You know, Martha Stewart says that whenever you move, you should have a first box. She doesn't actually call it a "first box"... that's my term... but that's what it is: the first box you unpack. Ideally, it should contain the first things you may need upon arriving at your new place. Um... things like light bulbs. Scissors. Soap and towel. Box cutter. Alarm clock. Clorox wipes. Whatever. I had my first box, of sorts, but it was all wrong. What I really needed was: (1) a dog net for the three pit bulls that dug under my backyard fence to get to an already apprehensive little Millie; (2) a t-shirt that says "I have a boyfriend and he can beat you up" to dissuade Leonard, the city's dog catcher, who came to help and didn't leave before giving me his cell phone number and inviting himself back later; (3) a sledge hammer - don't ask; (4) Liquid Drano, and (5) a wine bottle opener. That is what my first box needed. Martha, my box and Millie and I needed you today. Where were you?
So. I have so much to show and tell you about the little house. It's located in Wake Village, which I think is a lovely thing to call a place. The house has wooden floors and straightforward rooms and just needs someone to pull it all together and make it wonderful. (And paper the closets and pantry. Thanks for your suggestions on wallpaper, by the way. I'm going to try to get each of the three papers as finances allow. We'll see....)
Before we get to all that, some sleep is in order. That one-eye-open, what-was-that-sound?, I'm-nervous-in-a-new-place, I-hope-they-don't-call-this-Wake Village-for-a-reason kind of sleep.
Goodnight. I think. -Brin
It's just beautiful Brin. I've been reading you for a long time and thought I would actually comment.
Yes I know very well about the 'first box' - all the essentials, but your list is a lot more realistic. I hope and pray the pit bulls don't get to your Millie. Tell the dog collector to mind his own business.
With the candles glowing and how pretty it looks it so reminds me of your old house. You will have the magic going in no time, if already. Good Luck to you and to Millie too.
"Welcome Home" Brin :).... it sounds perfectly wonderful...except for the pit bulls....and I can hardly wait to see what you do with turning your house into home :)...sweet dreams :)
sweet dreams Brin.. ;p
Do they have any ordinances in Wake Village concerning keeping pit bulls? Lemon oil all your furniture to help get rid of that musty odor in the house. I've heard that cedar oil is good to use on wood floors, but I've never seen any at the store!
Pray that you will be safe and blessed in Wake Village!
Wake Village... I rather like the name of that. But I see it more as a place your soul can rest and then awaken to whatever else God has in store for you. :) beautiful picture.
Hi Brin
So happy to see the candles on your first night! I think the twinkling light brings comfort, and peace, and hope. I hope you find all of this in your new home.
Be safe and happy!
I'd say buy a couple of dog treats for the pit bulls to give them outside your fence, just so they know that if they behave something good is bound to happen.
they are dogs after all!
the dog collector creeps me out: borrow a friend/cousin/bulky hunky male to come and visit...
beautiful photo btw
Totally enjoyed this post! May you & Millie find much happiness in your new home!
Oh, good luck in your new home! Can't wait to see how you decorate it. You have such good taste.
Good luck with the pit bulls!!
What a great new chapter for you ~ I cannot wait to see pictures of the new place and see what you do with it!
Plese put a dish under those candles so you don't start a fire - it's making me nervous and so are those pit bulls - Yikes!
Hope everything settles in nicely. Wishing you all the best in your new abode.
Welcome home sweet home Brin! And you will make it sweet, this is know. A new house always needs a new broom too, a old wives tale. And for the musty smell, some kitty litter placed around the house should take care of that. The town sounds very interesting, you will have plenty of tales to tell. May I have your mailing addy, I'd like to send you a little something. Hugs!
Ahhh...You'll have chased the mildew scent out of there in no time! One of your apple desserts or pasta dishes and all will be well.
Happy housewarming.
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane
First time I meet you, you are living in the last house my grandmother lived in. Now you are living in Wake Forest - where my great aunt and uncle lived. I hate to tell you this, but I bet New Boston is your next move. ;o)
So glad you are getting moved. If you have to, use the sledge on the pit bulls. You have got to protect Millie. You know, I love dogs. But I also have three pit bulls across the street and they bark wildly at my cat when he is outside. I know they would tear him to pieces if they got out.
Those candles look so comforting and homey! I bet you will make your new place look wonderful! That is hilarious about the "first box." Also a great idea! Good luck and I hope Millie relaxes and settles in soon!!!
I am happy to see you are moved in to your new home.You are on my blog list so I visit often.
I saw a photo of a room wall papered with book pages.Actually encyclopedia pages.There are lots of sets people want to get rid of.You might try it in a closet or bathroom wall.I wall papered the Christmas room in my shop with brown wrapping paper.
The best to you
I hope you love it there and I hope we get to see it step by step. The house must be celebrating your occupancy :)
I love it Brin. I think you had a unique day. :-) LOVE the tshirt idea. I love the name, too. Wake Village.
Would you allow me purchase one of your wallpapers as a housewarming gift?
Great welcome to your new home!
An Ecoquest air purifier would fix that smell right up in a jiffy and have the whole place smelling clothes line fresh. Love mine.
Don't forget to check out the clearance centers for wallpapers, you can get cute paper cheap!!! Like $2 a roll. Or if you have your heart set on those check out the mail order houses that are listed in the backs of magazines. never buy from a store that is the highest prices of all.
Sometimes Sherwyn Williams has good deals on paper.
Hopefully the dogs aren't after Maggie! Poor baby bet that scared her. Are they nice pit bulls? Some of them are very sweet.
Oh, my, sounds like things are already off to a messy, thrilling start : )!! Love the cozy look of the candles glowing.
You're so funny. :) Welcome to your home sweet home and get some sleep before you unpack!
Yaay, hardwood floors!
Brave Brin, it will begin to feel like home as you and Millie settle in. Remember that old Air Supply song, "making love out of nothin' at all...?" You have the ability --wherever you land--to make a warm, cozy home where love for God, family & friends thrives. It will come. Thanks for letting us share the journey.
Oh, good luck in your new home!
How to make a website
Hi Brin, I love reading about your "homes", not houses. Just having Millie there makes it more of a home. Just wanted to say that I'm appreciative of your sharing, makes me realize that I can make my apartment a "home" with some little changes. Thanks for the inspiration!
it seems like a lovely home, from that pic..
i hope you will love living there and be very happy..
Enjoyed reading this post and that shot of your new place is magical!
Welcome to your new home. Pit bulls are scary, I hope they will not be a reoccurring problem. Did they take them away? We had a pitbull problem at our last home...one that actually attacked our elderly neighbor and her little dog...my hubby intervened and saved them. The police could care less and did nothing. The dog remained across the street, for us all to fear. We we're so glad to move.
OK, I just arrived via the Lettered Cottage, but now I'm going to have to read your recent posts to find out what happened next!
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