Knitting is very conducive to thought.
-Dorothy Day
... and laughing, and gabbing and advising and eating...
For all those who came, I'm deeply appreciative of you! My cheeks are still sore from all the laughing and grinning. Thanks for a spectacular evening! And for those of you whose class is yet to start, you're in for some fun!
Also, special thanks to my darling pal-since-college Lisa, who drove in to lunch with me and help with strawberry prep. You are a treasure, my friend, and the best secret agent a girl could know. Yesterday meant so much to me. God bless you over and over!
Well, let's see. #4: Knitting night? Check!

Now I just need to finish the kitchen, book a flight to London and Mary Jane's Farm, and find a piano. Anyone know where a girl might find a great piano? I promise I'll give it a happy home with a nice buffet and plenty of fantastic friends... [smile].
Right now a flight to London sounds like fun! Then again your knitting classes sound like a lot of fun too. Maybe I could start my own beginners knitting class as that is all I'd be able to teach!
Thank you Brin for your blog... you inspire me to search deeper in God's Word and to stay close to Him.
You also inspire me to try new thinking of starting a knitting class,making butter or maybe even sewing an apron!! lol Now that one is stretching it...I can't sew...
Just came upon your blog today and Luuuuuv it! Love your house, love your style, love the fact your a christian, love your aprons and so I put your blog on my fav. list!
Your pins are just gorgeous and unique... do you make them on a regular basis on etsy? HOPE SO!
Hey gals!
Betty R - Wouldn't London be a blast? And hey... if I can start a knitting class, anyone can! But if you need help getting started, we can compare notes.
Your comments always bolster and encourage me. Thanks for checking in! I'm thrilled everytime I see your name...
And Traci - welcome to Freeman House! Thanks for the compliments! Yes, I do make pins for the etsy site. I have several pink/cream-ish ones working that I *hope* to have up by the weekend. They're so fun to wear and the compliments are cool. Thanks for asking!
And to all others lurking about: hi! Glad you're here! -Brin
Sounds like knitting class was a successful and fun evening. The 'students' couldn't have had a better hostess. I'm impressed with the progress on your list. I told my husband it's time for us to make a new one. Such a satisfaction checking things off!
I hope to see England one day since my beloved Mom was born and raised there! How I wish I lived closer to you, what fun that would be! I love the wish list, I know you will fulfill each one! Your such a inspiration! Hugs!!
Sometimes churches have old pianos that they are willing to give away if you bring your own moving crew. I think I got one at a Salvation Army or Goodwill one time. Pardon me for not knowing right off as I'm always changing our decor =)
Happy to meet another Christian blogger!! Hope you'll visit sometime. -Polly (
Hi...just happened upon your lovely blog...and I must tell you that I live very close to one of your dream destinations...Mary Janes' Farm here in Moscow, Idaho. I just recently met her...lovelier in person if I do say so..:-) So when you find time to visit you are very welcome to stay with us . My e-mail is
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