Seen from the kitchen window at the new little house: a tree stump bearing blue blooms. I'd have a better shot but it was raining as I snapped this and, as seems to be the case this week, I was in a frantic hurry.
But I'm not so much now. Having worked my entire day off at the new house, I'm piled on the bed with tea and a chocolate lab foot warmer. And before my burning-tired eyes forcibly escort me to Neverland, I'm browsing the vintage wallpaper offerings on eBay. Don't you think it would be lovely if I papered all the closets in the little house? I do. I want them to be pretty and smell heavenly. Today I became obsessed with papering the insides of the closets with cabbages and roses... or tiny, buttered daisies... or a Victorian toile the color fig and plum jam. Here's to hoping I can find a steal....
But I'm not so much now. Having worked my entire day off at the new house, I'm piled on the bed with tea and a chocolate lab foot warmer. And before my burning-tired eyes forcibly escort me to Neverland, I'm browsing the vintage wallpaper offerings on eBay. Don't you think it would be lovely if I papered all the closets in the little house? I do. I want them to be pretty and smell heavenly. Today I became obsessed with papering the insides of the closets with cabbages and roses... or tiny, buttered daisies... or a Victorian toile the color fig and plum jam. Here's to hoping I can find a steal....
Okay. Half hour later and I'm too tired to sleep (although the foot warmer is snoring soundly down at the end of the bed, so at least one of us is resting). I just narrowed my options down to these three prints. Remember, they are for papering closet interiors... not spaces that will be lived in, if you know what I mean. I'm going for an Agatha Christie/rainy day/berry scones and cream/Saturday-with-a-novel kinda feel here. I think I've decided, but which would you get?

Ohlala! How many closets do you have? Can you get all of them. If it's down to one choice, go with the last one! People will come over just to hang out in your closet !
i love the top one and the bottom one :) I've thought of wallpapering my closet too, but thought people would think me crazy! haha, glad i'm not the only crazy person who thinks of these things ;) Have fun decorating the new placE!
The last one, absolutely! And what a lovely idea to paper the closets!
I like the middle one, but it seems I am alone on that one.
Definately the first one!
I would personally use the middle one without a question! I love the white and blue. I would never have thought to wallpaper the insides of a closet, but what a beautiful idea. Why not make ever inch of your house pretty? :)
I love #1 clean and pretty for the limited light in a closet. Love how you think and so happy to read about your next chapter in your new house.
I love the first one - so light & airy. Gorgeous.
I love your creativity. You are so gifted!
They're all so pretty! Can't wait to see your closets all done!
I have to admit, my mouth dropped and "ooooooohhhhhh" came out when I saw the third one. All three are nice, but that one is extra special! I would want the inside of my closet to be papered in it!
Oh I think you should have them all if you have enough closets. They are gorgeous! Wishing I had some closets to paper. I can almost smell the flowers on your samples! ~Adrienne~
Oh, I thought I loved the middle one, but on second thought I really like the first one.
Gotta be pink..the first one. But the other two are also great but given pink as a choice, I choose it hands down. I too have wanted to paper my closets but feel too lazy to empty them....especially after having just filled them 6 months ago. But if I was your age, they would be emptied by now! Love your ideas!!
I really love the last one but I think any of them would be beautiful.
#1 says English cottage, Agatha Chrisie, and scones to me. I think I have almost every Agatha there is so I have felt her charm but go with what feels good to you and feather your nest.
I would go for the top one for sure. They are all lovely though...and I think a wallpapered closet will be devine. :)
I like the first one the best, but if you have more than one closet, why not all of them?
I would definitely go with the first one - the green and pink to me say 'Come and have a cup of tea, and some toast with bramble jelly. And here's a nice soft sofa with a quilt to snuggle under while you enjoy the tea.'
I like the first one best. But I want to tell you to only paper your linen closets and hall closets and such. When you change the interior color of your clothes closet, it can change the way your clothes appear. Something about the light and the reflection can change the way the colors of your clothes look when matching your outfits. It's stupid, but it happens! White is best against clothes.
Love the first one Brin and love you!
Lovin' the first one! Glad to hear you are settling in and making your home your own. Blessings, Heather
All are nice Brin, but the last one is my favorite. Another idea that might be cheaper, is check out a local ReStore, you should have one, they are for Habitat Humanity. Even in my little town, I've found some good deals. Also, you can do the same with wrapping paper and a mix of wall paper paste diluted. Just a thought, I know your on a budget. Can't wait to see your little house come to life, again...
Oh how to choose? I'm in love with the green one on top, but I like the purple roses too, but the blue and white is so pretty, lots of help? lol. I guess that means you can't go wrong with whatever you choose:>) Congratulations n being in your new home.
I love them all but if I had to choose for closets it would be the third choice.
Neat idea.
Becky K.
I always love green and pink together to me that is very fresh and up lifting. Although the blue is very nice and traditional.
I vote for the top . . . very restful but still with enough color to keep it cheerful!
I vote for the first one. As much as I love the bottom one, I'd be afraid it might make the closet dark. If the lighting was good, I might use it.
I like the 3rd because it reminds me of ! All three of them are really nice but I am partial to #1 & #3.
The first one is definitely Agatha Christie. The second one would be great inside kitchen cabinets, it has a very clean look. Mauve (the third one) is a depressing color to me. It looks like it may have the most votes on here, but there it is.
I definitely get the blue one. Love the color blue though!Good luck in chosing.
oh the first one ... for sure!
Love #3. A mix of wonderful shades, tints and hues. What a glorious color palette!
Oh, what a lovely idea! They'll be so beautiful! I like the top wallpaper..from the choices! ;)
Ooooohhhh thanks for the inspiration! I love them all, but if I had to choose...I guess the first one.
I {love} the first two! But I would have to pick #1... Now you have me thinking about my closet! ;-)
I am in love with #1. I would like it in OR out of a closet. :) LindaSonia
The first is lovely and definitely says novel on a Saturday in an English garden. I've always wanted to do a laundry room in an outrageous pink floral, but closets sound like a perfect start.
Hi. I'm new to your blog and love reading it. I would go with Option 3. The lavendar roses. So pretty. Have fun.
The middle one...blue. I guess I am not in the majority, but it just spoke to me. Please let us know what you picked. :)
I love them all! How wonderful!
I love the first one with the green background with pink roses. It would be lovely scented with perfume like drawer liners. Great idea!
Wow! That's a tough one. For me it's a toss up between the first and third papers. Leaning towards the third one! I can't wait to see the finished product!
What an awesome and fun idea. I like all the prints, but you know what, none of them seem to evoke that feeling in me, unless it would be the last print. I think you need to go a tad darker and more mellow. Well, you asked!
I love the green one. But I like the idea of a different one in each closet too.
I love Sue's tip on using wrapping paper. Bet you can find some at a close out store.
I love the first one, and the pretty serene pale green of it all. I think it would make a lovely closet.
How many closets do you have?? If you have enough, get them all!!! They are beautiful, but I love the last one the most!
I love the top one. It reminds me of you...
Love the idea of wallpapering the closets. It makes me remember my grandmother's old house when I was very little...
I would definately go with the first one...what a wonderful idea!
The other two seem to be beautifully appropriate for rooms, but the first seems like a beautiful surprise to open a closet door to find....
Whatever you choose...have fun!
I really like the last one. What a cute idea!!
Too hard to decide! I'd take the one with the best deal!
Those blue flowers look like they might be spider wort.
I like the green paper the best but all three are *lovely*. (o:
I vote for the last one!
So....which one did you choose? We are all dying to know!
When my parents sold the house we grew up in and downsized we did a lot of painting and remodeling of the new house. And, believe it or not, we wallpapered the closets! The first choice is very similar to a paper we used in the guest room so that is my choice. We teased my mom about bein "uppity" with her papered closets, but we all enjoy the touch of elegance.
My vote is for the first one. It's just so vibrant and pretty. Go for it girl! xxoo
I never get tired of blue and white! Top one is pretty also. It's so fun to plan!
I like the top one... but I have a soft spot for subdued robins egg blue and corally pinks... all three really are lovely though.
What a cool idea!
wow, those are pretty..I so love the blue one so much..
They are all really beautiful, but I'm leaning towards the first one. (My favorite would be the blue, but I don't know if it would show up as well in a closet.) Have you thought of using one (or more) to wallpaper the inside of a bookcase?
The first one definitely feels more "sconish"..(is that a word??) A heartfelt vote for #1!! :-)
I love the clean classic look of blue and white...so I'd have to pick the second one!
Love them all but REALLY love the last one.
ooooo ... eeny meeny ... first glance, i thought the bottom one .. then i thought ~ nah, could get a bit heavy and dingy ... the middle one a little too stark ... so for me, i think the top one is just right!
happy papering ~
oooh....I like the top one...love the turquoise. Such a fun idea to wallpaper your closets!
I like the top two..do you have to choose only one? Then the top one would be it for me! What a totally charming idea to do just the closets!
I liked the 3rd one at first but the first one is my fav now. It is bright and cheery to greet you in the mornings! very girly... almost timeless vintage if there is such a thing. look forward to seeing what you picked and what it looks like if you are so inclined to share a picture. :) have fun!
Paper #1.
Love the top one !
Love the first one - it's a smile for walls!!
I like the blue! I remember you said you would tell us your real first name- did you ever? Just wondering.......
It's an idea I'd never thought of...wallpapering the closet. I really like all your choices but I think the middle choice I like the most because it is so pale. And blue is so calm and quiet like a closet seems it should be...you know..."go into your closet and pray"...that sort of thing.
the only thing you can do is get a sample and quite possibly even more samples and hold it up in your closet against your choice in clothes, and the lighting of course and use your own ideas, not someone elses.
I for one loved the other apron, so what do i know?
Okay, I wasn't going to comment ...
The first 2 seem very new trying to be old (they appear to have been printed in the 1980's-1990's)- I've seen them around ALOT.
The 3rd choice seems like a true original - it's not "trying too hard" it just IS.
It appears to have been in a home built in the 1930-1940's. I imagine families sitting around the radio listening to their favorite stories, the news, etc. Homemade cookies and milk, knitting, quilting, reading...ahhh...reading in the library and writing in their journals - with smells of pot roast, cabbage, percolating coffee wafting in from the kitchen. Families getting dressed for church with gloves, hats, suits and while walking out to their 1940 Chevrolet Clipper, look over to realize that mother left the clothes on the line the night before in her hurry to get the girl's pincurls in before bedtime...
Many Blessings,
The last one is stunning.. middle one is a runner up. You'll have to post pictures one you finish papering the closets. What a fun project. =)
The bottom - lavender roses!! Beautiful and dreamy
i LOVE the 3rd one with the purple flowers! could you tell me where to find it? please? i think it is just what i was looking for!
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