I'm constantly tagged and nudged by folks for little blog games like, "Tell Us 7 Things About Yourself", etc. I played along once, but as a rule I generally ignore them. Not to be rude, I just don't have time.
But I continue to get comments and emails from folks who read my blog often... questions asking who I am, what I do, if I like
this or if I've been
there. Some questions are about my house, my background, and once, even
what I do with my leftovers.
So let's do this: I'll summarize myself here and you'll see that, really, you're probably better off not asking. [laugh]
About me:I have a dry, sarcastic, and self-deprecating sense of humor. But I love to laugh and find most things
hilarious.I quilt and knit and hate to exercise. I also just bought a kayak. Go figure.
I try to be in bed by 10 PM but I write best late, late at night.
I am
constantly fluctuating between a low carb diet and a low fat/high carb diet. Don't figure.
I want a simple job... like baking cookies... but right now I'm determining "working interest" in a federal CO2 unit for an oil company. Beats me.
I love shopping for frilly skirts and
love sundresses. But most days I wear jeans.
I recycle everything I can get my hands on, compost, and always look for ways to save energy. But I drive a Jeep SUV.
Over the weekend I watched CNN's full-length documentary
We Were Warned: Out of Gas three times before composing an essay from the industry's point of view. Last night I watched the
Bachelorette and bawled my eyes when she let Graham go. (The
Moen ad guy? Is she crazy?)
I'm a serious homebody and would prefer to stay in
any night over going out. But I travel over six months out of the year. Go figure.
At home, I teach Sunday School and adore my church. Yet churchy people creep me out.
I hate drinking water. I drink 75 oz. of water every day.
Dealing with money is my #1 Top Hated Thing, but I'm constantly buying stocks and moving money around. Much to the chagrin of the guy I pay to do those things.
The only pie I'll eat is chocolate. But I don't like meringue and don't eat the chocolate part, either.
I love eating out, but I travel with a crock pot, a hot plate, and a toaster oven so I never have to. (Huh?)
The idea of being tied down scares me. At 25, I bought a home.
As a lover of fine cuisine, I dream of pancetta-crusted pork tenderloin with a rosemary/shiraz reduction. My wish for my final meal? Taco Bell bean burritos with Fire sauce. (See comments for what I want inscribed on my tombstone someday.)
I listen to Christmas music all year. By December I'm tired of it and listen to Coldplay or something.
I love snow and mountains and cold weather. I live in Texas.
My favorite movies (right now) are
Pride and Prejudice (with Keira Knightley) and
Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Favorite TV shows are History Channel documentaries and
Pushing Daisies. (What?)
And last, but not least, I tell myself
every day that I'm going to hit "delete" on this blog and happily walk away. And here I am, telling you even
more about myself. :)
Okay. So there's me. (And before anyone asks, I told the lady who asked about my leftovers that I
eat them or compost them. And yes, I find this terribly funny and am laughing even now.)
Oh. And I'm convinced I'm sacrificing my retirement by giving too much money away. We draw for magazine subscriptions tomorrow. (!) See you then. -Brin