It's been a blur of headlights and highways the past several days. Driving from Monticello, Utah, to Ft. Worth, Texas, affords a lot of scenery and time for reflection.
Colorado was one of the most memorable months of my life. I'm sorry to see it done with. If you're ever handed a chance to spend several weeks in the mountains, take it. Don't think, just do it.

If, however, you are ever handed a chance to spend several weeks in New Mexico, um... think about it first. (My sincerest apologies to all New Mexico readers, but the drive on I-40 between Albuquerque and Amarillo nearly killed me. Never doing that again.)
So I'm not home, but I'm headed there soon. Not for long... just for a pit stop. I understand I have big gardening news to share, so we'll get to that before the fourth.
Until then, my best. -Brin
oh my goodness, we're on the move again. I thought it was a summer in Colorado - oops ! my mistake I guess or a perhaps just another sudden change in plans.
Oh the ongoing mystery of it all. Wink.
Hope everything is going well on your jaunt through the mid-west states. Wow! The things I'm sure you saw on that drive. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Big things happening at home? Can't wait to hear about it. Take care of you. xxoo
Wish I had known you were coming near here. Jim and I would love to have dinner with you.
One of my very good friends lives in New Mexico, near Las Cruces.
I can't tell you how many times she has (in passing) remarked about the scorpion in her shoe, the skunk under her porch, the rattle snake going up her house, the rattle snake IN her house, having to keep her cats inside due to the very real possibility of being eaten by some wild animal, etc.
You couldn't pay me to live there, although I do love the pictures... from afar.
I found your blog several days ago, and wanted to tell you i am fascinated by it! you could print the whole thing and become very rich with your wonderful stories. you have been an inspiration to me. they say there are Angels here on Earth, i am beginning to think that you are :)
you cabin in Colorado was heaven, and the way you had the lemonade linens was so beautiful...
it also reminded me of my gramma that used to live up in the mountains of Tennessee....
i went way back to when you began your blog and found the story about the "bacon powder", i laughed so hard! (along with some other stories too) I also laughed with you taking a shower outdoors, hey make do with what you have...
you remind me so much of me when i renovated my home, for seven years to be exact. i cracked up when you were re-doing the fireplace and you wrote that you said some very bad words (and what you thought about the past tenants was so true and it's a good thing they still weren't around), i took off many layers of wallpaper that had many layers of paint over it in five rooms of my home and let me tell ya, you haven't lived until you've done that :O)
also don't worry about being single, hold out for only the best, you will find him, or i should say, you will find each other, when you least expect it :) i didn't find my true soulmate until i was 38 *gulp* had to kiss a lot of frogs before i found my prince lol
the photo's you just posted are gorgeous!
you are one in a million!
the best of luck on your ventures!
I'm sure that New Mexico has its charms; they're just not as easily seen sorta like Utah's. LOL!
Be careful out there and I can't wait until you're back at Freeman House.
i have lived through you this last month. i could do that in a heartbeat. glad you enjoyed your time in colorado. can't wait to see what you're up to next.
I grew up in Las Cruces, NM, and I can attest to the many ugly, plain, and flat out sketchy places in New Mexico.
But head up north central/northwest into the Jemez mountains and it's a completely different story. There are few places as stunning and awe-inspiring as the Valle Grande. I've never breathed such clear air or seen such starry nights. It's a different world compared to most of the state.
I just felt like I needed to represent! If only a little. I'll always miss the dry heat and the blue mountains on the horizon and the cool desert nights.
Plus, I think the scorpions and rattle snakes and coyotes and tarantulas and skunks (and the fact that my dad spent every vacation dragging us up in the mountains and making us SLEEP with them) just made me a tough girl.
I'm still afraid of spiders though.
Like Susan, I was sure you'd be in Colorado all summer (see post from May 21, Steak and "the plan") - but I'm sure Freeman House will be pleased to have you home!! Have you been working while you were in Colorado? Seems to me it's the perfect way to combine business with pleasure.
Curious, as always :-)
Tine from Denmark
Ahhh Brin..you'll be so glad to see Freeman House!
I'm an oil and gas broker. I go where the work is. I work on a project until it's completed, until the client runs out of funding, or until a "hotter" drill area presents itself and the oil company changes its prospect area. I'm at the mercy of my clients and their whims and a globally changing market. So sorry to have disappointed those who were expecting to live (vicariously) through me in Colorado this summer.
Can't wait for an update on Freeman house!! Be safe out there!!
Safe travels dear friend...I look forward to hearing what's happening at Freeman House! :)
Safe journeys, Brin. I have so enjoyed reading your experiences in your little cabin. Makes me want to take off for a while, just to figure out who I am these days. I realized while reading this chapter of your blog that I didn't leave my email address to contact me about the magazine subscription. You are so generous and I thank you so much. My email is milliways06@yahoo.com
Colorado was beautiful and you are off on another adventure. I can't wait to hear what the news at home is all about. You are living your life in a big way and so many of us wish we could pack up sometimes and just got where the work is and then come back later. I love your pictures.
Safe travels sweet Brin, you will be so glad to be home! I know that boring drive on I-40, made it a few times! There is alot of oil here in Missouri maybe they will send you to the Ozarks someday? I sent you mail to the cabin, I hope you got it before you left? Can't wait to hear a update on Freeman House. Hugs!
wishing and praying for your safe travels. enjoy your trip
You can't expect to see the beauty of New Mexico from the freeway! There's a lot of majestic scenery out here I think could compete with the best of 'em. In the Jemez mountains; I was on a mountain in Bandalier National Park and I could see several ridges, one after the other, rolling into the distance, and the wind starts blowing and the trees are actually whistling to you and you know it's direct commune with God sitting on top of His creation.
Did you spend any time in the Sandias when you came through Albuquerque? I went up to the peak on evening right before sunset and I tell you I've never seen the pinks, peaches, oranges, and purples settling in between mountains like you can see from up there. And the Rio Grande shimmering like a river of gold from the sun.
Hey Brin,
I've been really enjoying your blog for a while now and applaude you for making time to savor the simple things in life. I am still trying to master than skill.
It's been a little bit since your last post and I just wanted to say I hope you are doing well. Life as we both know can be rather chaotic, but know that someone out there is praying for you.
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