there is any way we can talk on the phone some time, send me an email.
Brin, you touched my heart yesterday with your kind words. This is a troubling time and to know there are prayers being said in Texas is such a fabulous blessing.
I love how you cropped and edited the photo. That takes a good eye, and it looks great!
Yay! That's the one I voted for. It just makes me feel like I'm right there in the pasture too. You take some wondeful pictures, dear girl, keep it up. xxoo
Just read a NY Times article about
a crafty old gentleman in Texas who builds/remodels houses using seriously recycled materials! It's very inspiring, and I thought of your dream to build a cottage someday...
Read article and see photos here:
I really like that cottage apron I hope you make at least a dozen just like that with those fabrics.
Brin, I know your torn about being back home, and all life has thrown you, but maybe you are meant to be right there for a bit, to be a sister, daughter and hometown girl. You will be blessed no matter what you ever do!
I also noticed your "September Harvest" prairie apron on the Etsy homepage today as I checked into my acc't. Great marketing 'strategerie'!
Not only do you have a talent for combining delicious fabrics, you have a knack for giving them memorable names.
All the Best,
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