Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday Treasures

Yes, I realize it isn't Tuesday. But I'm so excited about this little tid-bit that I had to share it now: it's a Tuesday Treasure.

So. Say you have your own blog. Or Etsy shop. Or website. Or say you have a book or product or idea or cause. And let's say your special thing... your treasure... could use a little... promoting. A touch more traffic. A heap more hits. A round of new readers. A slew of new shoppers. And say you don't have the time - or the big fat budget - to make it happen.

I think we can help each other out.

Starting next Tuesday, you have a chance to tell the My Messy, Thrilling Life community about your treasure, whatever it may be. For a few bucks, you can have my floor, and together we'll tell the hundreds of kind folks who stop in here each day about your treasure. It's a win-win: you will reap the benefit of a whole new community of readers and supporters, while the rest of us will reap the benefit of new treaures to see and savor.

Sound like a lovely little plan?

Shoot me at email at: brin[at]freemanhouse[dot]org if you're interested. We'll be sharing a Tuesday Treasure in no time. -Brin


Terri Steffes said...

Cool! I emailed you from my school account.

Anonymous said...

tacky, tacky, tacky.

You've just lost a faithful reader. Best of luck to you dear.

Brin said...

Good grief. I'm an ad-free blog. I'm also one of many folks around the country who's been laid off and am trying not to lose my home. And I'm excited about the opportunity to promote fellow bloggers and small business folks, for a *very* nominal sum.

Sorry you feel that way, Michele. You'll be the one missing out. -Brin

judy in ky said...

Brin, it sounds like a fine idea to me. I will be checking back, looking for treasures. I think we all need to support each other. It sounds like a nice resource for both sides.

Susan said...

I still think you should consider ads as well - the right kind of ads, appropriate ads (cooking, crafting, gardening etc) - think Pioneer Woman or Dooce or some of the many, many other Fantastic women bloggers who make a living from their blogs.

A girl's gotta make a livin' ... Rock on Brin.

Life is 5 Minutes Long said...

It's all nice and everything to call someone tacky if they have a job and do not need money. Ummm must be nice to judge people like that and not feel bad about it. I think we all love Brin's blog. You go Brin. Jenn

Life is 5 Minutes Long said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaun and Holly said...

Good idea! I will be checking in with great interest to see what lovely things are around on Tuesdays.

Kath said...

I love it! I have been thinking about how I can get to an appropriate audience, and this is perfect! I am not quite there yet, but soon....soon!

Mia said...

so basically you want to charge people to use your website to talk about their own?

Most bloggers I know do that for each other for free. Just sayin'.

Heritage of Home said...

I think you are doing as good as you can sister.
I like the idea. I did try to e-mail you and the e-mailsent error came back. Oh well. But I encourage you to do this. I like it. I wish I would love to share the floor at your blog! Maybe I'll try to e-mail you again. and again. Much love and prayers to you Brin!

carla said...

How nice for Michele that she can be so removed from the real world. (Sigh; and I had resolved this year to drop the sarcasm).

Personally, I look forward to see who signs on. Over the last few months I've visited other sites you recommend, or read a book that you mentioned. Sometimes I like them (The 13th Tale), sometimes I don't (the blogger who supports Obama). But unless they get far out there (and I must admit, the Obama one was close to it - thankfully you posted your position, too), I'm with you.

God bless you and guide you.

It's a pleasure to read your blog.

Donna said...

I love it. While I don't have a treasure, I will certainly be checking your blog for them.
We do what we feel is best for us and what God wants us to do. Sometimes people can't handle that.
I love your blog and will always follow it.

Vee said...

If I had a treasure, I'd definitely be interested. I love how you continually think outside the box! (I also admire your ad-free stand. In this day and age when we all could use an extra dollar, it's especially commendable. I don't enjoy blogs that are loaded with ads and wear blinders when visiting those that I do.)

Rosa said...

Wow! Who knew people would have a problem with this?
Oh well. . .
I have been thinking about starting up a new 'treasure' and this plan of yours has got me excitedly planning on how to make it a reality.
Thanks! :)
It will be a while but hopefully I can share a Tuesday Treasure with you one of these days.
In the meantime I look forward to seeing everyone else's Treasure.

Kelly said...

Brin, I was just going to be a lurker. I literally found your blog a mere few days ago and have added it to my list of ones to follow. I LOVE it and even do a little backreading as I find the time. I had no problem, even as a newbie, to read this post yesterday. I just may be brave enough to have my Etsy shop showcased; but if not, I still can't wait to see what others have to offer. And I think the tacky ones are those that can't understand rough times and appreciate those that are pulling themselves up and doing what they have to to support themselves. And then furthermore have the nerve to publicly condemn.

Sue said...

I frequent your blog, Brin - and I always look forward to when you have a new item to chat about..or when you have things for sale. I always get there too late, though.

I think that small businesses would do well here. I am a mom at home with three kids that I homeschool and I welcome cool gifts to purchase...and new ideas.

Good for you!!
May God bless you, Brin and bring you more joy and blessings that you can ever imagine!

April@MySacredSojourn said...

I think this is a fabulous idea! I really don't see the difference in this and say, buying a magazine which is half advertisements anyway. Here I read your wonderful blog for free and now I can see which things you recommend. Your opinion is one I have come to value and respect, so I'm really looking forward to Tuesday Treasures. When I get my etsy shop up and going, I may just sign up to be a treasure. Until then, I'll keep reading and supporting you faithfully.

Kristie @ Comfy Cozy said...

I think it's a great idea, Brin...not tacky at all!! I keep coming back to your blog because it's so fresh and full of wonderful things.

Sherry said...

While it is not something I will participate in as I tend to hoard my treasures ;0) I see no problem in what you are doing.

Isn't that called "free enterprise"? Something that is highly touted in this country?

You go, girl!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I can't believe there are rude comments about this idea. It's a great, resourceful idea from someone who never seems to seek anyone's help. I'll keep reading every day!

Sharon said...

Great idea and a Godly one. It makes sense that in helping others we can help ourselves. God will continue to give you wisdom and help you to come up with creative ways to help yourself and he will bless your hands and your generous spirit and may he make all that you put your hands to flourish.

Erin said...

I think this sounds really cool! I'll follow up!

Charlie Eichorn said...

Love the entrepreneurial spirit!
One of the commenters apparently never learned that if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all, "dear."