I can't remember a colder Christmas season than the one we're seeing this year. This morning it was 39 degrees in the house when I woke up. Seven ticks above freezing. My breath hung around and followed me like a shadow. No wonder I stay sick! No wonder this is the first autumn/winter I've ever spent in the house; it's nearly too cold to function here. Time to turn on the oven and keep the cold at bay. Let's bake the snow away....

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Those are the most beautiful Christmas cookies I have ever seen. I love to hear about your home and your life.
Roberta Anne
So pretty and delicate!! And good thing you have some hand knit scarves!! :)
Sending you some sunshine from CA...
Absolutely a divine idea. Let it snow!
I love those cookies. I live in Waco, TX and it snowed here last night. None that stuck, but snow none the less. My DD called me from Houston this afternoon to tell me it was snowing there. In TEXAS. Love your blog!
Those are so pretty! Are you going to share the recipe? I made the crockpot candy that you had on your blog. OMG.....they are delicious. I am taking a batch to work tomorrow to share before I sit here and eat the batch myself!
We're supposed to get snow this weekend too except not sure I can make snowflakes as beautiful as yours. Keep warm! I'll cuddle up with my kitties...well as long as they can tolerate it. ;)
Oh so pretty lying on that bed of white. You make some really great things in your little home. I am envious sometimes, but I know that's a sin so I'll just say I love your Freeman House cold and all. :) xxoo
Internet is "slower than Christmas" so I haven't gotten to see any pictures on your blog so far.
A friend in Deer Park e-mailed pictures that I could see of snow. In Deer Park. Now!
So, I called my son who lives in Lake Jackson, below Houston, 10 miles from the coast. It is snowing there. Now!
I lived in Lake Jackson for seven years and missed the change of seasons. The year that I moved back to Daingerfield, 2004, it snowed. In Lake Jackson!! And Houston, and even in the 'valley'!! There's just no justice! ;o)
Can you share that recipe? They look so thin and delicious! Or is it a henrybella secret?
Your cookies look delicious! It's been cold here in Michigan too. We have had several snow falls already.
Oh... I miss snow SO much! I grew up in the mountains of PA... a land where it can snow any time from the end of October to the beginning of May. For the past 2 years, I've lived in SC... and it has not snowed at all. It just doesn't seem like Christmas without snow!
And... your cookies are absolutely beautiful. I bet they taste just as good as they look. :)
These cookies look amazing! They don't even look real.
Have fun in the snow!
Those are just lovely cookies. I'd love to curl up with a good book, one of those cookies and a cup of hot cocoa.
I'm a tad jealous of the snow ... in CA, they are calling our weather "roller coaster" weather. It's rather frigid (as frigid as it gets in southern California, which isn't very frigid at all) in the morning, rather warm in the near 80s during the day, and in the 40s at night!
HenryBella's has disappeared from your side bar Brin and the links in your posts to the bakery no longer are working. Wondering if these holiday cookies are available ? They are perfect & beautiful and sound tasty too.
Don't you have any heat in your house, my dear?? Living in Maine, we get more snow and cold than you would ever want. We have a wood stove and it is wonderful! They have wood stove inserts for fireplaces, maybe you should invest in one of those?
Burr......stay warm dear heart! I too made some Chai tea cookies yesterday, as I was home due to the weather, I truly enjoyed the day, we had a light dusting of snow but ice under it, so I was home! Your cookies are much prettier than mine, so festive! Keep warm! Holiday hugs!!
just promise me that you will come over BEFORE the hypothermia and frostbite kick in!!!!! please!!! :) and now i want some cookies!
Aren't those lovely?!
I heard that Southern California was getting a major cold weather front so Texas must be getting that??? Enjoy your snow and may it not last save in memory. Stay warm!
Those cookies are absolutely gorgeous! Way too pretty to eat.
I live on Airborne during the winter. It really does keep me from getting sick. I mix it with fruit juice once or twice a day, and I'm good to go. If I feel like a cold's coming on, I take it three x a day until no symptoms exist then for two days after. Works like a charm. I need to buy stock in the company!
There are generics available for about half price which are identical to Airborne. Hope this helps you stay well.
Drooling over cookies while I should be working! Thanks so much.
Those cookies sure are pretty.
The cookies look so yummy but much to pretty to eat.I stay up late blogging and I and I look forward to reading about you life and home...
Vanilla Chai Snowflake Cookies?! Oh My Goodness ~ how wonderful those sound!
Hope you warm up soon. We're supposed to be coooold here on the Oregon coast this weekend too.
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